Category Archive: 6a) Gold & Monetary Metals

Guru Marc Faber: Dubai suddenly beats Switzerland

Video from Frank Scheunert

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Prof. Max Otte: „Wir haben gekauft, wir kaufen auch weiter“

#MaxOtte #Ukraine #Krieg #Börse #Digitalisierung #BigTech In diesem Interview legt Prof. Max Otte nicht nur seine Einschätzung des Krieges in der Ukraine dar, er analysiert auch, welche Auswirkungen der Krieg auf die Kapitalmärkte hat.

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Max Otte – „Russians“ (Max Otte singt)

Max Otte – „Russians“ (Max Otte singt) Songtext: In Europe and America there's a growing feeling of hysteria. Conditioned to respond to all the threats In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets. MIster Krushchev said, "We will bury you." I don't subscribe to this point of view. It'd be such an ignorant thing to do If the Russians love their children too. How can I save my little boy from Oppenheimer's deadly toy? There is no monopoly on...

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Marc Faber Great Reset aber anders !

Wo die Reise hin geht wenn Amerika seine Ziele weiterverfolgt !

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The Silver Price is Rising, but JPMorgan has a connection! | Alasdair MacLeod Silver Forecast

The Silver Price is Rising, but JPMorgan has a connection | Alasdair MacLeod Silver Forecast Central banks around the world underestimated the risk of inflation. "They have lost control over the situation," says Alasdair MacLeod #gold #silver #silverprice Subscribe To Our Channel ➤➤➤➤ Welcome to Investors Hub, an exclusive community of finance enthusiasts that are interested in understanding the ins and outs of the...

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Marc Faber: Great Reset – aber anders

Ukraine-Krieg und Neue Welt Ordnung: Westen runter, Osten rauf. Börsen-Legende Marc Faber im Gespräch mit Michael Mross. Unser Telegram Kanal: - WEB: Faber Report:

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Are Positive Real Rates a Fantasy in the West?┃ft. Harris Kupperman & Marc Faber┃KEDM Happy Hour

In KEDM's most recent Happy Hour, Harris Kupperman and Dr. Marc Faber discuss why even if global central banks do begin to hike rates it is still unlikely to see positive real interest rates in the west. Faber outlines the dire consequences of rapid rate hikes for stocks, bonds, real estate, and crypto and argues that central banks will posture more so than act. Sign up for your 1-month free trial to KEDM: Dr....

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Washington Enters Full Scapegoat Mode for Brewing Inflation Disaster

🔔 SUBSCRIBE TO MONEY METALS EXCHANGE ON YOUTUBE ➤ Another volatile week of trading saw precious metals markets rally to new highs for the year on Tuesday before suffering a sharp drawdown on Wednesday and more selling here today. Read the Full Transcript Here: Do you own precious metals you would...

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Marc Faber: Economic Doomsday Is Coming, “Are You Prepared” // Inflation, Gold, Silver

Marc Faber: Economic Doomsday Is Coming, "Are You Prepared" // Inflation, Gold, Silver, Precious Metals, Stock Market, Housing Market, Real Estate, Oil & Gas Marc Faber discusses the war in Europe which is leading us into energy and food shortages this year. The western countries banning Russia from SWIFT are leading to Russia and other abandoning the US Dollar. Other countries will follow to minimize their risk. The Big Reset is happening now....

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Will Gold Catch Up to Soaring Inflation?┃ft. Harris Kupperman & Marc Faber┃KEDM Happy Hour

In KEDM's most recent Happy Hour, Harris Kupperman and Dr. Marc Faber discuss the conundrum of deadly negative real rates and a sluggish gold price. As well they discuss the potential for the Fed and the ECB to step in and combat these negative rates with rate hikes in the US and Europe. Sign up for your 1-month free trial to KEDM: Dr. Marc Faber is the author of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, an in depth...

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This is Not The Silver Breakout You’re Looking For!

Every once in a while, one regrets not acting sooner, or not acting soon enough. In our case, we did not publish this Tuesday evening. We should have. Today the price is down, and others may also call for lower silver prices.

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Gold Gives You Personal Sovereignty

Dave Lukas of Misfit Entrepreneur invites Stephen Flood, CEO of GoldCore, to the show. Dave and Stephen talk about what people should know before investing in gold and silver, the present state of inflation, central banking, and the monetary system. Further, he explains why gold is still your safe-haven asset and how it provides you with personal sovereignty. They also talk about cryptocurrencies and their future. Stephen also...

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The real reason to hold Gold #Shorts #Economy #MarketCrash #Inflation #BreakingNews #News #NewsToday

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You Can’t Normalise the #Economy! #Shorts #MichaelPento #News #GoldNews #SilverNews #GoldCoreTV

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Fed wants to Keep Zombie Companies Afloat! #Shorts #MichaelPento #StockMarket #GoldNews #SilverNews

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Michael Pento on Jerome Powell #Shorts #MichaelPento #StockMarket #GoldNews #SilverNews #GoldCoreTV

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The Fed Will Raise Rates! #Shorts #Inflation #MichaelPento #StockMarket #GoldNews #SilverNews #news

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Indian Share Market में क्यों निवेश करना चाहते हैं दिग्गज निवेशक Marc Faber ? | Swadesh Exclusive

दिग्गज निवेशक Marc Faber का मानना है कि भारतीय इकोनॉमी काफी अच्छी स्थिति में है और वे युद्ध खत्म होने के बाद अमेरिकी शेयर की बजाय भारतीय शेयर खरीदेंगे। #StockMarket #Investment #GlobalMarket #IndianEconomy #UkraineRussiaWar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subscribe to our channel: Download our mobile app:...

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Max Otte tweetet eine brisante Quellensammlung [POLITIK SPEZIAL]

Https:// #Ukraine #Krieg #Nato 'Osterweiterung #ArnaudBertrand Professor Max Otte hat auf Twitter eine Aufsehen erregende Quellensammlung von @RnaudBertrand übersetzt. Es ist eine bemerkenswerte und in der Treffsicherheit der einzelnen Zitate eine deprimierende Sammlung eindringlicher Warnungen von Historikern, Geostrategen, Militärs, Top-Diplomaten,...

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