Category Archive: 5.) The Economist

Donald Trump’s big test in 2018 | The Economist

Donald Trump will face his biggest test as president in November 2018. A bad result in the mid-term elections could lead to his impeachment. Can Mr Trump unite and rally Republican voters? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In November 2018 President Donald Trump will face his biggest political test yet …

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Can extreme poverty ever be eradicated? | The Economist

Poverty rates have fallen faster in the past 30 years than at any other time on record. The UN wants extreme poverty to disappear by 2030. We assess the data to see if this is achievable. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: It is estimated that somebody escapes extreme poverty every …

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Are Americans trashing the English language? | The Economist

Britons often grumble that Americanisms are creeping into British English. Lane Greene, our language guru, asks where American words really come from—and whether they pose a threat to the Queen’s English. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Are American’s trashing the English language? The Economists language expert, Lane Greene, knows a …

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Welcome to the startup jungle | The Economist

Most new companies fail. What does it take for young entrepreneurs around the world to thrive in a startup hub? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Over the past two decades start-ups have changed the world. Multi-billion dollar companies like Google, Facebook, and Uber have shown the transformative power of entrepreneurship. …

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The 2018 World Cup could lead to conflict on and off the pitch | The Economist

The football World Cup in Russia will be the biggest sporting event of 2018. President Vladimir Putin will use the tournament to further his geopolitical goals. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In 2018, the eyes of the world will be on Russia. The country will host what is set to …

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Zimbabwe is free of Robert Mugabe, should the world celebrate? | The Economist

Zimbabwe may be free of Robert Mugabe, who has been deposed in an apparent military coup, but the celebrations occurring in the country’s capital will be short-lived. Emmerson Mnangagwa, the man who may end up in charge, is every bit as nasty as his ex-boss, and the economic turmoil that the country is in will …

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Abortion at sea | The Economist

Making abortions illegal does not stop them from happening, but it does stop them happening safely. Meet the charity taking women out to international waters where they can have safe abortions without fear of prosecution. Screen reader support enabled. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: This woman is about to be …

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Brexit could end the age of “Cool Britannia” | The Economist

Brexit is not only a concern for Britain’s economic future, it’s also threatening the country’s “street cred”: 2018 could mark the end of “Cool Britannia”. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Could 2018 be the year Britain loses its cool? By autumn, the complex Brexit negotiations should be drawing to a …

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Returning ISIS fighters: How should governments deal with them? | The Economist

ISIS fighters are returning home to Europe. In Britain, half of the 850 citizens known to have joined ISIS have already come back. As France marks the two-year anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack on its soil, governments have to decide what to do with returning foreign fighters. Click here to subscribe to The Economist …

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The struggles for independence and the impact of redrawing borders | The Economist

From Catalonia to Kurdistan and Quebec, many people are demanding independence. What does it take to transform a cultural identity into a nation-state? And what is the impact? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: The number of countries in the United Nations has grown over the decades – from 51 states …

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Space tourism will lift-off in 2018 | The Economist

Space tourism will take-off in 2018. As the race between spaceflight companies Virgin Galactic and SpaceX heats up, those who can afford it will be able to travel to low Earth orbit and possibly even around the moon. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In late 2018, tourists will be heading …

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The Balfour Declaration’s impact, 100 years on | The Economist

The Balfour Declaration was penned 100 years ago, but its legacy still resonates in the Middle East today. How did a letter, only 67-words long, ignite 100 years of conflict? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: 100 years ago this week Arthur Balfour, the British foreign secretary, penned a letter that …

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Facial recognition technology will change the way we live | The Economist

Facial recognition technology will transform the way we live in 2018. Machines that can read and recognise our faces will go mainstream, opening up exciting possibilities and posing new dangers Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In 2018 machines that can read your face will go mainstream, changing the way we …

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Urbanisation and the rise of the megacity | The Economist

Urbanisation is happening faster today than at any time in history. By 2030 nearly 9% of the global population will live in so-called megacities—cities with more than 10m inhabitants. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: In 1950 New York and Tokyo were the only so called megacities; cities with more than …

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Transforming cities with technology | The Economist

Cities are growing faster than at any time in history, straining services and infrastructure. Technology-driven advances are at the forefront of solving this age-old problem Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: By 2050, two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities. Urbanisation is happening faster than at any time …

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The climate-change experiment | The Economist

Climate-change experts are researching ways to cool down the planet using geoengineering. How could spraying chemicals into the stratosphere help counteract global warming? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: What if you discovered a way to cool down the planet? Extreme weather events are becoming more common and more ferocious. As …

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Instagram playboy is also the vice-president of Equatorial Guinea | The Economist

Equatorial Guinea’s vice-president records his lavish lifestyle on Instagram, but it is unclear where his money comes from. He is currently being tried for embezzlement and money-laundering in France, where a verdict will be announced this week. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Meet one of Instagram’s most famous playboys. He …

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Donald Trump asks for advice from Xi Jinping | The Economist

Donald Trump asks for help from China’s leader, Xi Jinping, in this week’s Economist cartoon from Kal. Peer inside the mind of our political cartoonist as he conjures up a dragon for the 19th China national congress. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: One of Kal’s favourite things to draw is …

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Electric cars will come of age in 2018 | The Economist

Electric cars will come of age in 2018. For the first time they will compete in price and performance with petrol and diesel cars. But in the year ahead we will also be confronted with some uncomfortable truths about going electric. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: 2018 is set to …

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Xi Jinping, China’s president, is the world’s most powerful man | The Economist

Is Xi Jinping the world’s most powerful man? The world’s balance of power is shifting. For the past five years president Xi Jinping, China’s leader, has ruled with an iron fist and has been pursing a new model of great power relations. Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Xi Jinping rules …

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