Category Archive: 5) Global Macro

The Coming Global Financial Crisis: Debt Exhaustion

The global economy is way past the point of maximum debt saturation, and so the next stop is debt exhaustion. Just as generals fight the last war, central banks always fight the last financial crisis. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008-09 was primarily one of liquidity as markets froze up as a result of the collapse of the highly leveraged subprime mortgage sector that had commoditized fraud (hat tip to Manoj S.) via liar loans and...

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What will replace Facebook? | The Economist

Facebook has dominated the social-media landscape for the past 15 years. But breaches of its users’ privacy mean it is now slipping out of favour. Could an emerging technological movement take its place? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: For more from Economist Films visit: Check out The Economist’s full …

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Fear Or Reflation Gold?

Gold is on fire, but why is it on fire? When the precious metals’ price falls, Stage 2, we have a pretty good idea what that means (collateral). But when it goes the other way, reflation or fear of deflation? Stage 1 or Stage 3? If it is Stage 1 reflation based on something like the Fed’s turnaround, then we would expect to find US$ markets trading in exactly the same way.

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Bond Curves Right All Along, But It Won’t Matter (Yet)

Men have long dreamed of optimal outcomes. There has to be a better way, a person will say every generation. Freedom is far too messy and unpredictable. Everybody hates the fat tails, unless and until they realize it is outlier outcomes that actually mark progress. The idea was born in the eighties that Economics had become sufficiently advanced that the business cycle was no longer a valid assumption.

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Theresa May’s Brexit power struggle, cartooned | The Economist

With a dangerous Brexit deadline looming, our cartoonist KAL contemplates the British Prime Minister’s next move. Is this one power struggle Theresa May is destined to lose? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: For more from Economist Films visit: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: Like The Economist …

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Monthly Macro Monitor – February (VIDEO)

Alhambra Investments CEO Joe Calhoun discusses the latest information about markets, specific categories affecting the economy.

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It’s Not That There Might Be One, It’s That There Might Be Another One

It was a tense exchange. When even politicians can sense that there’s trouble brewing, there really is trouble brewing. Typically the last to figure these things out, if parliamentarians are up in arms it already isn’t good, to put it mildly. Well, not quite the last to know, there are always central bankers faithfully pulling up the rear of recognizing disappointing reality.

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So If Half of Facebook Accounts Are Fake… What Is Facebook Worth?

The social media space is absolutely ripe for a new entrant who demands arduous verification and constantly monitors its user base to eliminate cloned and fake accounts. How many accounts on Facebook are fake? Recent estimates of half could be low. Here's an experiment: open a Facebook account with a name that cannot possibly be anyone else's real name, for example, Johns XQR Citizenry.

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Charles Hugh Smith: Prepare Now today! 2019 Everything Is About To Change Going World Wide, Wait For

Charles Hugh Smith: Prepare Now today! 2019 Everything Is About To Change Going World Wide, Wait For

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What happens when we sleep? | The Economist

Sleep is central to maintaining your physical and mental health, but many people don’t sleep enough. We all do it, but what happens to us when we sleep? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: Every night almost everyone on the planet enters into a state of unconsciousness and paralysis – but …

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So You Want to Get Rich: Focus on Human Capital

Wealth is flowing to those who earn money from their human capital and enterprise. So you want to get rich: OK, what's the plan? If you ask youngsters how to get rich, many will respond by listing the professions the media focuses on: entertainment, actors/actresses, pro athletes, and maybe a few lionized inventors or CEOs.

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The “Working Rich” Are Not Like You and Me-or the Oligarchs

Rising income inequality may be a reflection of the changing nature of work. F. Scott Fitzgerald's story The Rich Boy included this famous line: "Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me." According to a recent paper published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER),Capitalists in the Twenty-First Century (abstract only), the "working rich" are different from you and me, and from the Oligarchs above them...

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Monthly Macro Monitor – January 2019

A Return To Normalcy. In the first two years after a newly elected President takes office he enacts a major tax cut that primarily benefits the wealthy and significantly raises tariffs on imports. His foreign policy is erratic but generally pulls the country back from foreign commitments. He also works to reduce immigration and roll back regulations enacted by his predecessor.

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The Ruling Elites Love How Easily We’re Distracted and Turned Against Each Other

No wonder the ruling elites love how easily we're distracted and divided against ourselves: it's so easy to dominate a distracted, divided, blinded-by-propaganda and negative emotions populace. Let's say you're one of the ruling elites operating the nation for the benefit of the oligarchy.

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China’s Eurodollar Story Reaches Its Final Chapters

Imagine yourself as a rural Chinese farmer. Even the term “farmer” makes it sound better than it really is. This is a life out of the 19th century, subsistence at best the daily struggle just to survive. Flourishing is a dream.

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Charles Hugh Smith On Pathfinding Our Destiny Amidst Social & Political Disunity

Click here for the full transcript:

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH – Breakdown In The Global System- Self-Reinforcing Recession

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MH17: can Russia be held to account? | The Economist

Australia and the Netherlands say Russia is responsible for shooting down flight MH17 in 2014. The families of the 298 victims want justice—but which court can give it to them? Click here to subscribe to The Economist on YouTube: For more from Economist Films visit: Check out The Economist’s full video catalogue: …

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Gentrified Urban America Will Be Hit Hard by the Recession

Combine sky-high commercial rents in homogenized, gentrified urban areas and sharp declines in the incomes of the limited populace who can afford gentrified urban areas and what do you get? A number of macro dynamics have set up gentrified urban America for a big fall in the coming recession.

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CHARLES HUGH SMITH RED ALERT – Why We Are Going Toward Venezuela’s Path

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