Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Einführung eines Vermogensregister durch die EU, warum?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Warum führt die EU ein Vermögensregister ein? #Transparenz #Vermögensregister #Solidarität Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und...

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Can an Easy Money Policy Increase Employment of “Idle Resources”?

When an economy suffers a recession, some factors of production, such as labor, become unemployed. Keynesians believe that expanding credit and fiat money will bring back full employment. That's not how an economy works. Original Article: Can an Easy Money Policy Increase Employment of "Idle Resources"?

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The Establishment Is Unmasking Itself

American political and economic elites insist that they should have authority over everyone else. As people rebel, the elites are only doubling down on their original demands. Original Article: The Establishment Is Unmasking Itself

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Yemen: The Forgotten Neoconservative-Supported War in the Middle East

While Western attention is on the Israel-Hamas conflict, war quietly rages in Yemen with predictable destruction. Not surprisingly, US interventionism is fueling this fight. Original Article: Yemen: The Forgotten Neoconservative-Supported War in the Middle East

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Sparen kann sexy sein

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Warum ist Sparen sexy? #sparen #sexy #finanzielleintelligenz Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und Geldanlagen:...

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“Humanitarianism” as an Excuse for Colonialism and Imperialism

Spreading civilization and human rights has long been used as an excuse for state-building through colonialism and imperialism. This idea dates back at least to early Spanish and colonial efforts in the New World, and the rationale was initially employed as just one of many.  The importance of the conquest-spreads-civilization claim increased, however, as liberalism gained ground in Europe in the nineteenth century. Liberals were more skeptical of...

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What Is Inflation for 2024?

In this week's episode, Mark compares two definitions of inflation and what this means for policy-makers and the productive population in 2024. The mainstream view creates nothing but confusion and smokescreens, while the Austrian definition shows that the true definition shows a much higher level of economic pain and uncertainty and more economic problems to come in 2024. Be sure to follow Minor Issues at Get your...

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Government Employee Pensions Are Underfunded. Taxpayers Will Make Up the Difference

People aren’t messing with their 401(k)s enough, according to the The Wall Street Journal. It used to be “Set it and forget it.” Now, according to the Wall Street Journal’s Jon Sindreu, if you forget it, you might miss it. Inspired by a BlackRock thought experiment which included perfect knowledge, Sindreu looked backward between 2020 and the present at a person making yearly changes (moving funds to the previous year’s strongest sector) which...

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Bastiat versus MMT

Proponents of modern monetary theory (MMT) are back in action after a quiet spell during the embarrassing (for them) record price inflation of 2021–23. They are here to tell us that the mountain of government spending and debt is nothing to worry about; the government’s red ink is the private sector’s black ink, they say. Private sector growth emanates from public sector deficits, and since the US government has a gigantic money printer, there’s no...

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Kann Auswandern die Lösung sein?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Wieso kann Auswandern eine Lösung sein? #rausausdeutschland #auswandern #freiheit Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und...

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Does Government Spending and Money Expansion Create New Wealth or Destroy It?

Many economists claim that economic growth is driven by increases in the total demand for goods and services, additionally claiming that overall output increases by a multiple of the increase in expenditures by government, consumers, and businesses. Thus, it is not surprising that most economic commentators believe that a fiscal and monetary stimulus will strengthen total demand, preventing the US economy from falling into a recession. These...

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CK*persönlich: Dirk Müller trifft Gerichtspsychiater Dr. Asshoff – Fokus auf das Wesentliche

👉 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐤𝐮𝐫𝐬.𝐜𝐨𝐦: 𝐉𝐞𝐭𝐳𝐭 𝟏 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭 𝐟ü𝐫 𝟏€ 𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧 ►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter inkl. täglichem DAX-Update ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►► #dirkmueller #cashkurs #informationsvorsprung – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk...

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¿Por qué Cada Vez TODO Está MÁS CARO?

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Are Capital Gains Income? The Connection with Mises’s Calculation Problem

Bob goes solo to discuss a recent Twitter controversy, in which opponents of a proposed tax argued that unrealized capital gains couldn't possibly be a form of income. Bob cites both Austrian theory and corporate accounting practice to respond that all capital gains are income, which is not to say that they ought to be taxed. The dispute is important because understanding the definition of "income" sheds light on the role of market prices...

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Jacobin Capitalism?

In his important book The Failure of American Conservatism (2023), the political theorist and philosopher Claes G. Ryn offers some criticisms of libertarianism and free-market capitalism, and in this week’s column, I’d like to examine these. Ryn is not an opponent of all forms of the free market, but he fears an extreme version of it can be dangerous. He defends what he calls “value-centered historicism,” according to which people’s values stem not...

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Taiwan Says ‘No’ to Unification: What’s China’s Next Move? | Elbridge Colby

Will the US go to war with China over Taiwan? Most Americans have a hard time seeing that as a real possibility. Why should the US care about an island right off China’s mainland that’s smaller than its biggest national park? Foreign policy expert Elbridge Colby, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Force Development, breaks down China’s plan to dominate the Eastern Hemisphere—starting with Taiwan—and then challenge...

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Rising Interest Rates and the “Great Reset” Bubble

Even though many deny it, the “Great Reset” exists, referring to a set of ideas that range from “stakeholder capitalism” to “wokeness” and “fourth industrial revolution” to “transhumanism.” It is effectively popularized especially through the World Economic Forum. The fight against viruses and epidemics and particularly the politically driven move away from fossil fuels to “save the global climate” are probably the most visible footprints of the...

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Corrupt Money = Corrupt Society

Share this article Discussion with Sean from SGT Report about the corruption of our money which has led to the corruption of society. to watch the video click on this link:

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Was ist der Schlüssel für finanzielle Freiheit?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Was ist der Schlüsselfaktor zur finanziellen Freiheit? #finanziellefreiheit #selbstverantwortung #deinleben Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten...

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