Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Anarchast Ep. 83 with Doug French: Rothbard’s Legacy

In this edition of Anarchast Jeff interviews Doug French of Laissez Faire books ( at Freedom Fest, Las Vegas. Doug came into Anarchism through Murray Rothbard while studying for his Masters degree. He worked in banking during the boom and bust of real estate market in Las Vegas and then went started working at Mises …

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John Mauldin’s ‘Investing In The New Normal’

Investment pros John Mauldin, Mohamed El-Erian, David Rosenberg, Barry Ritholtz, John Hussman and Kyle Bass discuss these important investor questions: 1) Is the Market’s Run Sustainable? 2) Where Do You Find Safe Income? 3) The Euro Crisis. DC Dysfunction. Central Bankers Printing Trillions. What Does It Mean for Your Portfolio NOW? Watch the full video …

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Smallcap-Investor Talk vom 4.7.2013 mit Ronald Stöferle über Gold, Öl, Überschuldung, Japan, usw…

Interview mit Ronald Stöferle (Analyst, Geschäftsführer & Fondsmanager) Herausgeber des legendären ERSTE-Bank Goldreport “In GOLD we TRUST”, von welchem vor wenigen Tagen die 7. Ausgabe erschienen ist. Hier geht es zum Download: Inhalt: – Überschuldung am Beispiel Japan – QE Programme – werden die Programme ausgebaut? – Kommt der...

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Bet against Fed: Man who made billions during 2008 crash

Kyle Bass, the hedge fund manager who made billions betting against mortgage-backed securities in 2008, now says to bet against The Fed and all central banks. He says average investor is being forced to put money in wrong place at wrong time. Watch the full interview at

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Bet against Fed: Man who made billions during 2008 crash

Kyle Bass, the hedge fund manager who made billions betting against mortgage-backed securities in 2008, now says to bet against The Fed and all central banks. He says average investor is being forced to put money in wrong place at wrong time. Watch the full interview at

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Mauldin, Ritholtz & Hussman: Factories Are Coming Back To America

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John Mauldin Is Bullish On America

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Mauldin, Ritholtz & Hussman: What I Worry About For Investors

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Mauldin, Ritholtz & Hussman: The Bailouts Forced The Fed into QE

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Mauldin, Ritholtz & Hussman: We Have No Savers In The United States

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America’s Hen Island- Thank Mayor Doug French

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Janet Yellen’s Fed Has The Makings Of A Potential Disaster

In 2013, President Obama nominated Janet Yellen to be the next Federal Reserve Chairman. We need to know what she stands for if we want to predict what the central bank will do to us next. Clearly, Yellen will continue Bernanke’s Quantitative Easing, but her papers and speeches show that she is quite different from her predecessor.

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Prof. Dr. Otmar Issing: EZB-Geldpolitik ist an ihr Ende geko

In einem Interview mit dem DAF äußerte sich der ehemalige Chefvolkswirt der EZB, Otmar Issing, skeptisch über den vermeintlichen Nutzen weiterer möglicher Zinssenkungen durch die EZB.

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Doug French’s Legacy, Part 1

As explosive events continue to rock the tony City of Rye, Mayor Doug French has announced he will not seek office in Nov. The news comes in the wake of the discovery of massive amounts of theft and fraud at Rye Golf Club. And, The Dapolite Matter, a young city staffer whose calls for help … Continue reading »

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Interview mit Dimitri Speck auf dem Münchner Börsentag 2013

Dimitri Speck, Autor von „Geheime Goldpolitik” spricht im Interview mit Programmleiter Georg Hodolitsch auf dem Börsentag 2013 in München über die langfristigen Chancen von Gold und warum er weiterhin trotz der Korrektur am Goldmarkt glaubt, dass in einem Umfeld von negativen Realzinsen und massiver Verschuldung der Euro-Staaten Gold eine gute Anlage bleibt. Auch die Frage …

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George Soros CFS Otmar Issing Frankfurt am Main 09.04.2013

Investment Star Mr. Soros at the Conference in Frankfurt am Main at the invitation of Mr. Issing from Center of Financial Studies exposing his theory about a possibility in order to find a solution for the Euro Crisis, which according to Mr. Walter was due to sovereign debt.

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362. Commie Cowboys | Ryan McMaken

Ryan McMaken talks to Lew Rockwell about what was wrong with the old Westerns and right about the new ones. Ryan McMaken’s website: The Lew Rockwell Show: _________ Music by Kevin MacLeod,

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Sweden: Myth and Reality | Per Bylund

Lecture presented by Per Bylund at Rhodes Collage, Memphis, Tennessee; 19 November 2008. * * * * * DISCLAIMER: This audio presentation is owned by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and is protected under Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0). This YouTube channel is in no way endorsed by or affiliated with the …

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Doug French – Unlimited FDIC Insurance

From a lecture given at Mises Manhattan “TAG: Unlimited Insurance, Unlimited Risk” by Douglas E. French Full lecture here:

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Doug French’s Hen Island

What City of Rye Mayor Doug French and City Manager Scott Pickup will not tell the public, we will… Westchester County officials informed the City of Rye that New York State Laboratory test results from larva drawn from samples on Rye’s Hen Island indicate high concentrations of West Nile Virus (WNV) carrying mosquitoes being hatched …

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