Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

George Friedman: Putin Has Two Years to Hold Russia Together

Subscribe to Friedman’s free publication “This Week in Geopolitics” ( and get an in-depth view of the forces that will drive events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now. —— Geopolitical expert George Friedman says the crude oil price collapse is “hollowing out” an already stretched Russian government budget. …

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Die Metallwoche im Interview mit Ronald Stöferle und Mark Valek

Was erwarten die Fondsmanager der Incrementum AG für 2016? von Direkt zum Auftakt des neuen Jahres gibt Rohöl weiter ab, von Experten prognostizierte “Böden” im Bereich von $35-40 wurden mittlerweile locker unterboten, denn das schwarze Gold schaute bereits unter die Marke von $30 und die Prognosen immer tieferer Preisziele häufen sich. Werden sich also …

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The Bull Market in Stocks May Be Done

The great stock bull market is, perhaps, done. To most people, a bull market is good, and its end is bad. After all, a rising market signifies a healthy economy. Investors are making money. Share prices are connected to business productivity, aren’t they?

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Sverige nutid och framtid | Radio Mises #074

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Sveriges nutid och framtid // Anno Domini 2016 är ännu ungt, men redan så brådmoget händelserikt. Tidningar uppfostrar undersåtarna för maktens räkning. Det svenska våldsmonopolet skyddar och gömmer invandrade brottslingar. Det amerikanska dito retas av milismän. Åsiktskorridoren imploderar i realtid. Edra ödmjuka poddpratare spekulerar i vad mer som kommer …

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Open Letter to the Banks

On Friday, I attended a digital money summit at the Consumer Electronics Show. I am writing to you to warn you about the disruption that is about to occur in banking. There are many startups (and larger companies too) that are gunning for you. Perhaps you have watched what Uber has done to the taxi business? Well, these guys are planning the same thing for the banking business.

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Claudio Grass: The Swiss Vote on Fractional Reserve Banking

You may have heard about the Swiss referendum to end fractional reserve lending by Swiss commercial banks. It’s a fascinating development for Austrians and libertarians, and it’s another example of how average Swiss people can use referenda to force both their central legislature and the twenty-six Swiss cantons to consider their proposals, merely by gathering …

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Robert P. Murphy IBC Introduction at Freedom Advisors

Murphy, co-creator of the IBC Practitioner Program, explains his background and how he came to know Nelson Nash’s “Infinite Banking Concept” at the Freedom Advisor Summit in St. Louis, MO in November 2015. For more details:

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John locke, liberalism | Radio Mises #073

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Under mitten av 1600-talet pågick stora sociala och religiösa förändringar i Storbritannien som utmynnade inbördeskrig. En av de stora stridsfrågorna var huruvida konungen skulle ha oinskränkt makt. Mot denna bakgrund funderade Locke på frågor som lag, rätt, statens legitimitet, grunden för egendom. Podstudion refererar och kritiserar Lockes idéer samt …

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 06.01.2016 – Politik- und Medienversagen im Kölner Belästigungsskandal

Weitere Themen: – Marktschwäche setzt sich fort / Chinas Wirtschaft: Hier kommt mehr als ein Sack Reis ins Rutschen… – Deutschland: Pkw-Neuzulassungen positiv – USA: Autos landen vermehrt auf der Halde – Dirk Müller Premium Aktien Fonds schlägt sich gut – Unternehmensmeldungen, u.a. zu Apple und Nikon – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen …

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Dirk Müller – Tagesausblick 04.01.2016 – Schwächster Jahresstart seit vielen Jahren

Weitere Themen: – China setzt nach Absturz Börsenhandel aus – Spannungen zwischen Saudi-Arabien und dem Iran – Neue Flüchtlingswelle über die Türkei und Griechenland – Unternehmensmeldungen u.a. von Daimler und Volkswagen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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What Is Money Printing?

There is a populist idea of money printing. The idea is that banks can just print what they want, enriching themselves in a massive fraud. But, does it really work this way?

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God jul | Radio Mises #072

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Den kulturbärande poddredaktionen hänfaller till traditionellt julfirande. Minnen, familjetraditioner och hopp om en bättre framtid blandas med sedvanlig högläsning av subversiva texter. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES: GOOGLE+:...

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Janet Yellen Fights the Tide of Falling Interest

The Fed is going to have to take back this interest rate hike (Dec 16). The process that sets the interest rate is complex. I have written many words on its terminal decline. However, there are two simple reasons why the trend remains downward.

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What the Fed Did NOT do

We will not spend much time discussing what the FOMC did as tons of ink have been spilled on that already. We will rather spend more time on what the FOMC did not do. A short recap will suffice; the FOMC did raise the interest rate band by 25 basis p...

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Per Bylund och ekonomer som saknar kapitalteori | Radio Mises #071

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Per Bylund återvänder för att utröna vad det mytiska kapitalet faktiskt är. Teorier av Böhm-Bawerk och Hayek avverkas. Ekonomiska system utan kapitalteori sågas. Slutligen diskuteras Pers kommande bok ”The problem of production” FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:...

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Falling Interest Causes Falling Profits

Most people assume that prices move as a result of changes in the money supply. Instead, let’s look at the effect of falling interest. To start, consider a hamburger restaurant. Suppose that the average profit in the burger business is ten percent of invested capital. If MacDowell’s is thinking about expanding, it has to consider the interest rate. Why?

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How Peak Debt Constrain the Fed from Moving Rates Higher

We have argued for a long time that 2016 will probably be a year of recession in the US and the Federal Reserve’s intent on raising rates will only help expedite it. We believe the current rate cycle will be short lived as the Federal Reserve is cons...

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Oli Roth – Tagesausblick 11.12.2015 – Chaos im Nahen und Mittleren Osten / Kapitalabzug aus China

Weitere Themen: – Anhaltende geopolitische Unsicherheiten belasten – Ausblick auf Fed-Sitzung und Großen Verfallstag nächste Woche – Anstehende US-Wirtschaftsdaten: Einzelhandelsumsätze, Erzeugerpreise, Verbrauchervertrauen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Stad mot land | Rradio Mises #070

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Städer är både naturliga och onaturliga. Människor har alltid samlats på marknader för att handla. Men även statsmakten föredrar geografisk centralisering av människor eftersom det är lättare att styra och beskatta dem på mindre ytor. De styrande har därför alltid varit intresserade av att anlägga städer och ge dem …

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Commodity-TV: Ronald Stöferle – Gold benefits from interest rate rise.

Ronald Stoeferle: Gold and other Metals Benefit from Interest Rate Raise. Interview with Investment Manager of Incrementum Fund.

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