Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Corporate Tax Receipts Reflect Economic Slowdown

We compare Tax Receipts against the Stock Market. It becomes obvious that tax receipts have slowed down recently. And so should the performance of the stock market.

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Incrementum Advisory Board Meeting, Q2 2016

  A New Bull Market in Gold? On April 10, the Incrementum Fund’s advisory board held its quarterly meeting. Two of the regulars (Zac Bharucha and Rahim Taghizadegan) were unable to attend this time, but we were joined by special guest Brent Johnson, ...

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A Trump Landslide in November?

  Objective Reality After spending three weeks with objective truth at the ranch, we are now forced to return to the world of myths, delusions, and claptrap. Yes, we are in Buenos Aires looking at a TV! And there they are… talking about the world of ...

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May Day Mayhem – Discontent on the Continent

  Europe’s Political Class Under Fire All over Europe not only religious and national holidays are observed, but also a socialist holiday, which we always thought was a bit strange – and in a way quite telling (as far as we know, there is no holiday ...

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Financial Revolution: ECB Blames You For Negative Interest Rates

Simon Black of the Sovereign Man explain how revolutions start. Using negative rates, the ECB blames the own people that it is saving too much. But revolutions can also start in the financial system and lead to its collapse.

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Buffett: I Might Consider Taking Money Out of Banks If They Charge for Deposits

With persistently low interest rates around the globe, billionaire investor Warren Buffett told CNBC on Monday he’d consider taking money out of banks, especially if negative interest rates result in customers being charged to park their money in accounts.

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Switzerland: You know negative interest rates are bad when…

Switzerland is famous for being punctual. The trains. The buses. The meticulously crafted, hand polished luxury watches. The Swiss are so culturally punctual that they even tend to pay their taxes well in advance of the filing deadline. But with negative rates, the cantons' tax office do no longer like this.

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Carly Fiorina: Running Mate Turns Into Fall Girl

Ted Cruz picked Carly Fiorina as “vice-presidential running mate”. Shareholders lost 50% when Fiorina was leading HP. Will Fiorina help Cruz losing?

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 2.5.2016 – Gold und Goldminen auf dem Weg nach oben! – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Dirk Müller – TTIP-Rohvertrag: Viel schlimmer als erwartet!

Auszug aus dem vom 02.05.2016. – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller Bildrechte: & GrAl /

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How Unsound Money Fuels Unsound Government Spending

Stefan Gleason shows the major slides that may predict a collapse of the dollar. The Trade Deficit after the abandonment of gold, the explosion of entitlements like social security, Medicare, Obamacare, subsidies and the explosion of the federal deficit to 1 trillion in 2022. The reason: Unsound money.

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Gold And Negative Interest Rates

Submitted by Dan Popescu via, The Inflation Illusion We hear more and more talk about the possibility of imposing negative interest rates in the US. In a recent article former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asks what tools the Fed h...

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The ‘Strange’ Death of Mr. Abadi

As expected, PM Abadi was always going to come off worse in his last ditch attempt to try and regain some kind of political initiative by appointing a new look ‘technocratic’ government in Baghdad. But the ailing Prime Minister has managed to back hi...

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With Fiat Money, Everything Is Relative

  What Determines a Currency’s Value? At the end of March the price of the euro in terms of US dollars closed at 1.1378. This was an increase of 4.7 percent from February when it increased by 0.3 percent. The yearly growth rate of the price of the eu...

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Negative Rates: Jim Bianco Warns “The Risk Of An ‘Accident’ Is Very High”

In an interesting interview with Finanz und Wirtschaft, Bianco Research president Jim Bianco discusses a variety of topics such as negative interest rates turning the entire credit process upside down, bank balance sheets being even more complex and ...

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Gold and Negative Interest Rates

  The Inflation Illusion We hear more and more talk about the possibility of imposing negative interest rates in the US. In a recent article former Fed chairman Ben Bernanke asks what tools the Fed has left to support the economy and inter alia discu...

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Ryan McMaken on An Economy of One National

Ryan McMaken, editor of Mises Daily and The Austrian, joins Gary Rathbun on An Economy of One National. You can hear An Economy of One (National) on Radio America Network Sundays at 6 p.m. ET here: Read more by Ryan at here:

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Hillary Will be the Least of Your Worries – America has Economic Diarrhea

According to the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), the official recession arbiter, the US economy is currently at its fourth longest expansion in history. By the sheer nature of a capitalistic society with its inherent cyclicality it is a ...

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Peak Data: When Not Enough Is Already Too Much

  The Wild 1990s Not so long ago, during 1990’s, the connecting world of the connected world we now know was literally and comprehensively in the development stage during those wild crazy go go years before the crash in technology stocks in 2000.   T...

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Political Pundits, or Getting Paid for Wishful Thinking

  Bill Kristol – the Gartman of Politics? It has become a popular sport at Zerohedge to make fun of financial pundits who appear regularly on TV and tend to be consistently wrong with their market calls. While this Schadenfreude type reportage may st...

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