Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 08.06.2016 – Milliarden-Zocker erhält Entschädigung

Aus der Kategorie “Verrückte Welt”: Milliarden-Zocker Jerome Kerviel erhält eine Entschädigung von der Société Général – ein Fall, der den Ausdruck “Too Big to Fail” treffend zusammenfasst. Weitere Themen des heutigen Tagesausblicks: – Weltbank: Schwächeres Wachstum und höheres Potential für neue Finanzkrise – Können Notenbanken Schuldenrückzahlung bis in alle Ewigkeit verschieben? – USA:...

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The Real Reason We Have a Welfare State

  From Subject to Citizen BALTIMORE – June 5th, the Swiss cast their votes and registered their opinions: “No,” they said. We left off yesterday wondering why something for nothing never works. Not as monetary policy. Not as welfare or foreign aid. N...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 06.06.2016 – Treffen der Bilderberger in Dresden

Weitere Themen des Tagesausblicks: – Miese US-Wirtschaftsdaten: Auch der Mainstream bemüht den Begriff “Rezession” – Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen: Schweizer Souverän belebt Diskussion – DAX an 200-Tage-Linie – EU-Einlagensicherung verliert an Rückhalt – Datenpanne bei der Deutschen Bank: So hilfreich kann Bargeld sein – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse,...

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Moving Closer to BREXIT

  Polls Show Growing Support for a Break with the EU In the UK as elsewhere, the political elites may have underestimated the strength of the trend change in social mood across Europe. The most recent “You-Gov” and ICM pools show a widening lead in f...

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Free Money Leaves Everyone Poorer

  Destroying Lives BALTIMORE – A dear reader reminded us of the comment, supposedly made by Groucho Marx: “A free lunch? You can’t afford a free lunch.”   Groucho dispensing valuable advice Photo via   He was responding to last week’s Diary ...

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Is it Time to Buy Real Estate? Yes and No

  Is it Time to Buy Income-Producing Real Estate?  No, No, No. Much to the dismay of my real estate buddies, who are complaining about how high prices while watching the cash flow of their portfolios bursting at the seams from a few good years of ren...

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Walter Block | #080 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Radio Mises har nöjet att intervjua den politiskt inkorrekte Walter Block. Han talar om ”Defending the Undefendable”, personligt om Murray Rothbard, varför dvärgkastning inte bör förbjudas, varför det är bra med korrumperade poliser och en hel hög andra normbrytande ämnen. Känsliga lyssnare varnas. FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT:...

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Robert P. Murphy – The Worst Economist in the World


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8 Lessons That We Can Learn From The Economic Meltdown In Venezuela

Submitted by Michael Snyder via The End of The American Dream blog, We are watching an entire nation collapse right in front of our eyes.  As you read this article, there are severe shortages of just about anything you can imagine in Venezuela.&nb...

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Saudi-Arabia: Peg or Banking Crisis?

During the reign of the mighty petro-dollar standard, it was necessary for major oil exporters to recycle their dollar holdings back into the dollar-based financial system to maintain their self-imposed exchange rate pegs. US government bonds are the...

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Swiss Referendum: The new World of Bread and Circuses

9 out of 10 workers could be permanently replaced by robots. The working classes of Rome were put out of work by “robots,” too – slaves captured in Rome’s many successful conquests. Given the Swiss initiative for the minimum income, welcome to the world of bread and circuses!

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Twitter’s Other Growing Problem – A Surging Share Count

It seems like almost everybody has an opinion about Twitter. As for the company it seems that their “window of opportunity” to massively succeed has essentially closed as user growth and revenue have both slowed, quite dramatically, over the past 18 months. Oddly, the strategy at Twitter seems to be not to thrive, but just to survive.

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Turning Stones Into Bread – The Japanese Miracle

  Stuffing the Futon Our friend Ramsey Su just asked what Haruhiko Kuroda and Shinzo Abe are going to do now in light of the strong yen (aside from perhaps doing the honorable thing). Isn’t it time to just “wipe out some debt with the stroke of a pen...

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Guided By Nonsense

  Seven Year Achievement   “Read the directions and directly you will be directed in the right direction.” — Lewis Carroll   See? It’s easy Janet! Just read the directions! Illustration credit: Walt Disney   U.S. consumers are at it again.  After a s...

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Dimitri Speck ueber Gold, Inflation, Negativzinsen und EZB-Anleihenkaeufe Auf der Mark Banco Anlegertagung Ende Mai 2016 in Hamburg haben wir mit Dimitri Speck über die aktuellen Entwicklungen rund um Euro und aktuelle Geldpolitik der Notenbank gesprochen. Auch die Verschuldungssituation weltweit, mögliche künftige Entwicklungen sowie mögliche Folgen für Anleger und Sparer sind Themen des Video-Interviews. Quelle:

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Grasping Parasites and Bernie the Underdog

The system changed in 1971, when President Nixon took the dollar off the gold standard. Since then, the powers that be no longer depended on Congress… or savers…or voters… to raise the funds they needed. What about Bernie Sanders?

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OPEC’s Game within a Game

The fact OPEC just agreed to agree on nothing in Vienna. What next? Lots of noise about collective output vs. country allocations.

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Räcker pengarna till ränta? | #079 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Monetärt mischmasch. Hur mycket guld behövs för att återinföra guldmyntfot? Ett gram till exempel. En av poddpladdrarna är för och den andre emot. Men vad skulle hända om någon köpte upp allt guld då? Ett flertal monetära myter avlivas rituellt. Även tips på hur man dubblar sina pengar. FACEBOOK: …

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Notes from ECB Press Conference

ECB press conference June 2 2016 Q; Risk to inflation balanced? April meeting, no conclusive evidence of second round effects, are they now? A; Additional stimulus beyond CSPP and TLTRO2 not necessary as we expect higher inflation. We do not see evid...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 02.06.2016 – Brasilien: US-Rache an Dilma Rousseff?

Weitere Themen: – EZB-Pressekonferenz um 14:30 Uhr & Freihandelsabkommen EU-Mexiko: Ein neues Hintertürchen für die USA? – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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