Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Central Banks = Welfare for the Wealthy

The fact that central banks provide welfare for the wealthy is now entering the mainstream. The fact that all central bank policies since 2008 have dramatically increased wealth and income inequality is now grudgingly being accepted as reality by mainstream economists and the financial media. The central banks' PR facade of noble omniscience on behalf of the great unwashed masses has cracked wide open.

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Mission Creep – How the Fed will justify maintaining its excessive balance sheet

FOMC have changed their normalizing strategy several times and we now see the contours of yet another shift. The Federal Reserve was supposed to reduce its elevated balance sheet before moving interest higher as it would be impossible to increase the fed funds rate in the old fashioned way when the market was saturated with trillions of dollars in excess reserves.

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The Idea that Overseas Manufacturing Jobs will Return to the US is Pure Fantasy

As we enter the final lap of the presidential race in the United States, as always, the two candidates will say just about anything to secure your vote. And of course the economy is a major topic of conversation. Loud calls for both higher wages and more jobs dominate the rhetoric. Naturally, Hillary Clinton and Donny Trump claim they can easily solve both of these problems. I can only laugh at their certitude. They are so wrong… and like true...

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Loose Monetary Policy and Social Inequality

It has been almost eight years since former U.S. President George W. Bush warned the world that “without immediate action by Congress, America could slip into a financial panic and a distressing scenario would unfold.” The government’s response to the crisis was a USD700 billion rescue package that was supposed to prevent U.S. banks from collapsing and encourage them to resume lending, which was soon to be followed by a series of Quantitative...

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Weekend Reading Negative Rates: The Coin Flip Market

As summer begins to fade, and kids return to school, the focus once again turns to the annual event of Central Bankers in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. However, if you only looked at the market as a gauge as to the excitement of the event, well it must have been one pretty boring after-party.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 26.08.2016 – Apple & Co.: Transatlantischer Streit um Besteuerung

Weitere Themen: – DAX: Fehlausbruch oder neue Aufwärtsbewegung? – Jackson Hole: Notenbankertreffen als Market Mover? – USA: Stagflation voraus? – Finnland: Bedingungsloses Grundeinkommen wird konkreter – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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Franklin D. Roosevelt: Champion or Opponent of Liberty | Robert P. Murphy

Conrad Black and Independent Institute Senior Fellow Robert P. Murphy in Franklin D. Roosevelt: Champion or Opponent of Liberty debate at Freedom Fest 2016. This video was produced by Freedom Fest. About Robert P. Murphy Robert P. Murphy is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute, Research Assistant Professor with the Free Market Institute at …

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Cashkurs*Trends – Aktienanalyse: Fresenius Medical Care Im monatlichen Webinar widmen sich Dirk Müller, Fundamentalspezialist Andreas Meyer und Charttechniker André Rain den Fragen der Mitglieder und besprechen die aktuellen Situation und die Aussichten der Märkte und der aktuellen Depotwerte. In August-Webinar wurden unter anderem Priceline und Fresenius Medical Care näher beleuchtet Fresenius Medical Care ist einer der Werte im langfristigen Anlegerdepot …

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Party Like It’s 1999

OUZILLY, France – The farther you get from the big city, or the international press… the closer you get to reality. The myth and claptrap disappears as distance shortens. Imagination gives way to fact. Gone is global warming, for instance. Instead, you find – as we did when we drove to Nova Scotia for a summer holiday in the 1990s – that it will be “75 degrees in Halifax again today… No relief in sight.”

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Yarns, Mysteries, and the CPI

Several ill-defined economic data points were unveiled this week. Namely, the Labor Department’s July consumer price index report. According to the government data, on whole, consumer prices for the month didn’t change one iota. In reality, the CPI is so distorted and disfigured it doesn’t really tell us much that’s useful. Empirical experience and common sense are much better indicators of inflation and deflation. What’s more, you don’t have...

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Should we Be Concerned About the Fall in Money Velocity?

A fall in the US velocity of money M2 to 1.44 in June from 1.51 in June last year and 2.2 in May 1997 has alarmed many experts. Note that the June figure is the lowest since January 1959.

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Does the UK Need Even More Stimulus?

“We are all Keynesians now, so let’s get fiscal.” This is one view according to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard from The Telegraph who believes the time is right for the UK government to loosen its fiscal stance. He suggests that the “Bank of England has done everything possible under the constraints of monetary orthodoxy to cushion the Brexit shock. It is now up to the British government to save the economy, and the sooner the better,” — argues the...

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 22.08.2016 – Regierung rät zu Vorratskäufen – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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The Deep State’s Catch-22

What happens if the Deep State pursues the usual pathological path of increasing repression? The system it feeds on decays and collapses. Catch-22 (from the 1961 novel set in World War II Catch-22) has several shades of meaning (bureaucratic absurdity, for example), but at heart it is a self-referential paradox: you must be insane to be excused from flying your mission, but requesting to be excused by reason of insanity proves you're sane.

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The Dos Santos Succession Saga

Arguably one of the easier calls for us to make after 37 years in power was that President dos Santos would find ways of affording himself another 5 years in. Like any ‘effective’ leader, Mr. Santos made sure the final deal to do just that was stitched up long before the Party Congress formally convenes in Luanda, with a lower level MPLA ‘Central Committee’ already rubber stamping his name in mid-August.

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Two More Banks Start Charging Select Clients For Holding Cash

Bank of Ireland, which is 14% owned by the State, has informed its large corporate and institutional customers that it plans to charge them a negative rate of -0.1% for deposits of €10 million or more starting in October.

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Norway: Towards Stagflation

We have all heard the incredible stories of housing riches in commodity producing hotspots such as Western Australia and Canada. People have become millionaires simply by leveraging up and holding on to properties. These are the beneficiaries of a global money-printing spree that pre-dates the financial crisis by decades.

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Look for Slow-Rolling Housing Meltdown in Canada—Here’s How to Profit

Subscribe to Jared Dillian’s free weekly column, The 10th Man, at Mauldin Economics:

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“Liberty Classroom” Sample Lecture from Robert P. Murphy on Bohm-Bawerk

This is a sample lecture from Robert P. Murphy’s course in the History of Economic Thought in Tom Woods’ LIBERTY CLASSROOM. For more information go to:

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 18.08.2016 – Monsanto & Bayer: Was dahinter steckt

Weitere Themen: – DAX: Grün, aber auf Stand des Jahreswechsels – “George Soros wettet auf einen Crash” – Fed schwadroniert weiter über Zinserhöhungen – Japan: Sehr schwache Außenhandelsdaten – Saudische Ölförderung auf Rekordhoch – USD/EUR: Welche Rolle spielt der US-Anleihemarkt? – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit...

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