Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Time to Raise the White Flag at Gualfin?

  Who Cares What Voters Want? BALTIMORE, Maryland –  There were two newsworthy developments last week, neither of them really important – the first because it won’t happen, the second because it won’t matter. First, the Fed let it be known that it ha...

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Zervos fairly confident Fed will hike rates in June or July

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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We are headed for economic crisis due to debt: Lacy Hunt

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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China & Russia Believe Clinton Is Dangerous & Trump Isn’t: Pippa Malmgren

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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QE4 Is Arriving In Form Of Defense Spending: Pippa Malmgren

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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Three Lies You’ll Hear from the Candidates This Year | Ryan McMaken

Ryan McMaken deconstructs the key lies of the 2016 campaign season. Recorded at “Contra Krugman: Demolishing the Economic Myths of the 2016 Election”: the Mises Circle at Seattle’s historic Town Hall, on 21 May 2016. Special thanks to the Harvey Allison family for making this event possible. Presidential candidates promise everything from living wages to …

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What Trump Would Really Mean For Mexico & China: George Friedman

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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Trump will be good for economy, bad for Wall Street: David Rosenberg

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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Nigeria Currency Devaluation Looms As FX Forwards Crash To Record Lows

Despite US equity investors' exuberance over bouncing crude oil prices, the world's crude producers continue to suffer and while Venezuela is in the headlines every day (having already collapsed into chaos), Nigeria appears the nearest to that abyss ...

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Diversify & Internationalize: How the West Is Changing Irreversibly by Jayant Bhandari

“Diversify & Internationalize: How the West Is Changing & Why the Trend Is Irreversible – Jayant Bhandari” Acapulco, Mexico February 2016

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Neil Howe: It’s going to get worse; more financial crises coming

Get close to 20 hours of audio sessions and video highlights from Strategic Investment Conference 2016 brimming with insights and advice for investors. Listen to over 30 leading experts… and discover how to thrive in a Decade of Disruption and a market buffeted by recession, a meek Federal Reserve, startling new technologies, and worldwide geopolitical …

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Switzerland About to Vote on “Free Lunch” for Everyone

  Will the Swiss Guarantee CHF 75,000 for Every Family? In early June the Swiss will be called upon to make a historic decision. Switzerland is the first country worldwide to put the idea of an Unconditional Basic Income to a vote and the outcome of ...

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Three unintended consequences of NIRP

Central bankers use low or negative interest rates so that it leads to more investment. For them interest rates are a consequence of the currently very low inflation rates. Patrick Watson argues differently: Falling prices are a consequence of low interest rates.

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Are Investors Idiots?

  Black-and-Blue Crash Alert Flag Let us  begin the week “on message.” The Diary is about money. Today, we’ll stick to the subject.  Old friend Mark Hulbert has done some research on the likelihood of a crash in the stock market.   Ye olde tattered C...

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Austria’s Presidential Elections – Europe’s Social Mood Keeps Worsening

Austria is a small European nation that has made the grievous mistake of needlessly joining the EU in 1995, together with Finland and Sweden. Austria’s neighbor Switzerland, which is of roughly similar size and likewise militarily neutral, proved to have far better instincts. The Swedes subsequently at least had the good sense to stay out of the euro zone. It seems if there is a mistake to be made, Austrian governments will eagerly make it.

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Academic Skulduggery – How Ivory Tower Hubris Wrecks your Life

In the 1970s economists started to incorporate rational expectations into their models and not long after the seminal Kydand & Prescott (1977) article named Rules Rather than Discretion: The Inconsistency of Optimal Plan was published. Their work has...

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Revolution at the Ranch

  Alarming News BALTIMORE, Maryland – An alarming email came on Tuesday from our ranch in Argentina: “Bad things going on… We thought we had the originarios problem settled. Not at all. They just invaded the ranch.”   Originarios on the march… Photo ...

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How to Maximize Economic Potential

The fundamental problem facing today’s economy is the barefaced contempt governments the world over have for the free exchange of goods and services and private stewardship of property. What it is government’s think they are doing with their destructive fiscal and monetary policies is unclear. But what is crystal clear is the scrambled disorder modern day economic policies have wrought.

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How the Deep State’s Cronies Steal From You

The relentless growth of Leviathan: Total Pages of Code of Federal Regulations from 10000 in 1950 to 170000 in 2014. Federal tax rules – from 400 in 1913 to 74,000 in 2012. Aggregate word count of Dodd-Frank regulations doubled.

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The Japanese Popsicle Affair

  Policy-Induced Contrition in Japan As we keep saying, there really is no point in trying to make people richer by making them poorer – which is what Shinzo Abe and Haruhiko Kuroda have been trying to do for the past several years. Not surprisingly,...

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