Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Attack The Fed’s War On Savers, Workers And The Unborn (Taxpayers)

The central banks have gone so far off the deep-end with financial price manipulation that it is only a matter of time before some astute politician comes after them with all barrels blasting. As a matter of fact, that appears to be exactly what Donald Trump unloaded on bubble vision this morning:

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Case For -2 percent Rates, Banning Cash? Jim Grant Blasts Lunatic Proposals

Looking for group think, extrapolation of extreme silliness, linear thinking, and belief in absurd models? Then look no further than Fed presidents, their advisors, and academia loaded charlatan professors. Today’s spotlight is on Marvin Goodfriend, a former economist and policy advisor at the Federal Reserve’s Bank of Richmond, and Ken Rogoff, a chaired Harvard economics professor, a one-time chief economist at the International Monetary Fund.

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FreedomFest 2016 och Per Bylunds nya bok. Seen, Unseen, Unrealized | #086 Radio Mises

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Köp Per Bylunds nya bok (30% billigare med rabattkod: LEX30AUTH16) Institutets professor, Per Bylund, gästar studion. Ämnet för dagen är professorns nya bok, en grundläggande läsebok i nationalekonomi i Bastiats anda. Dessutom avhandlas den nyligen avklarade Freedomfesten...

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Fiction, Fairy Tales, and Fiat

Do young Americans today know anything about economics? No, they don't, according to a study during the 2016 presidential primary season, which says lots of other Americans don't either. The survey found 58% of millennials favor government-run socialism (statistically 6 out of 10), while a nearly identical number (64%) don't want government interference in free markets.

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Negative and the War On Cash, Part 2: “Closing The Escape Routes”

History teaches us that central authorities dislike escape routes, at least for the majority, and are therefore prone to closing them, so that control of a limited money supply can remain in the hands of the very few. In the 1930s, gold was the escape route, so gold was confiscated. As Alan Greenspan wrote in 1966:

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How is Real Wealth Created?

An Abrupt Drop. Let’s turn back to our regular beat: the U.S. economy and its capital markets. We’ve been warning that the Fed would never make any substantial increase to interest rates. Not willingly, at least. Each time Fed chief Janet Yellen opens her mouth, out comes a hint that more rate hikes might be coming.

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US Economy – Curious Pattern in ISM Readings

Head Fake Theory Confirmed? This is a brief update on our last overview of economic data. Although we briefly discussed employment as well, the overview was as usual mainly focused on manufacturing, which is the largest sector of the economy by gross output.

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Cash in a box catches on as Swiss negative rates bite

It’s a sign the world is getting used to negative interest rates when what once seemed bizarre starts looking like the norm. Consider Switzerland, where more and more companies are taking out insurance policies to protect their cash hoards from theft or damage.

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The Real Reason Trump Met with Mexico’s President

George Friedman writes the free weekly column “This Week in Geopolitics” for Mauldin Economics. Subscribe here: Each week, you’ll receive an in-depth view of the forces driving events and investors in the next year, decade, or even a century from now.

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Ryan McMaken – Abolish the FBI

From the Tom Woods show, Ryan McMaken (Mises Institute) joins Tom to explain the origins of the FBI and suggests they have both outlived their usefulness and transmogrified into very political national police force.

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John Maynard Keynes’ General Theory Eighty Years Later

The “Scientific” Fig Leaf for Statism and Interventionism. To the economic and political detriment of the Western world and those economies beyond which have adopted its precepts, 2016 marks the eightieth anniversary of the publication of one of, if not, the most influential economics books ever penned, John Maynard Keynes’ The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.

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Joakim Fagerström om realistisk libertarianism | FreedomFest 2016

Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: Joakim Fagerstöm, den ene av det svenska Mises-institutets grundare, talar om libertarianism i verkligheten. Han tar upp tre exempel på fristäder som existerar idag. Är icke-aggressionsprincipen tillräcklig att bygga ett samhälle på? FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:...

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Negative Rates and The War On Cash, Part 1: “There Is Nowhere To Go But Down”

As momentum builds in the developing deflationary spiral, we are seeing increasingly desperate measures to keep the global credit ponzi scheme from its inevitable conclusion. Credit bubbles are dynamic — they must grow continually or implode — hence they require ever more money to be lent into existence.

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Labour Productivity, Taxes and Okun’s Law

The great “science” of economics once discovered an empirical relationship between GDP and unemployment that has been dubbed Okun’s Law. It simply states that the unemployment rate rises as GDP contracts, or vice versa, as production shrinks less peo...

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Shrewd Financial Analysis in the Year 2016

“Markets make opinions,” says the old Wall Street adage. Perhaps what this means is that when stocks are going up, many consider the economy to be going great. Conversely, when stocks tank it must be because the economic sky is falling.

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Teoría del caos | Robert Murphy

Capitulo 1 del libro “Teoría del caos – Dos ensayos sobre anarquía de mercado de Roberth Murphy. Robert P. Murphy es investigador asociado con el Mises Institute y Profesor Asistente de Investigación en el Free Market Institute en la Universidad Tecnológica de Texas. Es el autor de muchos libros, entre ellos: Elección de Cooperación, la …

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How Does It All End? Part II

Low Rates Forever, Nothing much is happening in the money world. The press reports that traders are hanging loose, wondering what dumb thing the Fed will do next. Rumor has it that it may decide to raise rates in September, or maybe November… or maybe not at all.

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How Does It All End?

In 1900, a survey was done. “What do you see coming?” asked the pollsters. All of those people questioned forecast better times ahead. Machines were just making their debut, but already people saw their potential. You can see some of that optimism on display today in the Paris Metro. In the Montparnasse station is an illustration from the late 1800s of what the artist imagined for the next century.

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Dirk Müller im Tagesausblick vom 30.08.2016 – Steuernachzahlung für Apple

Weitere Themen des heutigen Tagesausblicks: – Ausblick für Apple / Neues iPhone am 07. September vorgestellt – Frankreich stellt sich gegen TTIP – Dieselaffäre: “Alle Hersteller haben getrickst – und Berlin wusste es” – Ihre unabhängige Finanzinformationsplattform zu den Themen Börse, Wirtschaft, Finanzmarkt von und mit Dirk Müller

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US Presidential Election – How Reliable are the Polls?

Is Clinton’s Lead Over Trump as Large as Advertised? Once upon a time, political polls tended to be pretty accurate (there were occasional exceptions to this rule, but they were few and far between). Recently there have been a few notable misses though. One that comes to mind is the Brexit referendum.

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