Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Libertarianerna är en kult

"Dom är lite jobbiga va." Det är vad Jonny Lander tycker om Misesinstitutet. Icke desto mindre gick han motvilligt med på att berätta om vad libertarianism är för något - det är en skrämmande bild som målas upp när vi får inblick i denna kult. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: REDDIT: ITUNES:...

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Ronald Stöferle: Donald Trump und die Aussichten für den Gold – und Silberpreis Als Ronald Stöferle, Managing Partner und Fund Manager der Incrementum AG am 03.November seinen Vortrag mit dem Titel: Die Rückkehr der Inflation?! auf der Edelmetallmesse in München hielt, nannte er am Ende 10 Prognosen. Die 10. und letzte Prognose war äußerst mutig, denn sie sollte nur 5 Tage später schon auf den Prüfstand gestellt …

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Libertarianerna är en kult

“Dom är lite jobbiga va.” Det är vad Jonny Lander tycker om Misesinstitutet. Icke desto mindre gick han motvilligt med på att berätta om vad libertarianism är för något – det är en skrämmande bild som målas upp när vi får inblick i denna kult. Ludwig von Mises-Institutet i Sverige: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: …

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Celebrating this Land of Absurdity

“Myths and legends die hard in America,” remarked Hunter S. Thompson in The Great Shark Hunt, nearly 40-years ago. These great myths and legends of America died long ago. Freedom. Liberty. Independence. Limited representative government. Sound money. Private property rights. All getting more and more replaced by regulation.

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The Problem with Corporate Debt

There are actually two problems with corporate debt. One is that there is too much of it… the other is that a lot of it appears to be going sour. As a brief report at Marketwatch last week (widely ignored as far as we are aware) informs us.

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Good Money and Bad Money

OUZILLY, France – Last week’s U.S. jobs report came in better than expected. Stocks rose to new records. As we laid out recently, a better jobs picture should lead the Fed to raise rates. This should cause canny investors to dump stocks.

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Love him or Hate him: Trump is the Revolution Against the Establishment

The 2016 U.S. presidential elections are unprecedented: I don’t believe we have ever witnessed before a campaign year so toxic, so dangerously divisive and full of ad hominem attacks. Both camps have vilified the opposition and their followers, creating a schism in society. There has been no rational dialogue on the issues that truly concern the American public.

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Too Early for “Inflation Bets”?

After 35 years of waiting… so many false signals… so often deceived… so often disappointed… bond bears gathered on rooftops as though awaiting the Second Coming. Many times, investors have said to themselves, “This is it! This is the end of the Great Bull Market in Bonds!”

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Gold Bull Market Remains Intact – Long Term Fundamentals Outweigh Short Term Market Gyrations

In early 2016 gold had a big bull run. The precious metal rose close to 25% this year, pushed higher in a summer rally that peaked on July 10th. Gold experienced a bumpy ride over the remainder of the summer though, as investors became increasingly concerned about a potential rate hike by the Federal Reserve. Uncertainty returned to gold market and has intensified further since then.

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Putting an End to the Regulatory Industry

Corporate life in America these days is fraught with tedium. First the MBAs imposed their silly six sigma processes and reduced workers to mere widgets. Then the regulators went through and squashed out any fun that remained.

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Canadian Bank Starts Charging Negative 0.75percent Rate On Most Foreign Cash Balances

Despite speculation over the past year that Canada may join Japan and Europe in the NIRP club and launch negative interest rates, so far the BOC has stood its ground. However, starting on December 22, for the broker dealer clients of one of Canada's most reputable financial institutions, BMO Nesbitt Burns, it will be as if the Canadian bank has cut its deposit rate on most currencies, to match the deposit rate of Switzerland.

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Two Types of Credit — One Leads to Booms and Busts

In the slump of a cycle, businesses that were thriving begin to experience difficulties or go under. They do so not because of firm-specific entrepreneurial errors but rather in tandem with whole sectors of the economy. People who were wealthy yesterday have become poor today. Factories that were busy yesterday are shut down today, and workers are out of jobs.

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About that Economic Inequality

I address this essay to two groups. One group is those among the liberty movement, who believe that there’s nothing wrong with inequality. These are often Objectivists, who unknowingly defend a regime that artificially suppresses working people.

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Ronald Stöferle: “Aktuell befinden wir uns in Phase 2 von 3 im Bullenmarkt

Ronald Stöferle: “Aktuell befinden wir uns in Phase 2 von 3 im Bullenmarkt: Die Beteiligung der breiten Öffentlichkeit” Interview mit dem Goldanalyst und Geldexperten

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Inflation Expectations Rise Sharply

We have witnessed truly astonishing short term market conniptions following the Donald Trump’s election victory. In this post we want to focus on one aspect that seems to be exercising people quite a bit at present, namely the recent surge in inflation expectations reflected in the markets. Will we have to get those WIN buttons out again?

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Miningscout-Interview mit Rohstoffanalyst Dimitri Speck: Gold und Silber werden profitieren!

Auf der Edelmetallmesse 2016 sprach Miningscout Chefredakteur Erwin Matula mit dem Rohstoffexperten und Buchautor Dimitri Speck über die Verschuldung des Finanzsystem, schleichende Enteignung und die Auswirkungen hieraus auf die Edelmetallpreise. Dimitri Speck ist Marktanalytiker und Chef-Entwickler für die Handelsstrategien der Vermögensverwaltung Staedel Hanseatic. Mehr Information finden Sie unter und...

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The Government Won’t Make America Great Again | by Gary Galles

The 2016 election was notable for many things—from the frequency of ad hominem arguments to the frequency of scandals to the frequency of OMG reactions to Donald Trump’s victory. But one thing notable for its absence has been adherence to the principles that created America as a unique beacon of hope for liberty. Text version: …

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The Fed’s “Hothouse” Is in Danger

RHINEBECK, New York – It is a beautiful autumnal day here in upstate New York. The trees are red, brown, and yellow. Squirrels hop across the lawn, collecting their nuts. Unseasonably warm the last few days, rain showers are moving in from across the Hudson, driven by a chilly wind.

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Anarchapulco Speech-2: What is happening in the Rest – Negative-yields, and India’s love for gold

Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine and has written for the Mises Institute, the Mises Institute (Canada), Casey Research, Le Québécois Libre, Sprott’s Thoughts,, etc. The presentation …

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Anarchapulco Speech-1: Diversify & Internationalize: How the West is Changing reversibly

Jayant is constantly traveling the world to look for investment opportunities, particularly in the natural resource sector. He advises institutional investors about his finds. He is a contributing editor of the Liberty magazine and has written for the Mises Institute, the Mises Institute (Canada), Casey Research, Le Québécois Libre, Sprott’s Thoughts,, etc. The presentation …

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