Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Hachazo De OCDE – Estimaciones De España Y El Error Del Proteccionismo

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The Search for Yield

A no-holds-barred discussion of the economy after the coronavirus shutdown and George Floyd protests. Are we facing another Great Depression? Can there be a V-shaped recovery or is this wishful thinking? What will all the new money and credit created by Congress and the Fed mean for the dollar? What kind of economic mess will Trump or Biden inherit in 2021? How far will Fed chair Powell go to keep markets propped up?

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Weet je wel hoeveel. We tekort kommen. Dr Markus Krall. Thorsten Schulte. Hans Goerg Maasen. ?????

In de boot uit de boot. In de Put uit de Put..Bankdieten..De zware jongens. Niet goed Schiks dan maar kwaad Schiks. Alles is voor Bassie. Zijn er nog vragen..

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Vroeger woonde daar allemaal kauwtjes. Dr Markus krall. Wij gaan ze redden. Sigaar uit eigen doos.

De hele dag die wind.. Raar. Ra Ra. Ole Dammegard. amazing Polly.

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¿Burbuja? – Bolsas “Dopadas” Por Los Bancos Centrales

_______________________________________________________________________ Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter – ☑ Instagram – ☑ Facebook – ☑ Página web – ☑ Website – ☑ Mis libros en Amazon –...

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O que os Nazistas Copiaram de Marx – Ludwig Von Mises

Ludwig von Mises foi o reconhecido líder da Escola Austríaca de pensamento econômico, um prodigioso originador na teoria econômica e um autor prolífico. Os escritos e palestras de Mises abarcavam teoria econômica, história, epistemologia, governo e filosofia política. Suas contribuições à teoria econômica incluem elucidações importantes sobre a teoria quantitativa de moeda, a teoria dos …

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Claudio Grass: Change is Coming, The Great Awakening is Happening

Https:// Claudio Grass: Change is Coming, The Great Awakening is Happening In a recent interview with Claudio Grass on the X22 spotlight YouTube channel, Grass says change is coming whether we like it or not.  Not only is the Great Awakening here, but the financial reset to usher in the New World Order is also here. Grass breaks down the current event of the plandemic and how this event was used to control the people, remove...

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Central Bankers Gone Wild: It’s a New Era at the Fed

Editor's Note: We keep hearing from the Fed's defenders that the current spate of new stimulus and bailouts from the central bank are really not a big deal and are all very prudent and moderate. I asked Senior Fellow Bob Murphy to provide some much needed perspective.

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The Importance of Economic Theory in Understanding Historical Data

It is a common belief that sound economics must be based on facts and not on theoretical reasoning as such. Some commentators are dismissive of economic analysis that is not derived from the true data, since it is not describing the facts of reality as depicted by historical data. The use of the free market economy framework, without the central bank and government intervention and with businesses as a foundation to derive valid conclusions, is...

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1era sesión Política económica de Ludwig Von Mises

En este curso del Círculo Bastiat, Arturo Damm revisa “Política Económica” de Ludwig Von Mises, sobre las 6 conferencias que dio Mises en Argentina en 1959 y cuyos temas siguen estando vigentes.

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Ανατομία του κράτους, Κεφάλαιο 2 – Murray N. Rothbard

© 2009 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. Ludwig von Mises Institute 518 West Magnolia Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36832

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Ανατομία του κράτους, Κεφάλαιο 1 – Murray N. Rothbard

© 2009 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute and published under the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0. Ludwig von Mises Institute 518 West Magnolia Avenue Auburn, Alabama 36832

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Why GDP Metrics Won’t Tell Us Much about the Post-COVID Recovery

In seeking to measure everything, econometricians gave us the dubious gift of gross national product and gross domestic product, the latter being in fashion today and the former in times past. Although there are different ways of measuring it, GDP is commonly taken as a measure of spending, comprised of household spending, government spending, investment spending, and net exports.

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Dr Markus Krall – Ende des Euro – Enteignungen – Was jetzt tun!

Quelle – Thorsten Wittmann – Finanzielle Freiheit leben: Sind wir bereits im Endgame?! Wie schützen? Enteignungs-Insiderreport:… Geldsicherheit LIVE:… Wie läuft die Krise im Detail ab? Interview 2 mit Bestsellerautor Dr. Markus Krall Im Interview mit Dr. Krall von letzter Woche sind wir...

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Das System wird BEENDET durch uns! (Psychologie)

In dieser Dikussionsrunde der Körber Stiftung mit Marc Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar und Moderator Mark Schieritz (die Zeit) wird über das Ende des Euros, die EU im Allgemeinen, das Versagen der Politik und vieles mehr diskutiert. Beinahe eine Stunde voller Leidenschaft und regem Wortwechsel rund um das Thema Finanzen und Politik. Finanzen und mehr: ● Neues Buch: ● Unser Fonds:...

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Das System wird BEENDET durch uns! (Psychologie)

In dieser Dikussionsrunde der Körber Stiftung mit Marc Friedrich, Prof. Dr. Thomas Straubhaar und Moderator Mark Schieritz (die Zeit) wird über das Ende des Euros, die EU im Allgemeinen, das Versagen der Politik und vieles mehr diskutiert. Beinahe eine Stunde voller Leidenschaft und regem Wortwechsel rund um das Thema Finanzen und Politik. Finanzen und mehr: …

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Banken crisis. Dr Markus Krall.

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Jon Wegder…Hans Joerg Maasen. Dr Markus krall.

maak ik me weer druk.

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Dr Markus Krall…We meten ze reden. Kikkers en banken.

Was moeilijk te zie. Zaten kikkers en kikkerdril..Een paar keer dubbel dekkers bevrijd. en dan zie je dit. Geweldig.

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Further read: Lessons From Japan’s Monetary Experiment To Avoid European and Japanese Economic Stagnation, U.S. Should Adopt More Disciplined Fiscal and Monetary Policies _______________________________________________________________________ Please subscribe to my channel and leave your comments: ☑ Twitter – ☑ Website – ☑ My books on Amazon –...

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