Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Slavery Did Not Promote Capitalism: The New Economic History of Capitalism Is Simply Wrong

The “new history of capitalism” (NHC) continues to receive widespread acclaim despite mounting inaccuracies. Although critical reviews have punctured adherents’ arguments many still cling to wrongheaded assumptions that exaggerate the role of slavery and cotton in powering America’s economic progress. Several industries were complicit in fueling slavery, but their success was never hinged on slave production.

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Lead-Lag Live: The Pension Fund Time Bomb With Keith Weiner

The UK pension crisis is a warning. Twitter:​​​​​ Facebook:​​ Instagram:​​​ Sign up for The Lead-Lag Report at and use promo code YOUTUBE30 for 2 weeks free and 30% off. Nothing on this channel should be considered as personalized financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities. The content in this...

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A Toxic Brew for Pension Funds

Want a transcript? Sign up for our free weekly e-letter, and you’ll get a transcript every week, plus a summary and link to the video: This week, I spoke with Ben Hunt, co-founder and CIO of Epsilon Theory, a newsletter and website that examines markets through the lens of game theory and history. In this edition, you’ll hear Ben and me discuss why the global repricing of interest rates is hitting...

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Student Loan Debt: The Financial Time Bomb Politicians Want to Ignore

Media reports claim this debt prevents economic recovery. Chuck Schumer would erase it with the flick of a pen. Elizabeth Warren would remove it to free students’ ability to buy a house and form a family. Janet Yellen opines paying off student loan debt (SLD) will free up venture capital. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez claims the proposed Biden plan is inadequate.

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Wunsch-Aktien in der Analyse: Bayer, Varta und Givaudan unter der Chartlupe

Cashkurs*Academy: Schnuppern Sie kostenlos in den Kurs Charttechnik rein – Jetzt den Code „Wunschanalysen“ einlösen und das erste Modul gratis belegen: In diesem Video bespricht unser Experte Mario Steinrücken die von der Cashkurs*Community gewünschten Titel am Chart: Heute sehen Sie hier die kurz, knackigen Analysen von Bayer, Varta und Givaudan. Hier geht’s zum vollständigen Video mit weiteren spannenden Titeln...

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ACHTUNG! Grüne wollen ENTEIGNUNG durch Vermögensabgabe und Bundestag sagt ganz klar: …

Bundestag lässt ENTEIGNUNG und Vermögensabgabe NEU prüfen mit klarem Ergebnis! 4-Augen-Geldgespräche: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Grüne zeigen unverblümt ihr wahres Sozialisten-Gesicht und wollen Enteignungen Nicht nur beim Thema Krieg zeigt die ehemalige Friedenspartie ihr wahres Gesicht, sondern auch was das Grundrecht auf Eigentum betrifft. Das...

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The Anti-Communist Interventionist Racket Continues

New Jersey Congressman Albio Sires is complaining about financial aid that international agencies are providing Nicaragua under what he says is “the pretext of poverty reduction, disaster relief and small business support.”

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Voehersage mit BRISANZ! Dr. Markus Krall entlarvt die Politik!

Markus Krall WARNT! Nun kommt es GEWALTIG, die Stimmung kippt! Sie interessieren sich für Inhalte zum Thema Geld und Finanzen?

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Europe’s Energy Crisis Was Created by Political Intervention

An energy policy that bans investment in some technologies based on ideological views and ignores security of supply is doomed to a strepitous failure. The energy crisis in the European Union was not created by market failures or lack of alternatives. It was created by political nudging and imposition.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen? Macht Forex Trading, CFD Handel und Aktien oder der sichere Hafen Girokonto und Gold Sinn? Ray Dalio, Markus Krall, Dirk Müller und andere Experten klären auf! Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung kompakt zusammengefasst!

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Ist unsere POLITIK noch kompetent? | Markus Krall, Christian Rieck, Marc Friedrich

Im Rahmen der World of Value 2022 treffen Dr. Markus Krall, Prof. Christian Rieck und Marc Friedrich im alphaTrio aufeinander und bieten den Zuhörern eine belebte Diskussionsrunde. Elegant lenkt Moderator Steffen Krug hier die Gesprächsthemen der Gäste von geopolitischen Brennpunkten, über planwirtschaftliche Interventionsmaßnahmen bis hin zum Fiat-Geld-System und der Anreizstruktur der Zentralbank.

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Wirtschaft aktuell: Was passiert jetzt? Jetzt ein Demokonto eröffnen & in Sachwerte kaufen? Negativzinsen durch ein Online Bankkonto umgehen?

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Higher Education in Crisis: The Problem of Ideological Homogeneity

In my second article on the college problem, I discussed the public policy factors that contribute to the rising cost of higher education. But politics makes its way into education through more than public policy, as professors bring their political views into their classrooms and research.

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Markus Krall DAX Ausblick Inflations

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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The French Must Rediscover the Taste for Individual Freedom: An Interview with Professor Pascal Salin

Pascal Salin is an economist, professor emeritus at the University of Paris-Dauphine, and was president of the Mont-Pelerin Society from 1994 to 1996. Among the extensive list of books Professor Salin has published, mention can be made of the following titles: La vérité sur la monnaie (Paris: Odile Jacob, 1990), Libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2000), Français, n’ayez pas peur du libéralisme (Paris: Odile Jacob, 2007), Revenir au capitalisme pour...

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Andrew Moran: Hồi chuông cảnh báo cho lạm phát đình trệ

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Markus Krall Solar, Gas, Strom „Echte Gefahr

#geldanlage #gold #goldbarren #goldpreis #goldpreise #ernstwolff #wolffofwalstreet #dirkmüller #finanzcommunity #reset #börse #corona #inflation #enteignung

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Major cracks in financial markets! | Ronald Stöferle & James Connor

Ronald Stöferle was interviewed by James Connor of “Bloor Street Capital”. Together they discussed the current market setup, what the cracks in financial markets mean for the course of the Federal Reserve, as well as its implications on gold. History often rhymes We are currently witnessing another period of stagflation. Already before the COVID crisis, we saw strong indicators, which pointed to a decrease in globalization and a slowing economy....

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Edward Chancellor’s Much-Needed (But Not Heeded) Wisdom on Interest Rates

The subject of time and money has hit a boiling point. Just look at Sri Lanka and Iran, where food riots have turned deadly, or, shall we say, currency riots have. People can’t buy food, and “protesters angry at the soaring prices of everyday commodities including food, have burned down homes belonging to 38 politicians as the crisis-hit country plunged further into chaos, with the government ordering troops to ‘shoot on sight,’” reports...

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Alex Jones Got What He Deserved

Reminder: Our online conference “End Inflation and at the Fed,” continues this evening at 7 p.m. (Eastern time) with the third talk of our series. Our speaker will be Kevin Dowd, professor of finance and economics at Durham University, much of whose work revolves Austrian and Public Choice economics.

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