Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Rothbard on Utilitarianism

No matter how many times you have read a book by Ludwig von Mises or Murray Rothbard, you will find new insights if you read the book again. I found this to be true when preparing for Rothbard Graduate Seminar (RGS) this year. One of our readings was Rothbard’s For a New Liberty, and this year some of Rothbard’s arguments that I hadn’t concentrated on before attracted my attention. Usually, if you are looking for Rothbard’s views on ethics, Ethics...

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Dirk Müller: Diese Märkte haben wenig mit der Realität zu tun

👉 Jetzt Cashkurs-Mitglied werden ►► 1 Monat für €9,90 statt €17,70 ► 𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Marktupdate vom 05.06.2023 auf 3️⃣ Tage Cashkurs gratis testen ►►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►►...

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Do Sticky Prices Make the Market Get Stuck?

Jonathan Newman joins The Human Action Podcast to discuss his recent Twitter controversy over the claim that market prices can be "wrong" (i.e. in disequilibrium) if they are "sticky." Jonathan Newman's Twitter controversy on sticky prices: Joe Salerno on Mises's Monetary Theory: Bagus and Howden on market disequilibrium and sticky prices: [embedded content]

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Myth #1: Deficits Are the Cause of Inflation; Deficits Have Nothing to Do With Inflation

Recorded by the Mises Institute in the mid-1980s, The Mises Report provided radio commentary from leading non-interventionists, economists, and political scientists. In this program, we present another part of "Ten Great Economic Myths". This material was prepared by Murray N. Rothbard. In recent decades we always have had federal deficits. The invariable response of the party out of power, whichever it may be, is to denounce...

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Radio Promo

Recorded by the Mises Institute in the mid-1980s, The Mises Report provided radio commentary from leading non-interventionists, economists, and political scientists. For more episodes, visit

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The Boston Brahmins, WASPs, and Nazis: The Pursuit of Eugenics

Modern progressives don't like to refer to their long-held support of eugenics. In fact, American progressives influenced the Nazis, who launched their own murderous eugenics schemes. Original Article: "The Boston Brahmins, WASPs, and Nazis: The Pursuit of Eugenics"

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Don’t Fear AI: But Watch Out for These Industries and Jobs | Primer on AI with Stephen McBride

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the lifeblood of the technologies driving today’s global disruptions. And 2023 is the year that AI has been catapulted from novel idea to being on everyone’s radar. The AI narratives span from the promise of a George Jetson future to fears of a dystopian takeover by AI-empowered robots—and everything in between. To help sort all of this out, I reached out to AI expert Stephen McBride. He surveys the AI landscape...

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It’s Raining Entrepreneurship at a Taylor Swift Concert

The flowers of entrepreneurship bloom in the strangest places. Kirznerian entrepreneurs attending the rain-soaked Taylor Swift concert at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts, determined there would be a market for the rain which had fallen near the pop diva. The New York Post reported, “Some entrepreneurial fans are capitalizing on and trying to flog [rain] online for $250.” This $250 price is the ten dollar bill analogy Israel Kirzner...

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Te Comparto ESTRATEGIAS para Combatir la INFLACIÓN

Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Debt cancellation: the new panacea?

There is clearly a common denominator in the kind of “solutions” that the State comes up with to deal with the problems that it caused (and that’s most problems). Not only are these remedies worse than the disease, but they are always extremely simplistic, reductionist and they never, ever, take into account anything else apart from the political “optics” and the populistic value of each new measure or piece of legislation. There is no...

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Soll ich meine Immobilien jetzt verkaufen?

Immobilien in Deutschland und Österreich und warum ich dringend verkaufen würde Kostenfreies Kennenlerngespräch: Wöchentliche Tippvideos abonnieren: Damoklesschwert Immobilien: Warum sie alles andere als sicher sind! Ich weiß, die folgenden Zeilen sind direkt, aber ich zeige dir im heutigen Tippvideo viele Zahlen, Daten und Fakten, was ich konkret...

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There Is No Moral Right to Strike

American law protects what is called the "right to strike." However, Leonard Read found no moral code that permits such action. Original Article: "There Is No Moral Right to Strike"

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Lies, Damned Lies, and Government Statistics

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss the role statistics play in promoting the regime. Topics include some interesting differences in recently reported unemployment data, changes to inflation reporting over time, government withholding of various reports — including crime and money supply measures — as well as alternative measures Austrians use to better cut through state propaganda. [embedded content] New...

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The Feds Escalate the War on Crypto

On this episode of Good Money with Tho Bishop, Jeffrey Kauffman joins the show to discuss recent attacks from the SEC on major crypto exchanges. Kauffman, CEO of LBRY and content platform Odysee, shares his own company's battle with the SEC, the impossible burdens regulators have placed on legal compliance, and why DC's Operation Chokepoint 2.0 could be a positive for the industry in the long run. Good Money listeners can order a special $5 book...

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A Great Man Cannot Salvage a Bad Idea

When E.F. Hutton talks, people listen. —1970s TV commercial Imagine if your surname was synonymous with genius. And not just genius, but creative genius. Is there anything you could write or say that could be seriously challenged? Among your colleagues, certainly. Science is never closed, always debated, always contingent on certain postulates. But the lay public is apt to regard you as infallible. Such has been the fate of Albert Einstein who...

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The Woke Cartel and Twitter’s New CEO

With the appointment of Linda Yaccarino as Twitter's new CEO, Elon Musk is trying to appease woke advertisers to bring up his company's revenues. This will not end well. Original Article: "The Woke Cartel and Twitter's New CEO"

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To Avarice No Sanction

“No point in the field of political economy merits more thought and analysis than where to draw the line distinguishing the functions proper to government from the role assumed by all-out government—socialism. A good society is but a dream unless this issue be reasonably resolved.” This is how Leonard Read opened chapter 9, “To Avarice No Sanction,” in his 1972 book, To Free or Freeze: That Is the Question. While he addressed that question from...

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The Drug War: An Irrational Crusade

The drug war of the last half century has incarcerated millions and created havoc. What it hasn't done is eliminate people using drugs without government permission. Original Article: "The Drug War: An Irrational Crusade"

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Dirk Müller: Die aktuelle Börsen-RallyeBeeindruckend, aber auch hochgefährlich

👉 Jetzt Cashkurs-Mitglied werden ►► 1 Monat für €9,90 statt €17,70 ► 𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Marktupdate vom 05.06.2023 auf 3️⃣ Tage Cashkurs gratis testen ►►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►►...

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Technology Is Meaningless without Entrepreneurship

Technocrats frequently pressure the US government to increase R and D as a strategy to upstage China. The assumption is that public R and D will lead to innovation and economic growth because research generates the science that spurs innovation. Yet the formula is mistaken, for history has shown that science often lags technology. Innovations prior to the advent of modern science in Europe occurred without crucial advancements in scientific...

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