Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Bringe dein Geld raus aus der EU – Warum du DRINGEND Auslandskonten benötigst!

Warum du DRINGEND Auslandskonten benötigst (Liechtenstein extra) 19 Legale Auslandskonten - Enteignungsschutz und Sicherheit bei Euro-Crash: Sommerreisen: Sommer, Sonne, tolle Menschen und ... viel Freiheit! Lass' dich in die Sommerferien entführen: Auslandskonten ist das wohl meistgefragte Thema unserer Community. Vielfach wird dieses wichtige...

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Against (David) French Liberalism

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop are joined by Mises Senior Editor Bill Anderson to discuss his recent article, "David French Gets to Sit with the Cool Kids at the NYT Lunch Table." Bill explains the transformation of French from a "cultural conservative" commentator to the preferred "classical liberal" of the elite. [embedded content] New Radio Rothbard mugs are now available at...

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Can We Understand AI? A Response to Jordan Peterson’s Podcast

All too often, when we see a new technology we don't understand, our natural inclination is to condemn it. Artificial intelligence is no exception. Original Article: "Can We Understand AI? A Response to Jordan Peterson’s Podcast"

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The Fed’s “Hawkish Pause” and the Politics of CBDCs with Peter St Onge

On this episode of Good Money with Tho Bishop, Peter St Onge joins the show to discuss this week's Fed announcement and what it means to normal Americans. Tho and Peter also discuss the political battles in DC over the future of CBDCs and the dangerous trojan horse some Republicans may be creating on the issue. Find more from Peter St Onge on Substack at You can also find him on Twitter @ProfStOnge.  Good Money listeners can...

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The Economic Nationalists Are Wrong: Free Trade Means Freedom and Prosperity

During a debate on capitalism with James Otteson, Michael Anton opined that free markets are harmful to a nation's economy. Perhaps he needs to learn economics. Original Article: "The Economic Nationalists Are Wrong: Free Trade Means Freedom and Prosperity"

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Sound Money Is Required for Real Budget Discipline

News here in the USA has been full of the latest farce known as raising or not raising the debt ceiling. After the usual dog-and-pony show, a budget deal was reached. But was it progress? It was a foregone conclusion that the debt ceiling would be raised, yet again, for the simple mathematical reason that unless the budget is cut, via spending cuts or increases in taxes, it can do nothing else. With the budget deficit projected to be (hold on to...

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Republicans Fail on the Debt Ceiling in 2023

Despite "concerns" about increasing federal debt, in the end Republican legislators have gone along with whatever the ruling elites want. The Limit, Save and Grow Act of 2023 is more of the same. Original Article: "Republicans Fail on the Debt Ceiling in 2023"

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El delegado del gobierno de Sánchez alaba a Bildu y ERC e insulta a España @DanielLacalleOfficial

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Call Rent Control What It Really Is: Theft

As reported by Reason, Colorado—one of thirty-one states that had banned its local governments from imposing rent control—is considering repealing that ban. Recent efforts to allow or impose similar controls have also taken place in New York, California, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Minnesota. However, there is a good reason that most states still ban the local imposition of rent control laws. The key reason is that the primary advantage of local...

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Edmund Phelps on Egalitarianism

The classical liberal economist Edmund Phelps wants government to aid poor people, but he clearly is not an egalitarian. His philosophy would be unacceptable to today's "woke" egalitarians. Original Article: "Edmund Phelps on Egalitarianism"

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Wall Street to the Fed: Inflation Is Over. Give Us More Easy Money!

The federal government’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released new price inflation data Tuesday, and according to the report, price inflation during May decelerated, coming in at the lowest year-over-year increase in twenty-six months. According to the BLS, Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation rose 4.0 percent year over year in May before seasonal adjustment. That’s down from April’s year-over-year increase of 4.9 percent, and May is the...

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China Calls Out the USA for Instigating the Infamous Color Revolutions

Despite America’s attention abroad being largely Russia-focused recently, the bigger fish to fry in Washington’s eyes is China. Even as the US pours aid package after aid package into the Ukraine conflict with one hand, it still manages to raise its other hand to wag a finger across the Pacific Ocean at its rival superpower. But like every other country in the world, China has been watching America’s cavalier foreign policy and interventionism in...

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The Republican Debt-Ceiling “Deal” Is Exactly What We Expected

Contrary to the still-enduring myth about Republican budget cutting, there is no correlation whatsoever between Republican control of DC and the trajectory of federal spending. Original Article: "The Republican Debt-Ceiling "Deal" Is Exactly What We Expected"

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Why Barbados Advanced Economically While Jamaica’s Growth Lagged

Onlookers often cannot fathom why Barbados and Jamaica have delivered such divergent outcomes despite their similar history as former colonies of England. Both countries achieved independence in the 1960s and inherited British law and institutions. Yet Barbados eclipsed her peers to become the pride of the developing world, whereas Jamaica recorded years of anemic growth and institutional degradation. However, digging deeper into history reveals...

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#Podemos #sumar #yolandadíaz #irenemontero #economia Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Dirk Müller: PayPal – Darum verkaufen Insider jetzt ihre Aktien!

👉 Jetzt Cashkurs-Mitglied werden ►► 1 Monat für €9,90 statt €17,70 ► 𝗦𝗲𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗦𝗶𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝘀 𝗴𝗮𝗻𝘇𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗸𝘁𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗼𝗻 𝗗𝗶𝗿𝗸 𝗠ü𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗲𝗿: (Bei diesem Video handelt es sich um einen kurzen Ausschnitt aus dem Marktupdate vom 13.06.2023 auf 3️⃣ Tage Cashkurs gratis testen ►►► 📧 Gratis-Newsletter ►►► 🔴 YouTube-Kanal abonnieren ►►►...

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Austrian Economics Research Conference 2024

The Austrian Economics Research Conference is the international, interdisciplinary meeting of the Austrian school, bringing together leading scholars doing research in this vibrant and influential intellectual tradition. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the South Royalton Austrian Economics Conference. In honor of this landmark event, there will be sessions and lectures dedicated to evaluating the advances of Austrian economics over the last half...

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Don’t Get on the Nationalist Bus

Like so many others in the "national greatness" movement, Christopher Buskirk understands some of the problems the country faces but fails to grasp the solutions. Original Article: "Don’t Get on the Nationalist Bus"

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Current Socialists Should Support Government Default: Their Forebears Certainly Did

Bernie Sanders, in a recent opinion piece, attacked Republicans for trying to get concessions out of the Biden administration under threat of debt default, stating, “Defaulting on our nation’s debt would be a disaster.” Writers at Jacobin echo Bernie’s sentiment. Unfortunately, it seems like modern socialists are against default; however, historic socialists are not on the same page as our contemporaries. Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and other...

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Taxation as a Weapon against Prosperity

The current regime wants to use taxation not simply as a means to collect revenue for the government, but as a weapon against economic prosperity itself. Original Article: "Taxation as a Weapon against Prosperity"

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