Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

How Paper Money Turns Governments into Predators

Aside from stealing your life savings and launching depressions, one of the nastier features of paper money is what it does to governments. In short, paper money transforms governments from parasites to predators. Once a government can print what it likes, it no longer needs taxes. Meaning it no longer needs us. We saw this in living color during the covid lockdowns. Just imagine a world without a central bank where, in the first days of the...

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No, Governor, Rights Are NOT Government-Issued Privileges That You Can Suspend

The recent executive order by New Mexico's governor suspending gun rights in part of the state demonstrates not only her ignorance of the law, but also her greater ignorance of the origin of rights. Original Article: No, Governor, Rights Are NOT Government-Issued Privileges That You Can Suspend

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A Government Shutdown Is not the Problem. Public Debt Is the Problem.

There are hundreds of headlines all over the news warning of the negative impact of a government shutdown. The negative impact on GDP, according to Bloomberg, is estimated at 0.5% of the quarterly annualized rate if the shutdown lasts for two weeks. Obviously, that is an annualized rate, not the overall hit. The last government shutdown lasted between December 22nd, 2018, and January 20th, 2019, and the United States economy still grew at a 2.2...

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Ataque Terrorífico de Hamás a Israel

#Gaza #Israel #hamas Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Police Mergers Are Not the Answer, but Privatization Is

Out of Pennsylvania’s twenty-five hundred municipalities, about half (1,279) have no police department as of 2013. Since 2013, twenty more municipalities have disbanded their police departments, opting for police coverage by the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP). On top of that, 420 municipalities only provide part-time coverage (no 24/7 coverage), requiring the PSP to “pick up the slack” so to speak. This may seem shocking, but this is the...

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Inflation: Government’s Insidious Form of Theft

While court economists such as Paul Krugman insist that inflation is government's way of ensuring full employment, in reality, inflation is one of the many ways governments steal from productive people. Original Article: Inflation: Government’s Insidious Form of Theft

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Why the Fed’s Tight Rate Stance Damages the Economy

In the wake of bad news on inflation, the Federal Reserve is pushing up interest rates. However, a Fed-induced higher rate is not the same as an interest rate decided by the market. Original Article: Why the Fed's Tight Rate Stance Damages the Economy

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Mises Institute’s Abolish the Fed Documentary

In 1996, we produced a documentary titled Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve. For the next ten years, we distributed copies all around the world, to our students, our members, and the public. Thousands of people were introduced to the evils of the Fed and central banking. At that time, not many people or organizations were calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve. The Mises Institute was. And that hasn’t changed. Eventually, the...

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Government Is the Hidden Hand Directing the Culture Wars

Recent data from the Pew Research Center shows that from 1994 to 2022, Americans’ views of opposing political parties became increasingly negative. In 1994, only 21 percent of Republicans and 17 percent of Democrats held “very unfavorable” views of the other party. In 2022, that category rose to 62 percent for Republicans and 54 percent for Democrats. If we include those who hold “unfavorable” views, then over 80 percent of both Republicans and...

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Las Mentiras del EcoComunismo de Yolanda Díaz

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Welcome to the Twenty-First Century American Bankruptcy Show

As the US economy sours, look for a wave of new bankruptcies. The Fed cannot pull any rabbits out of its monetary hat this time. Original Article: Welcome to the Twenty-First Century American Bankruptcy Show

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Echenique Reconoce Que bajar Impuestos Sí Funciona

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Cultural Appropriation: The Nontheft of Something No One Owns

Progressives have created a new thought crime: cultural appropriation. However, one cannot appropriate something that is not owned by anyone else. Original Article: Cultural Appropriation: The Nontheft of Something No One Owns

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Hometown Entrepreneurs in Mississippi

In this week's episode, Mark looks at the "Home Town" entrepreneurs in Laurel, Mississippi, who have done so much to turn around the fortunes of their poor and struggling hometown. Mark points out that this is going on all around us, but is seldom recognized—except in the isolation of forgotten small towns. Entrepreneurs make the good of the world we live in, and can help fix the problems that we face. Be sure to follow Minor...

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How a Trickle Can Turn into a Flood

In 1903, a lawyer in Germany took out an insurance policy and made payments on it faithfully. When the policy came due in twenty years, he cashed it in and bought a single loaf of bread with the proceeds. He was fortunate. If he had waited a few days longer, the money he received would have bought no more than a few crumbs. Germany had been on the usual fractional reserve gold standard prior to World War I, with the Reichsbank—its central...

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How Inflationary Money Causes the Affordability Crisis

Affordable living is the topic of the day. Not only in the world of but in everyday life. While inflation has fallen to some degree, it remains high and understated. While many people dislike inflation and know intuitively it is robbing them of their wealth, I would like to point out a few ways in which this is happening more than they realize. One of the better-known reasons for the understatement of inflation is the definitional changes...

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Is There Inflation in Government-Financed Goods and Services?

Official inflation statistics are biased. Substitution effects and quality changes are problems that cannot be resolved objectively, even with the most sophisticated statistical methods. It may be that the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) overestimates inflation. There are also good arguments for a downward bias. It may also be that the errors in measuring consumer price inflation are negligible. However, even if official statistics show...

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Would You Hire an AI-powered McRobot or a Human Employee?

The decision to use artificial intelligence–powered robots in the fast food industry depends upon differences in costs and performance between humans and robots. State minimum wage laws are pushing the industry toward robots. Original Article: Would You Hire an AI-powered McRobot or a Human Employee?

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Taking a Closer Look at the Vaunted Scandinavian Welfare States

Welfare states in Scandinavia are revered by the American Left. Many think that America could reduce social problems by copying their policies. To such people, the success of the Scandinavian states is evidence that socialism works. Confidence in the welfare policies of these places is so great that pundits even attribute the prosperity of Scandinavia to these policies. Few ponder why socialism leads to disastrous consequences elsewhere but...

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El Ministerio de Igual-da vuelve a FRACASAR (qué sorpesa)

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