Category Archive: 6b) Austrian Economics

Ist die Stasi zurück?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Ist die Stasi zurück? #stasimethoden #deutschlandschafftsichab Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und Geldanlagen:...

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Time Is Running Out for Construction Loans

Back when I was a construction lender, I thought the perfect construction loan would pay off after one day, just long enough to collect the loan fee. After all, time is your enemy in construction lending. Any of a myriad of unknowns can keep construction from being completed: the market may evaporate for what is being built, interest rates may rise to make a loan uneconomic, construction costs could increase to require a loan modification or more...

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BOTÍN de Junts Para SALVAR a Sánchez

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Garett Jones on the Legacy of Robert Solow

Economic giant Robert Solow died in December 2023. He was a Nobel laureate, and four of his PhD students went on to also receive the Nobel. He is known for the growth model named in his honor.  Garett Jones of GMU joins Bob to discuss the work of Solow, focusing on the possible tension between the Solow model's conclusions about capital accumulation vis-à-vis the Austrian School. Join Tom DiLorenzo, Joe Salerno, and Patrick Newman in Tampa on...

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Why Society Doesn’t Need the State

The nineteenth-century English philosopher Thomas Hill Green was one of the key figures in the transition from classical liberalism to “modern” liberalism, in which the state, no longer a mere “night watchman,” if it ever was that, takes on a much more active role. The state in Green’s view ought to aid people in realizing their “real selves,” and doing this often involves supplying them with various goods and services. For this reason, Green is...

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The Problems with Post-Trump Populism

As both progressives and conservatives turn authoritarian, libertarian populism inspired by Murray Rothbard provides an alternative to the statist nonsense that dominates political discourse. Original Article: The Problems with Post-Trump Populism

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When Medical Authorities Went Totalitarian: Understanding Covid Policies and Protocols

The response to the covid-19 outbreak is better understood as a tool of the national security state rather than as a public health measure. Original Article: When Medical Authorities Went Totalitarian: Understanding Covid Policies and Protocols

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Modern Portfolio Theory Is Mistaken: Diversification Is Not Investment

While the creator of modern portfolio theory was awarded a Nobel Prize, that doesn't mean the theory isn’t flawed. In fact, it explains very little about investments. Original Article: Modern Portfolio Theory Is Mistaken: Diversification Is Not Investment

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Unmasking AI’s Dark Side: From Warfare to Daily Life with Paul Scharre

Former US Army Ranger Paul Scharre knows all about AI’s darker potential. He talks to Mauldin Economics publisher Ed D’Agostino about AI’s role in combat, the rise of Chinese-style techno-authoritarianism, and US vulnerabilities in the Panama Canal. Paul is the Executive Vice President of the Center for a New American Security. He’s authored two books, including Four Battlegrounds: Power in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Prior to that, he...

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Jamaica Still Struggles Economically, But There Is Hope for the Future

Jamaica is a small island in the British West Indies, but despite its stature, this tiny nation has elicited the attention of global elites. In politics, Jamaica’s voting behavior at the United Nations is closely monitored by her neighbors in the Caribbean and the global community because she commands influence. Due to historical and cultural complexities, Jamaica is a magnet for academic research, and writing about the country has manifested into...

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Devisenmärkte 2024 | Ausblick und Tipps von Währungsexperte Jürgen Wechsler

Drastische Veränderungen an den Währungsmärkten in 2024 Live mit Jürgen Wechsler: Freitagstipps abonnieren: Dieses Interview hat es in sich. Ich diskutiere mit Mr. Forex Jürgen Wechsler - Warum sind die Währungsschwankungen in 2023 so außergewöhnlich (!) niedrig gewesen und warum ist es „die Ruhe vor dem Sturm“? - Was denken und ticken die...

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The “Great Replacement” on the Frontier: When Anglo Immigrants Replaced Hispanics

The phrase "great replacement" has been increasingly thrown around by both conservatives and progressives in recent years. Conservatives claim the "great replacement theory" explains deliberate efforts by regime operatives to replace non-Hispanic whites with various groups of Hispanics and non-whites. Progressives, on the other hand, claim it is all a racist conspiracy theory.  I won't bore you with the details of the present...

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Yemen: The Forgotten Neoconservative-Supported War in the Middle East

In response to the Israeli assault on Gaza, the Houthis (Ansarallah) of Yemen have retaliated by launching at least six drone attacks directed at Israel and attacking Western ships passing through the Red Sea. By the looks of it, their attacks have been quite successful thus far: Israel’s Eilat port alone has seen an 85 percent drop in shipping activity. To the United States, these actions of resistance and support of the Palestinian cause only...

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The Problem with Open Borders

On this episode of Radio Rothbard, Ryan McMaken and Tho Bishop discuss immigration. While many libertarians have adopted an absolutist open borders position on immigration, there are a number of other factors that should be considered. Ryan and Tho look at the case of small states and the issues raised by government intervention. "Why Open Borders Don't Work for Small Countries" by Ryan McMaken: "Mises on...

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Can an Easy Money Policy Increase Employment of “Idle Resources”?

Whenever an economy falls into a recession, many economists point out that the economic slump means there will be idle capital and labor. Resources that could be employed are now unemployed because the economic slump has softened aggregate demand for goods and services. So-called experts believe the government must increase the overall demand in the economy since stronger demand will permit idle resources to be employed again. Hence, many...

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Das nächste Level erreichen

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Das nächste Level erreichen (100 %, Pfeil nach oben, Geld emoji) #nextlevel #gesehenwerden Thorsten Wittmann® Finanzielle Freiheit leben Du kannst dir die heutige Ausgabe hier auf YouTube ansehen oder auch bei deinem gewünschten Podcastanbieter anhören (Suche: Thorsten Wittmann / Faszination Freiheit). Hier geht es zu meinem Podcast: Gratis unsere besten Finanztipps und...

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ESTE es el MAYOR RIESGO para el MERCADO en 2024

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Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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History vs Economics: Explaining the Causes of the Great Depression

“Who controls the past now, controls the future. Who controls the present now, controls the past.” That is from “Testify,” a song by newly minted rock ‘n’ roll Hall of Famers Rage against the Machine. I don’t know if Phillip W. Magness of the American Institute for Economic Research is fan enough to be familiar with that, but I bet he knows the original source: George Orwell’s 1984. Whether or not it informed a recent study he coauthored is...

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