Ryan McMaken, Zachary Yost

Articles by Ryan McMaken, Zachary Yost

The True Cost of Modern Industrial Warfare

What is the Mises Institute?

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

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Why the GOP Betrayed Its Own Voters on Ukraine

What is the Mises Institute?

The Mises Institute is a non-profit organization that exists to promote teaching and research in the Austrian School of economics, individual freedom, honest history, and international peace, in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. Non-political, non-partisan, and non-PC, we advocate a radical shift in the intellectual climate, away from statism and toward a private property order. We believe that our foundational ideas are of permanent value, and oppose all efforts at compromise, sellout, and amalgamation of these ideas with fashionable political, cultural, and social doctrines inimical to their spirit.

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The West Is Losing Interest in Ukrainian Victory

Many signs are now emerging that NATO and the West are slowly withdrawing support from Ukraine in its war with Russia. How much longer can the war continue? Recommended Reading"Intercept of German generals planning Taurus strike on Crimean bridge": Mises.org/WES_19_A"Army aims to double 155mm shell production by October" by Sam Skove Mises.org/WES_19_B"The deception behind America’s support for Ukraine" by Malcom Kyeyune: Mises.org/WES_19_C"Draft-dodging plagues Ukraine as Kyiv faces acute soldier shortage" by Jamie Dettmer: Mises.org/WES_19_DRemarks by Jake Sullivan and Andriy Yermak in Press Conference: Mises.org/WES_19_E"Biden’s adviser did not mention regaining territories when talking about conditions for Ukraine’s victory": Mises.org/WES_19_FBe sure to follow War,

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The Pentagon Wants More Socialism

Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito

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What Does Classical-Liberal Foreign Policy Look Like?

Ryan and Zach review a new book on the basics of the "classical liberal" theory of international relations. Drawing on the work of Mises and Hayek, Edwin van de Haar’s new IR book provides a useful and insightful summary of how a pro-freedom foreign policy differs from the usual foreign policy in Washington. 

Additional Resources
"Human Nature and World Affairs: An Introduction to Classical Liberalism and International Relations Theory" by Edwin van de Haar: Mises.org/WES_17_A
"Mises on Nationalism, the Right of Self-Determination, and the Problem of Immigration" by Joseph Salerno: Mises.org/WES_17_B
Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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Year-End Foreign Policy Predictions

Ryan and Zachary make some guesses about where things are headed in 2024 for both Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war. How long will the US try to keep the Ukraine war going, and what is Israel’s plan for Gaza? 

Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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What “Just War Theory” Really Means

Ryan and Zachary discuss the basics of Just War Theory and whether a "moral war" is possible.  They also discuss the theory’s origins in natural law, and how the theory relates to pacifism, wealth, and war crimes. 

Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.
Additional Resources
"Get the US Out of the Middle East" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_15_A
"American History Is a Preview of the Israel-Palestine End Game" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_15_B
"Ethnic Interest Groups Fuel the American Warfare State" (War, Economy, and State): Mises.org/WES_15_C
Douglas Murray on having a "proportionate response” in a conflict: Mises.org/WES_15_D

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Ethnic Interest Groups Fuel the American Warfare State

Ryan and Zachary look at how interest groups representing Ukrainians, Iraqis, Israelis, and others have often lobbied for US intervention in foreign wars that in no way benefit the American population overall.

Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.
Additional Resources
"Get the US Out of the Middle East" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_14_A
"The Liberty Movement’s Pro-War Fifth Column" by Ted Galen Carpenter: Mises.org/WES_14_B
George Washington’s Farewell Address: Mises.org/WES_14_C
"America Has No Duty to Rule the World" by Daniel Bessner: Mises.org/WES_14_D
Tomorrow, the World: The Birth of U.S. Global Supremacy by Stephen Wertheim: Mises.org/WES_14_E
"The Left Is Now Telling Us (Ukrainian) Nazis Aren’t So Bad After All" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_14_F

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The War in Ukraine Is Far From Over

Ryan McMaken and Zachary Yost look at the many factors behind Ukraine’s failure to defeat Russia or move closer to NATO membership. Ukraine is sadly caught between a cynical NATO and a Russia that is in it for the long haul. 

Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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The Saudi-China-Iran Partnership Creates a New Middle East

Ryan and Zack look at how China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia are reshaping the Middle East into a region where the United States no longer dominates. This is a good thing for ordinary Americans.

Additional Resources
"Thanks to Sanctions, the US Is Losing Its Grip on the Middle East" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_11_A
"The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran" by Gary Richied: Mises.org/WES_11_B
"Peace is Breaking Out in the Middle East… and Washington is Not Happy!" by Ron Paul: Mises.org/WES_11_C
"Why the End of the Petrodollar Spells Trouble for the US Regime" by Ryan McMaken: Mises.org/WES_11_D
"Washington Miffed as China Makes Peace" by Joseph Solis-Mullen: Mises.org/WES_11_E
Be sure to follow War, Economy, and State at Mises.org/WES.

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What the Leaked Pentagon Docs Tell Us about the Ukraine War

Ryan and Zack talk about some of the details from the recently leaked Pentagon documents. They reveal dysfunctional American foreign policy and just how much contempt the US regime has for its own allies.

Additional Resources
"What the leaked Pentagon documents reveal — 8 key takeaways" by Paul Adams, Jean Mackenzie, and Antoinette Radford (BBC News): Mises.org/WES_10_A
"Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine"  (U.S. Department of Defense, 19 April 2023): Mises.org/WES_10_B
"U.S. doubts Ukraine counteroffensive will yield big gains, leaked document says" by Alex Horton, John Hudson, Isabelle Khurshudyan, and Samuel Oakford (Washington Post): Mises.org/WES_10_C
"Arbitrary Use of Power: Punishing Those Who Expose Not-So-Secret Government Secrets" by Bill

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Wars Cost More Than You Think

Ryan and Zachary talk about how wars are not nearly as cheap or economically harmless as many Americans seem to think. Rather, taxpayers must give up enormous amounts of resources to fund wars halfway across the globe that have little to do with actual defense. Americans are still paying interest on the trillions spent on Washington’s many lost wars of recent decades.

Additional Resources
"On Paying for the Costs of War and War Loans" by Ludwig von Mises (1918): Mises.org/WES_09_A
"The Cross of Iron" by Dwight D. Eisenhower (1953): Mises.org/WES_09_B
"Fact Sheet on U.S. Security Assistance to Ukraine" (U.S. Department of Defense, 4 April 2023): Mises.org/WES_09_C
"How the Fed Is Enabling Congress’s Trillion-Dollar Deficits" by Ryan McMaken (2021): Mises.org/WES_09_D
"War and the

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