Category Archive: 6b.)

Ryan McMaken: Nitwit Governors Shut Down Their Economies Then Ask For Bail Out

The John Fredericks Radio Network is America’s Godzilla of the TRUTH! On the John Fredericks Radio Network, we’re #TRUCKINGTHETRUTH all across America with uncompromising broadcast coverage from the Nation’s Capital! The John Fredericks Radio Network is the most unique political news-talk show focused on the most important issues that impact the daily lives of everyday …

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Rothbard on Why We Need Entrepreneurs

In his Man, Economy, and State, Murray N. Rothbard investigates not only the role of the capitalist but also that of the entrepreneur in a market economy. Rothbard uses the theoretical concept of the evenly rotating economy (ERE) to compare the role of the capitalist to that of the entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs earn profits in so far as they successfully correct the maladjustments in the real economy and move it closer to the ERE without ever...

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How to Think About the Fed Now | Jeff Deist

The Fed is, in effect, a lawless economic government unto itself. It is the lender of first resort, a kind of reverse pawnshop that pays top dollar for rapidly declining assets. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Original article: Audio Mises Wire is also available on… …

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David Gordon – Graduate Lecture Recital

David Gordon Virtual Conducting Lecture Recital April 19, 2020 @8:00pm Syracuse University Setnor School of Music Conducting Excerpts 5:01 Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet suite no. 2, The Montagues and the Capulets, Op. 64c 13:42 Sibelius – Varsang (“Spring Song”), Op. 16 25:33 Copland – Appalachian Spring 45:37 Verdi – La Forza del Destino

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How Government Makes a Pandemic More Deadly

In the early days of the outbreak, pundits rushed to the ramparts of Twitter to proclaim that “there are no libertarians in a pandemic.” However, this glee at the apparent failure of markets was soon dashed as more evidence accumulated showing that government intervention was actually the main impediment to success.

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How to Think About the Fed Now

[This text is excerpted from the introduction to The Anatomy of the Crash, a Mises Institute ebook to be released in April 2020.] The Great Crash of 2020 was not caused by a virus. It was precipitated by the virus, and made worse by the crazed decisions of governments around the world to shut down business and travel. But it was caused by economic fragility.

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Mit Geld zur Weltherrschaft Prof Thorsten Polleit im Interview

Oliver Janich 132.000 Abonnenten ? Täglich aktuelle Meldungen und Kommentare im öffentlichen, kostenlosen Telegram-Kanal: ? Hier geht’s zum Telegram-Premium-Kanal: Mit Deinem Abonnement ermöglichst Du meine Arbeit und bekommst Zugang zu einem exklusiven Premium-Kanal und zu geschlossenen Gruppen nur für Unterstützer. Einfach diesen Link anklicken und die gewünschte Mitgliedschaft auswählen: ?...

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Builders in Denial

The year 2006 seems like a lifetime ago. The housing boom seemed to be going full throttle, but danger lurked. I wrote on in March of that year, concerning a Las Vegas real estate seminar, that “nary a discouraging word was spoken.”

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Human Action Part Five with Ryan McMaken

Ryan McMaken, an economist and editor of, joins the show to consider Part Five of Human Action: “Social Cooperation without a Market.” This section of the book provides Mises’s updated exposition of socialism, the impossible project of substituting ‘One Will’ for the subjective actions and preferences of everyone in society. Mises gives us the …

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Episode 405: Mises.Org Editor Ryan McMaken on the Fallout of the Government’s Covid-19 Response

51 Minutes Safe for Work Pete invited Mises.Org editor Ryan McMaken to return to the show to discuss the articles he’s been writing recently about the government, and the public’s response, to the Covid-19 crisis. Show notes and links –

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Why This Bubble Economy Keeps Going and Going

Quite a few people may wonder why the global fiat money system has not yet collapsed. The fiat money system did not crash in the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009, when a great many people feared the debt pyramid would come crashing down.

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Ep. 117 Pandemic Trade-Offs, with Jeff Deist

Our guest is Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute. We discuss the unprecedented governmental response to COVID, the trade-offs that are unaccounted for, and the inability of local communities to set their own course when, in fact, “all crises are local.” Shownotes:

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In an Age of Pandemics We Need More Freedom to Trade, Not Less

There are many who use the coronavirus crisis to blame freedom to trade for the current epidemic. And, of course, there are those who are already arguing for autarky, closing our borders, and producing everything locally.

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Thanks to Lockdowns, State and Local Tax Revenues Are Plummeting

Unlike the federal government, state and local governments in America can't just create money out of thin air. So when tax revenues go down, that money is simply not available to the state legislatures and city councils anymore. These governments either have to borrow the money or raise taxes and hope the tax hike itself doesn't cause total revenue to fall.

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Danish State Plans to Pay the Salaries of Private Sector Workers

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has halted economies across the globe. With various countries on lockdown and companies unable to continue production, an economic downturn is inevitable. In light of this, the government of Denmark has come up with a strategy to avoid recession—paying 75 percent of private employees’ salaries.

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Why This Bubble Economy Keeps Going and Going | Thorsten Polleit

Current global bailouts may put off global busts for quite some time. But they will weaken output and employment gains. People’s standard of living will stagnate or even fall, even in the short term. With this comes impoverishment and perhaps even social unrest. Original article: Narrated by Daniella Bassi. Audio Mises Wire is also …

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Thorsten Polleit Why This Bubble Economy Keeps Going and Going

Why This Bubble Economy Keeps Going and Going Thorsten Polleit Current global bailouts may put off global busts for quite some time. But they will weaken output and employment gains. People’s standard of living will stagnate or even fall, even in the short term. With this comes impoverishment and perhaps even social unrest. Try Amazon …

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#21 Notenbanken drucken Geld: Goldpreis steigt – Golden Times

Die Notenbanken sind zurück im expansiven Modus. Vor allem die US-Notenbank Fed spielt dabei eine besonders wichtige Rolle. Degussa-Chefvolkswirt Thorsten Polleit nennt sie de facto die Weltzentralbank, denn sie produziert den US-Dollar und damit die Weltleitwährung. Die Fed hat zahlreiche Maßnahmen gestartet, um die Folgen der Corona-Pandemie zu verringern, mit “einem gigantischen Backstop”. Thorsten Polleit: …

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What Is Entrepreneurship?

We shall concentrate on the capitalist-entrepreneurs, economically the more important type of entrepreneur. These are the men who invest in "capital" (land and/or capital goods) used in the productive process….

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Ep. 100: Jeff Deist on Ending the Lockdown & the Need for Secession

For my 100th episode, I welcome Mises Institute President, Jeff Deist, back to the show. Jeff brings his unique and principled perspective on ways to deal with this Coronavirus moment. We discuss the value of decentralized methods of dealing with many of the issues involved in not only this crisis, but any crisis. Top down, …

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