Category Archive: 6b.)

The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises | Lecture 1: Formative Years

In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Jörg Guido …

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New York vs Texas: NY Has Nearly 50 Times More COVID-19 Deaths Per Capita

As of April 26, there were nearly 55,000 COVID-19 deaths reported in the United States. Of those, more than 22,000 (or about 40 percent) were in the state of New York alone. New Jersey was in second place, with nearly 5,900 COVID-19 deaths reported.

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COVID-19 Is Teaching Us Decentralization Is Needed More Now Than Ever

In the increasingly polarized America, Black Swan moments like the COVID-19 pandemic have further confirmed growing divides in the country. Our textbooks would like us to believe that emergencies create fertile grounds for unity. But when you have a populace that is politically dividing itself even when it comes to the TV shows it watches, there comes a point when we have to start recognizing that the prospect of national unity is becoming more of...

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The rEVOLution Report Ep 20 W/ Jeff Deist

We will be LIVE tonight interviewing Jess Deist of the Mises Institute at 7pm est. Be sure to tune in and ask your questions live! Jeff Deist is president of the Mises Institute, where he serves as a writer, public speaker, and advocate for property, markets, and civil society. He previously worked as a longtime … Continue...

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The Current Crisis Has Its Roots in the Central Bank

We have been locked down for weeks. Classes have been canceled. Only essential activities are allowed. Although there is much to cover and analyze, I want to focus on the economics of the situation. To understate it, the situation today is simply not good. The COVID-19 crisis has caused the world to lock down the population, which essentially ceased most commerce.

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Ending the Lockdowns Isn’t about Saving Money. It’s about Saving Lives. | Gary Galles

"Saving lives versus saving money" comparisons confuse ends with means. The end of saving the economy is not to have more money. The end is to have resources necessary to preserve the lives and health of countless human beings. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio...

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SLP169 Jeff Deist – Bitcoin & Acting Locally Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute rejoins me to talk about Bitcoin, Central Banking, Corona virus, libertarianism and acting locally: Mises Institute and Bitcoin Hypocritical fund managers UBI and MMT becoming popular Smaller is better Better, not perfect

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Why the Current Unemployment Is Worse Than the Great Depression | Robert P. Murphy

Even though the official unemployment rate is probably not quite as high as it was in 1933, there are reasons to believe that our labor market is currently in even worse shape economically than it was at the lowest depths of the Great Depression. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by …

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Inflação – As Seis Lições – Ludwig Von Mises – Parte 1

As Seis Lições reúne as palestras ministradas, em 1959, por Ludwig von Mises na Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA). O autor discute com clareza o capitalismo, o socialismo, o intervencionismo, a inflação, o investimento estrangeiro e as relações entre política e ideias. Em linguagem agradável, a obra apresenta as linhas gerais do pensamento misesiano sendo, …

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#22 Polleit warnt vor Bargeldabschaffung und einheitlicher Weltwährung – Golden Times

Volkswirt Thorsten Polleit sieht die Gefahr für ein globales einheitliches Monopolgeld: “Ein einheitliches politisiertes Geld wäre eine tyrannische Herrschaft.” Darüber schreibt er in seinem neuen Buch “Mit Geld zur Weltherrschaft”. Im Interview erklärt er einige Definitionen wie Staat (“territorialer Zwangsmonopolist”) und Geld, erklärt, warum ihn die aktuelle Politik der Staaten und Notenbanken stört und warum...

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Central Banks and the Next Crisis: From Deflation to Stagflation

All over the world, governments and central banks are addressing the pandemic crisis with three main sets of measures: Massive liquidity injections and rate cuts to support markets and credit.Unprecedented fiscal programs aimed at providing loans and grants for the real economy.Large public spending programs, fundamentally in current spending and relief measures.

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Why Markets Are Rallying as Millions Become Unemployed

Wouldn’t you feel great knowing that your stock picking is fully insured by the Fed? Billionaires and wealthy hedge fund managers know the feeling.

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Business Owners Understand Why the Economy Can’t Just Be “Reopened”

My oldest turned seventeen last month. To commemorate the occasion, she and I watched Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I’d taken her to her first (allegedly) rated-R movie a couple years ago to see the quite good Baby Driver, but this was Tarantino.

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Your Supermarket Overlords: Why Barbados Needs a Voluntary Quarantine

On Wednesday, April 1, the acting prime minister of Barbados, Hon. Santia Bradshaw, came on the local news station to announce a mandatory partial shutdown to combat COVID-19. She announced that starting April 3, all “nonessential” businesses would remain closed until midnight April 14.

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Julia Song Escapes From Socialism, Ryan McMaken on Lockdowns – A Neighbor’s Choice w David Gornoski

Activist and commentator Julia Song talks about her escape from socialism in her mother country and the warning signs here in America. Plus, editor Ryan McMaken goes through the latest news and fallout. A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a …

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Anthony Fauci: When Politics Trumps Science | William L. Anderson

Readers of a certain age may remember the hysteria that surrounded AIDS for a period of the 1980s. Anthony Fauci was a central player in that, too. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is also available on... Apple Podcasts: Google...

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The real Austrian Economics: Ludwig von Mises

Let’s do a quick overview of the Austrian school of economics. Ludwig von Mises. The Mises Institute. The US Libertarian movement. Fiat currency, bubbles, and stuff. Excited? Here we go!

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Why Markets Are Rallying as Millions Become Unemployed

The US economy is imprisoned, most of the population is under house arrest, and the inmates in Washington are running the asylum. And yet while the nation appears to be walking the green mile, investors residing in the Wall Street cell block have been extended pardons from the market gods.

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O Intervencionismo – As Seis Lições – Ludwig Von Mises – Parte 2

As Seis Lições reúne as palestras ministradas, em 1959, por Ludwig von Mises na Universidade de Buenos Aires (UBA). O autor discute com clareza o capitalismo, o socialismo, o intervencionismo, a inflação, o investimento estrangeiro e as relações entre política e ideias. Em linguagem agradável, a obra apresenta as linhas gerais do pensamento misesiano sendo, …

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The Experts Have No Idea How Many COVID-19 Cases There Are

In the early days of the COVID-19 panic—about three weeks ago—it was common to hear both of these phrases often repeated: "The fatality rate of this virus is very high!" "There are far more cases of this out there than we know about!"

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