Category Archive: 6b.)

The ECB Has Been Hiding Risk. They Won’t Be Able to Do It Much Longer.

Despite the unprecedented increase in the European Central Bank’s asset purchase program, the spread of southern European sovereign bonds versus German ones is rising.

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Ep. 5253 – Jeff Deist on America’s Bubble Economy – 5/8/2020

Scott talks to Jeff Deist about the economic ramifications of the coronavirus, including both the virus itself and the government’s fiscal and monetary response. Deist certainly expects that we could be in for a severe recession, but is mainly of the view that this recession was coming soon anyway. It just took the right event …

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Money Supply Growth in April Ballooned to a New High

Fueled by unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various stimulus packages, the money supply growth rate ballooned in April to an all-time high. The growth rate has never been higher, with the 1970s as the only period that comes close. It was expected that money supply growth would surge in recent months. This usually happens in the wake of the early months of a recession or financial crisis.

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How Words Like “Essential” and “Need” Are Abused by Politicians

Over the years, one of the most common trump cards used to justify government treating people differently, rather than equally, has been the word need. And when used to override individuals’ ownership of themselves and what they produce, its usage has created confusion rather than clarity. In public discussion, “need” has increasingly morphed into one of its synonyms—essential, as in “essential jobs.” But it still suffers from many of the same...

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Geld und Herrschaft, Gastvortrag am Institut für Wirtschaftspolitik in Leipzig von Thorsten Polleit

Thorsten Polleit ist Chefökonom der Degussa Goldhandel GmbH und Honorarprofessor an der Universität Bayreuth.

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How Central Banks and Lockdowns Are Making the Crisis Worse

What typifies the phenomenon of the boom-bust cycle is that it is recurrent. What is the reason for this? Loose monetary policies set the platform for various activities that would not emerge without the easy monetary stance. What loose monetary policy does here is to engineer the transfer of real savings from wealth generating activities to artificially stimulated activities, which we can label as bubble activities.

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Ist “sozial” wrklich sozial oder unsozial? Thorsten Polleit vom Mises Institut

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Crisis or Opportunity? To Politicians, It’s the Same Thing

Forget performing William Shakespeare’s Macbeth. The real art form is politicking. They sport taxpayer-funded windbreakers, speak with authority and urgency, and lead a brigade of specialists. When a crisis unfolds, whether it is a hurricane or a virus outbreak, politicians stand before the cameras, appearing to be in control of the situation—but they see an opportunity.

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How Bad Is It?

How bad is it? That is the question on everyone's mind as we come to grips with the economic carnage caused by global economic shutdowns, supply chain disruptions, and ongoing quarantines of million of people. Do we face another Great Depression, or simply a deep recession more like 2008? And equally important, are soft Americans prepared for either? Have we started to process all of this psychologically?

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Jeff Deist on the COVID Crash – A Neighbor’s Choice

President of the Mises Institute Jeff Deist joins us to explore whether we have a COVID Crash on the horizon and more. A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected] Multistreaming with

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The COVID Crash: A Webinar with Daniel Lacalle

Jeff Deist and economist Daniel Lacalle present a special live seminar on the COVID-19 crisis and what it means for your economic future. Is the world headed for another Great Depression, or will we enjoy a V-shaped recovery later this year as the virus fades and economies reopen? Are governments and central banks making the …

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Ludwig von Mises – Crítica ao Intervencionismo – Audiobook

A obra apresenta de modo pioneiro a teoria Misesiana do intervencionismo, entendido como um sistema econômico que procura ser uma via intermediária entre o capitalismo e o socialismo. Em Crítica ao Intervencionismo Ludwig von Mises aponta as falhas inerentes à proposta de economia de mercado controlada, analisa os erros tanto do liberalismo social quanto do …

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Geldgespräch: Degussa-Chefvolkswirt Thorsten Polleit – Folge 53

Geld, Gold, Aktien und die Zukunft der Weltwirtschaft: Eigentlich wollten wir in unserem Geldgespräch lediglich auf die Kernaussagen aus Thorsten Polleits neuem Buch „Mit Geld zur Weltherrschaft“ eingehen. Allerdings fiel der vereinbarte Termin dann mitten in den Corona-Crash, sodass wir praktischerweise beide Themenkomplexe miteinander verbunden haben, zumal die Realität die Dystopie bereits ein Stück weit …

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Filosofía Política de Ludwig von Mises (Parte V) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti toca diversos temas tratados por Ludwig von Mises, entre estos, la democracia que considera necesaria para la cooperación social; el nacionalismo en donde el autor critica la confusión de Estado con nación porque la misma suele generar guerras; el colonialismo europeo que señala seriamente por su rechazo a las imposiciones culturales y los …

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Who is Ludwig von Mises? | by Jörg Guido Hülsmann

In this episode, Guido Hülsmann, author of Mises’s biography “The Last Knight of Liberalism,” highlights the life and work of Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973), arguably the greatest economist of all time. Very early in his career, Mises was influenced by Carl Menger and Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk to turn away from the Historicist approach and to …

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LIVE Sharpe Way with Guest Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute at 3pm ET.

A conversation with Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute. Support the show by liking and subscribing to all Sharpe Way Social Media: FB: The Sharpe Way with Larry Sharpe Twitter: @sharpe_way YouTube: The Sharpe Way Instagram:

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Ludwig von Mises & “Circulation Credit” Theory of the Trade Cycle

[This article is part of the Understanding Money Mechanics series, by Robert P. Murphy. The series will be published as a book in late 2020.] Starting with Carl Menger’s undisputed role in the “marginal revolution,” which ushered in subjective value theory, the Austrian school has made important contributions that have been absorbed into standard economic theory.

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How the COVID-19 Lockdowns Will Increase Resentment of the Elderly | Ryan McMaken

How do the shutdowns increase ageism? Because millions have arguably been thrown out of work in the name of protecting the elderly. The resulting economic devastation comes at the expense of younger workers, parents, students, and families. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio …...

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Filosofía Política de Ludwig von Mises (Parte IV) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti analiza la distinción que hace Ludwig von Mises entre nación, que define como una comunidad de hablantes donde la lengua es un instrumento de palabra y acción humana que incorpora la cultura; Estado que identifica como unidades administrativas con fronteras abiertas; y gobierno, como un conjunto de personas encargadas de cumplir los roles …

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