Category Archive: 6b.)

The German Court’s Unexpected Blow to the ECB

A high German court recently ruled that the European Central Bank has overstepped the bounds of its power. The angry response from high-ranking European bureaucrats tells us a lot about what they want for the EU. This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Original Article: "The German Court's Unexpected Blow to the ECB"

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Minimally Invasive Key Hole Bunion Surgery David Gordon

Minimally Invasive Key Hole Bunion Surgery David Gordon Visit for more information

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Words of wisdom from Ludwig von Mises

Explain : Ludwig von Mises ‘s Wisdom Quotes [Ludwig von Mises was an Austrian School economist, historian, and sociologist. Mises wrote and lectured extensively on the societal contributions of classical liberalism. He is best known for his work on praxeology, a study of human choice and action.]

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There’s No End in Sight to the Zombie Economy

The United States was waiting for the zombie apocalypse. The country was given a coronapocalypse instead. But could the two events merge and provide the nation with a dangerous economic trend? Corporate America’s worst-kept secret had been the swelling number of zombies kept on life support and hidden away during the boom phase of the business cycle.

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Michael Flynn, Lori Loughlin, and the Permanent Culture of Prosecutorial Abuse

When US attorney general William Barr recently announced that the Department of Justice was reversing course and dropping all charges against former Trump adviser Michael Flynn, the response from Democrats, the mainstream news media, and Never-Trump Republicans such as David French was thermonuclear, to put it mildly.

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100 años de “Nación, Estado y Economía” de Ludwig von Mises

Conferencia por los cien años de la publicación del libro “Nación, Estado y Economía” (1919) de Ludwig von Mises. Evento organizado por el Centro Ilustración Republicana (CIR) y el Instituto Mises Perú. Miraflores, Lima, 24 de septiembre, 2019. Participan Paul Laurent, Federico Salazar e Iván Alonso. Lugar: Edificio Platino, Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea.

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Ludwig von Mises: conmemoración de los 137 años de su nacimiento

Homenaje organizado por el Instituto Mises Perú en el Instituto Raúl Porras Barrenechea, el miércoles 26 de septiembre de 2018, Miraflores, Lima. También participaron Lucas Ghersi e Iván Alonso. Presentó el evento Favio León Lecca.

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Episode 425: Social Media Wars and the George Floyd Killing w/ Jeff Deist

60 Minutes Safe for Work Jeff Deist is the president of the Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama and comes on the show to discuss Section 230 and Trump’s Executive Order, as well as taking a look at the George Floyd killing and the riots and looting that followed it. Show notes and links –

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Two Analogies for the Economy That the Media Keeps Getting Wrong

In an attempt to maintain the lockdown and their authority over our lives, politicians, health experts, and the mainstream media have been misusing some unusual analogies to describe the current economy. By using these analogies, our political overlords hope they can continue to keep the economy shut down, force companies to produce what the government forgot to purchase before the virus hit, and toss out trillions of dollars of handouts and...

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Defining “Inflation” Correctly

Inflation is typically defined as a general increase in the prices of goods and services—described by changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) or other price indexes. If inflation is a general rise in measured prices, then why is it regarded as bad news? What kind of damage can it inflict? Mainstream economists maintain that inflation causes speculative buying, which generates waste.

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David Gordon Green on filmmaking

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for exclusive videos from AFI: During an online Zoom seminar at the AFI Conservatory, writer/producer/director David Gordon Green spoke to AFI Fellows on filmmaking. FOLLOW AFI: Tweets by AmericanFilm Home page BECOME AN AFI MEMBER: SIGN UP for the AFI Newsletter:...

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David Gordon Green on Filmmaker Balance

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for exclusive videos from AFI: During an online Zoom seminar at the AFI Conservatory, writer/director/producer David Gordon Green spoke to AFI Fellows about filmmaking. FOLLOW AFI: Tweets by AmericanFilm Home page BECOME AN AFI MEMBER: SIGN UP for the AFI Newsletter:...

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David Gordon Green: Lead with Curiosity and Expertise

SUBSCRIBE to this channel for exclusive videos from AFI: During an online Zoom seminar at the AFI Conservatory, filmmaker David Gordon Green spoke to AFI Fellows about how to lead with curiosity and expertise. FOLLOW AFI: Tweets by AmericanFilm Home page BECOME AN AFI MEMBER: SIGN UP for the AFI...

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Jeff Deist Returns, Science and U with Dr. Yu – A Neighbor’s Choice

A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected]

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Why Congressional “Oversight” of the Bureaucracy Is No Such Thing

I have long been fascinated by both public policy and the interesting crooks, crannies, and oddities found in the English language. Recently, I came across one such tidbit which connected both of those interests. Hugh Rawson, in "Janus Words—Two-faced English" on the Cambridge Dictionary blog, was discussing a number of English words that are sometimes called Janus words, after the Roman god depicted with two faces pointing in opposite directions,...

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How We Might Respond to a Panedemic Were Society Not So Dominated by the State

“There are no libertarians in an epidemic” crowed Atlantic reporter Peter Nicholas back on March 10, as he listed the numerous economic interventions the Trump administration was undertaking in the wake of the mounting COVID-19 crisis. This intervention, Nicholas declared, just goes to show you that whatever antigovernment talk one might talk, government intervention in the economy is “nothing new and, as may well prove the case this time around,...

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Mises-Seminar 2020 (Vortrag 8): „Theorie und Geschichte“

Vortrag von Professor Dr. Thorsten Polleit im Rahmen des Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2020 am 13. und 14. März 2020 in der Stadthalle Kronberg/Taunus. Der Vortrag behandelt das Buch „Theorie und Geschichte“ von Ludwig von Mises aus dem Jahr 1957. Das Thema des Seminars lautete: „Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie – 12 Vorlesungen über bahnbrechende …

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The Chicago School versus the Austrian School

Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. People often ask me, How are the Austrians different from the Chicago School economists? Aren't you all free market guys who oppose big-government Keynesians?

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LudWig Von Mises – Vídeo Introdutório – #Episódio022

Um vídeo introdutório sobre o economista e filósofo da Escola Austríaca de Economia, referência para todos os liberais e “desgraça” para os comunistas, LudWig Von Mises. Esse vídeo introdutório falarei um pouco de seu autor, da Escola Austríaca e influenciadores como Menger e Hayek. Sobre os 10 #Livros de um Box Coletânea falarei em outros …

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The Folly of “Ask What You Can Do for Your Country”

Recently, I was reminded of John F. Kennedy’s most famous line, “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country,” when I heard it among several famous sound bites leading into a radio show segment. It also reminded me that we will hear it more soon, as we are approaching JFK’s May 29 birthday. However, it is worth reconsidering what it means.

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