Category Archive: 6b.)

Jeff Deist on Unemployment Numbers, Planet of the Humans – A Neighbor’s Choice

Jeff Deist on Unemployment Numbers, Planet of the Humans A Neighbor’s Choice with David Gornoski airs live weekdays 4-6pm EST. Call in at 727-587-1040. Email A Neighbor’s Choice with a guest suggestion, story tip or question at [email protected] Multistreaming with

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Human Action Part Seven with Tom Woods

We’ve reached the end of Human Action! Tom Woods joins the podcast to discuss Part Seven, “The Place of Economics in Society,” and it’s a show you don’t want to miss. Woods and host Jeff Deist enjoy an engaging and far-ranging discussion of the book’s place in history, Mises’s frustration with economics co-opting the methods …

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Flg.24 – Corona-Kassensturz

08.05.2020 – Prof. Thomas Mayer, ehemals Chefvolkswirt der Deutschen Bank und jetzt Direktor des Flossbach von Storch Research Institute, Prof. Thorsten Polleit, Chefökonom der Degussa Goldhandel und Autor mehrerer Bücher über Geldpolitik und Geldtheorie sowie der Publizist René Zeyer in Zürich diskutieren unter der Leitung von Burkhard Müller-Ullrich über die wirtschaftlichen und finanziellen Folgen des …

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Mises-Seminar 2020 (Vortrag 4): „Die Gemeinwirtschaft“

Vortrag von Dr. Karl-Friedrich Israel im Rahmen des Ludwig von Mises Seminar 2020 am 13. und 14. März 2020 in der Stadthalle Kronberg/Taunus. Der Vortrag behandelt das Buch „Die Gemeinwirtschaft. Untersuchungen über den Sozialismus“ von Ludwig von Mises aus dem Jahr 1922. Das Thema des Seminars lautete: „Die Österreichische Schule der Nationalökonomie – 12 Vorlesungen …

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The Life,Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises | Lecture 9: New Life in America

In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Jörg Guido …

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Be Thankful for Those Who “Only Do It for the Money”

At least since I first read George Orwell’s Politics and the English Language, I have been a student of the use of weasel words. I have joined what he called the “struggle against the abuse of language,” because “Political language…is designed to make lies sound truthful…and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.”

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How All That Extra Stimulus Money Could Lead to Price Inflation | Thorsten Polleit

More money creation doesn’t necessarily mean higher consumer prices. But, if production is falling while consumers use their stimulus checks to buy food and clothing, we could see noticeable price inflation. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is also available on…...

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Jeff Deist – Nationalization of Industry Has Begun With Fed Buying Corporate Bonds

SBTV speaks with Jeff Deist, President of the Mises Institute, about why the shutdown of the U.S. economy is unjustified and how nationalization of industry has begun with the Federal Reserve starting to buy stocks. Discussed in this interview: 01:43 Is the government responsible to manage this pandemic? 07:31 The One-Size-Fits-All plan to shutdown the …

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Money Creation – Not Low Interest Rates – Is Behind the Boom-Bust Cycle

In a recent article entitled “Where Are All the Austrian Scholars' Yachts?” John Tamny has criticized Austrian economists, and Mark Thornton in particular, for their skepticism regarding the relatively “ebullient stock market” in the midst of the pandemic. Mark Thornton responded to Tamny’s main argument in an earlier post. In this post, I will address two serious errors that underlie Tamny’s argument. 

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Mises, Hayek, Popper y su relación con santo Tomás de Aquino (Día 1: Parte II) | Gabriel Zanotti

Gabriel Zanotti presenta la similitud de ideas entre Tomás de Aquino y Ludwig von Mises, relacionadas con la propiedad privada. Comenta que Aquino en su momento pudo fundamentar este concepto en el simple razonamiento que cada individuo cuida mejor lo propio que lo común y que todas aquellas cosas que son útiles a la sociedad …

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Politicians Have Destroyed Markets and Ignored Human Rights with Alarming Enthusiasm

An economic cataclysm has been unleashed upon the world by Western politicians and bureaucrats. Unbelievably, economic activity in the West has slowed to a creep, as entire populations have been confined to their homes for weeks, if not months. As a result, millions have had their lives turned upside down. Most entrepreneurs and self-employed persons have had their livelihoods jeopardized.

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises | Lecture 7: Years in Geneva

In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Jörg Guido …

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Per Bylund: Avoid the Errors of UN-trepreneurship

The entrepreneurial business model is built on a set of important economic principles. Wandering away from the entrepreneurial pathway can lead to errors that Per Bylund christened UNtrepreneurship. Show Notes: “Avoiding The Errors of UN-trepreneurship” (PDF): Economics For Entrepreneurs is also available on… Apple Podcasts:...

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises | Lecture 6: Mises in His Prime

In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Jörg Guido …

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America Is a Technocracy, Not a Democracy | Ryan McMaken

The people who really run the country are unelected “experts” and bureaucrats at the central banks, at public health agencies, spy agencies, and an expanding network of boards and commissions. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is also available on… Apple …

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Unemployment Kills: The Longer Lockdowns Last, the Worse It Will Get | Ryan McMaken

Thirty million Americans are now unemployed, in part thanks to government “lockdowns.” Meanwhile, unemployment in many cases doubles the unemployed person’s risk of death through disease, suicide, or drug overdose. Original article: This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Millian Quinteros. Audio Mises Wire is...

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Decades of Productivity Gains Have Made Our Debt Bomb Manageable (For Now)

Listen to the Audio Mises Wire version of this article. Listening to the news, you might have the impression that its Christmas and the government is Santa Claus. Under legislation recently introduced in Congress, Americans over the age of sixteen would receive $2,000 per month for at least six months. This follows the government’s $1200 giveaway in progress.

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises Lecture 5 A Copernican Shift 200503 89m26

Ludwig von Mises Lecture 5 A Copernican Shift 200503 89m26 LibertyInOurTime Presented at the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn, Alabama, July 23-28, 2007. Playlist link for complete course: Ludwig von Mises was the acknowledged leader of the Austrian School of economic thought, a prodigious originator in economic theory, and a prolific author. Mises’s …

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises Lecture 4 The Great War and Its Aftermath 200502 85

The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises Lecture 4 The Great War and Its Aftermath 200502 85m15 LibertyInOurTime In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented …

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The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises Lecture 3 Theory of Money and Credit 200501 88m06

The Life, Times, and Work of Ludwig von Mises Lecture 3 Theory of Money and Credit 200501 88m06 LibertyInOurTime In this ten-lecture course, Jörg Guido Hülsmann explains how Ludwig von Mises’s life took dramatic turns, what contributions Mises made to the social sciences, and how Mises never gave up and never gave in. Presented at …

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