Category Archive: 6b.)

How Monetary Expansion Creates Income and Wealth Inequality

“Every change in the money relation alters … the conditions of the individual members of society. Some become richer, some poorer.” – Mises, Human Action, p. 414. New money enters the economy at a particular point. It does not enter in the form of a proportional and simultaneous increase in everybody’s incomes.

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Money-Supply Growth Finally Slows in March, Drops to 10-Month Low

After three months in a row of hitting new all-time highs, money supply growth slowed in March, dropping to a 10-month low. This slowdown, however, does not suggest any significant departure from the past year's high growth in money supply—which came in the wake of unprecedented quantitative easing, central bank asset purchases, and various stimulus packages.

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Yes, Paul Krugman, Booms Are Unsustainable

That Austrians and Keynesians do not share many views on economics (or probably anything else) is obvious, so a difference of opinion between the two hardly should surprise anyone.

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Make Politics Matter Less With Jeff Deist GodArchy Podcast

You know things are out of wack when soft drinks become politicized! And that’s where we are today. We’ve politicized virtually everything. But at the core, politics is violence, force and coercion. Surely, that’s not the best way we can come up with to interact with each other and advance human flourishing. In this episode, Mises Institute president Jeff Deist and I talk about making politics matter less. We focus on other important...

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Vaccine Passports and Medical Paternalism

Vaccine passports have been implemented, or are being developed, in a number of countries around the world. In February 2021, Israel introduced its "Green Pass," which becomes "effective the week after receiving the second dose" of the vaccine and expires after six months.

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The US Government Is On Track to Top Last Year’s Record-Breaking Deficits

The Treasury department has issued its spending and revenue report for April 2021, and it’s clear the US government is headed toward another record-breaking year for deficits. According to the report, the US federal government collected $439.2 billion in revenue during April 2021, which was a sizable improvement over April 2020 and over March 2021.

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Excess Mortality in The US Has Plummeted to Pre-Covid Levels

In any given year during the past decade in the United States, more than 2.5 million Americans have died—from all causes. The number has grown in recent years, climbing from 2.59 million in 2013 to 2.85 million in 2019. This has been due partially to the US’s aging population, and also due to rising obesity levels and drug overdoses.

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The Corrupt Bargain and the Preservation of Slavery

The most important battle of the August days of the Constitutional Convention was waged, as had been the battle over the three-fifths clause, between the North and South and had at its heart the institution of slavery.

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El progresismo | Jeff Deist

Jeff Deist habla sobre hasta qué punto el pensamiento progresista se está extendido en los actos y pensamientos de nuestra vida cotidiana. Momento que tuvo lugar durante la reunión anual de la Property and Freedom Society que se celebró del 13 al 18 de septiembre de 2018 en el Hotel Karia Princess, Bodrum, Turquía. Video cortesía de Centro Mises. Página web de Centro Mises: Te invito a colaborar con Menos...

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How Markets Have Delivered More Economic Equality

People must still compete for resources in a socialist economy. In fact, the competition is intense. On the other hand, thanks to markets, basic necessities—and even basic luxuries—are now more more accessible than ever.  Original Article: "How Markets Have Delivered More Economic Equality​" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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The Bureaucrat as a Voter

The bureaucrat is not only a government employee. He is, under a democratic constitution, at the same time a voter and as such a part of the sovereign, his employer. He is in a peculiar position: he is both employer and employee. And his pecuniary interest as employee towers above his interest as employer, as he gets much more from the public funds than he contributes to them.

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No, Conservatives Should Not Embrace MMT

Reading Jonathan Culbreath’s “Modern Monetary Theory for Conservatives” one can’t help but think of Murray Rothbard’s quip that “it is not a crime to be ignorant of economics … but it is totally irresponsible to have a loud and vociferous opinion on economic subjects while remaining in this state of ignorance.“ Culbreath’s case for modern monetary theory (MMT) rests on an ignorance of basic economic principles regarding the role of money in a free...

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Geld, Politik, gekaufte Macht und der Weg in die Abhängigkeit!

Geld, Politik und Macht sind sehr eng miteinander verwoben. Enger als es den meisten Menschen bewusst ist.

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Klimawandel und Corona. Was Mises und Hayek dazu sagen würden

Die Neuauflage der marxistischen "Verelendungstheorie": Klimawandel und Corona. Was Mises und Hayek dazu sagen würden. Aufzeichnung des Vortrags von Dr. Thorsten Polleit beim Hayek-Club Trier-Luxembourg e.V. am 22.4.2021

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Episode 89 – Irreconcilable Differences with Jeff Deist

In this very special episode, we are joined by the coolest patriarch in the liberty world, Mr. Jeff Deist of the Mises Institute. He is a man whose rational and apt arguments have been called hateful by the Woke Mob, the man who coined "post-persuasion," and a pillar of freedom in a chaotic world. Join us as we explore our current paradigm and our dire need for decentralization and secession.

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Thanks to the Fed, the High-Risk, Small-Time Borrower Is Becoming a Thing of the Past

Banks and accounting trickery go together. Last year, as I remember back to my banking days, financial institutions followed the advice once proffered by one of our board members, “If we’re going to the dump, let’s take a full load.”  When the pandemic struck, banks dumped plenty in their loan-loss provisions, $60 billion, expecting the worst.

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United agree tabs’on talented attacking midfielder, 22 goal contributions at youth level this season

Man United are weighing up a possible move for Andrew Moran. Ole Gunnar Solskjaer’s Manchester United have been built on developing youth. From Marcus Rashford to Scott McTominay, to the overflowing array of talent that’s knocking on the first-team door. As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. That’s exactly why the Old Trafford club continue to be linked with moves for talented players all across the globe. The latest prospect...

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Why Empowering Organized Labor Will Definitely Not Help the Economy

Paul Krugman has a very prominent perch from the editorial page at the New York Times and he has used his influence, among other things, to shill for two things that are anathema to a strong economy: inflation and organized labor. My analysis examines what Krugman says about labor unions and explains why once again his economic prognostications are off base.

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A Dozen Dangerous Presumptions of Crisis Policymaking

Congress and the president have adopted many critically important policies in great haste during brief periods of perceived national emergency. During the first “hundred days” of the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration in the spring of 1933, for example, the government abandoned the gold standard, enacted a system of wide-ranging controls, taxes, and subsidies in agriculture, and set in motion a plan to cartelize the nation’s manufacturing...

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The Biggest Threat to US Hegemony: China, Russia, or Debt?

China and Russia are trying to build a Eurasion bloc that can break free of any American spheres of influence. The American regime obviously opposes this, but money printing and debt limits the American options. Original Article: "The Biggest Threat to US Hegemony: China, Russia, or Debt?" This Audio Mises Wire is generously sponsored by Christopher Condon. Narrated by Michael Stack.

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