Mount Laurel II: Challenge and Delivery of Low-Cost Housing

Mount Laurel II is a historic state supreme court decision which mandates that all new residential development include housing for low- and moder­ate-income families.

This study provides a rational approach to low-cost housing. Methods for defining housing market areas are given, as well as demand and supply projection techniques. Housing cost reduction alternatives and allocation approaches are detailed.

It elaborates step-by-step methodologies with operational baselines, data framework, and alternative approaches.

•  The Potential of Zoning and Subdivision Controls

•  What Housing is Affordable—And by Whom

•  Fair Share Allocation Procedures

Author: Robert W. Burchell, W. Patrick Beaton, David Listokin, George Sternlieb, Robert W. Lake, Richard Florida,

Binding: Paperback

EAN: 9780882850986

Manufacturer: CUPR/Transaction

Number of items: 1

Number of pages: 428

Product group: Book

Studio: CUPR/Transaction

Publication Date: 1985-01-31

Publisher: CUPR/Transaction

Pages: 428

ISBN: 0882850989

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