How to Invest When Prices Are Rising (Classic Reprint)

The whole world is now ringing with complaints of the high cost of living. The great dominant fact to-day is the rising tide of prices, just as a generation ago the great dominant fact was the ebbing tide of prices. Moreover, whether the tide of prices rises or falls, the change has a profound effect on the economic ocean and encroaches even on the social and political horizons.

A generation ago the whole world was complaining of “depression of trade.” Then the discussion revolved about the under-supply of gold. To-day we hear much of the over-supply of gold. Then the social discontent led to a new alignment of political parties, and to-day similar discontent from an opposite cause is again disturbing our political conditions.

The high cost of living is an issue in every land. Parties in power are held responsible. Parties out of power promise that they will “do something to reduce it.”

Tags: prices gold bonds cent rising money stocks value university investment increase invest price stock investor rise bond power time business
Category: Business and Economics – Investment

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Author: Irving Fisher

Binding: Paperback

Condition: New

Manufacturer: Forgotten Books

Number of pages: 158

Product group: Book

Studio: Forgotten Books

Publication Date: 2013-11-30

Publisher: Forgotten Books

Pages: 158

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