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Anstieg der Volatilität zieht die Aktienmärkte in die Tiefe? | Blick auf die Woche | KW 17

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► Sichere dir Marios Watchliste der trendstärksten Aktien zum Traden für nur 1 € im Test:
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Mario Luddemann
After graduating from high school, Mario Lüddemann began a sales career with BoFrost and Bertelsmann. In 1996 he started as a private stock exchange trader on the German stock market with 5,000 DM seed capital and already reached a million profit as a daytrader on the German financial markets in 2001. In 2002 to the present day, the stock exchange professional sold more than 55,000 trades with a trading volume of more than 1 billion euros. Today, Mario Lüddemann is financially independent and independent as a portfolio manager, financial analyst as well as book author and university-certified management coach and is one of the best-known trading coaches in Germany.
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