Dr. Gary Schlarbaum, one of our generous supporters, has again offered to match donations received through December 9. That means your $10 donation becomes $20, your $25 donation becomes $50, and so on. For the last ten years, Gary has kickstarted our year-end campaign with his matching gift. He’s ready to match your gift today!
With a donation of $25 or more, you’ll receive a copy of Tom DiLorenzo‘s newest booklet, The Axis of Evil: America’s Three Worst Presidents. And, thanks to Gary, your donation doubles. Please donate today.
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You can also give by mailing a check (payable to the Mises Institute) to Mises Institute Matching, 518 W. Magnolia Ave., Auburn, AL 36832. You may also call us to donate at 1-800-OF-MISES. Our international friends should use 1-334-321-2100.
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Note: The views expressed on Mises.org are not necessarily those of the Mises Institute.
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