What is Old School Economics?
The phrase “old school economics” is often used positively or approvingly by many, but is rarely explained. What is this school and where is it located? You can be sure that it is not what is taught in most college classrooms today. It’s definitely not Keynesian or Marxist economics. But what is it?I often hear the phrase “old school economics” in response to, for example, a government bureaucrat who says we need to increase unemployment to fight inflation, or when some mainstream financial commentator says, “bad news is good news” where the bad news is for workers and taxpayers but is good news for Wall Street or government. Politicians and left-wing economists will often say “a weak dollar is good for the economy” or that “we” need to borrow and spend our way out of the economic mess
Covid Tyrants Partied While Demanding Lockdowns for Everyone Else
Remember when government officials sanctioned orgies but insisted it was too risky to permit children to attend classes to learn how to read?During the pandemic, New York City Covid Czar Jay Varma championed endless government restrictions and lockdowns to keep people safe. But, at the same time, he attended sex parties and a dance party, indulgences that made a mockery of everything he preached to New Yorkers. His hypocrisy was exposed this week by undercover recordings made by conservative podcaster Steven Crowder. Varma declared on Thursday: “I take responsibility for not using the best judgment at the time.”That statement is a great consolation to everyone whose rights and liberties were nullified during the pandemic. In the undercover recordings, Varma bragged about brutalizing people