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Underdog Moicano Wins UFC Fight, Bashes Macron in France, Promotes Hoppe

This past February, Brazilian UFC fighter Renato Moicano went viral after taking the microphone after a victorious fight to promote the work of Ludwig von Mises. In his own words, “If you care about your motherf******* country, read Ludwig von Mises and the six lessons of the Austrian school.”

Today, at UFC Fight Night 243, Moicano returned to the octagon as a strong underdog against French fighter Benoit Saint Denis. What odds-makers didn’t take into account was there was no way Renato Moicano was going to lose on Ludwig von Mises’s birthday weekend.

Moicano dominated the first round of the fight, landing heavy blows before controlling his opponent on the ground. While the second round featured a strong performance between the two fighters, the damage inflicted the first round was ruled to be enough to end the fight by the officials.

Following being declared the winner, Moicano once again took the mic.

“F*** Macron. F*** the Globalists. F*** all of these motherf****** globalists trying to push this politcally corrupt agenda. If you want to talk about politics and the economy, read Democracy: The God that Failed by Hans-Hermann. I hope you will understand that democracy is a fallacy. Please read Hans-Hermann Hoppe and understand why the world is going crazy like that today.”

Warning, adult language us used in the clip below:

Renato Moicano reflects a rising growing global recognition of the works of the Austrian school. Groups like our friends at Mises Institute Brasil have done remarkable work normalizing thinkers like Mises and Hoppe. Unfortunately, the tyranny of their regime has made their critiques of the modern state increasingly relevant to the general population.

For those interested in following Renato Moicano’s advice, the audiobook of Democracy: The God that Failed is available for free at The book is also available at the Mises Bookstore.

Congratulations to Mr. Moicano, we can’t wait to see your next fight.

Our Renato Moicano shirt is also available at the Mises Bookstore.

Underdog Moicano Wins UFC Fight, Bashes Macron in France, Promotes Hoppe

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Tho Bishop
Tho is an assistant editor for the Mises Wire, and can assist with questions from the press. Prior to working for the Mises Institute, he served as Deputy Communications Director for the House Financial Services Committee. His articles have been featured in The Federalist, the Daily Caller, and Business Insider.
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