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Bayer pharmaceutical group cuts 150 jobs in Basel

German pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals group Bayer is to cut around 150 of its 1,000 full-time jobs in Basel.

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A spokeswoman confirmed to the AWP news agency on Tuesday evening the information published in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung newspaper.

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According to the spokeswoman, the job cuts will mainly affect the Consumer Health division, headquartered in Basel. These cuts should be completed by 2025. A social plan has been put in place, according to the NZZ.

Bayer is known to be in crisis, the German group having cut more than 3,000 jobs worldwide since the beginning of the year. A total of 96,600 people were still employed by Bayer at the end of June.

With these measures, the company aims to save €2 billion a year from 2026, and €500 million already this year. “We are well on the way to achieving both targets,” said Group CEO Bill Anderson at the start of August when presenting the half-year results.


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