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Censorship and Official Lies: The End of Truth in America?

"Truth is treason in an empire of lies." – George Orwell

The State is tightening its stranglehold on its own narrative as its web of lies unravels. The government's lapdogs in the news media continue to bark and howl on TV even though a majority of American households have cut the cord. And of course, nothing resembling the truth can be heard in the softball press conferences at the White House and the Federal Reserve.

Newspapers, both online and in print, are flailing about with clickbait headlines, and any substance beneath the headline usually just trots out a sanitized narrative for a declining readership. Social media platforms, with rare exceptions, have been more than willing to quash stories and ban users for political purposes.

And don't get us started on the septic tank known as "higher education" in America.

Where is the truth in all this mess? Who is trustworthy? What truths are feared by the State so much that they must resort to censorship? Will the public believe or reject the official narrative? 

Wars and conflicts around the world show that U.S. foreign policy is failing. Historic inflation and an economy teetering on yet another recession shows that U.S. fiscal and monetary policy are failing. Every day, new revelations emerge about covid and the totalitarian covid regime, showing the failure of lying "experts" like Fauci. Political tensions have been exacerbated as candidates and government agencies wage lawfare against opponents.

Suppression and censorship are the tools of a regime that is fearful and hostile to the truth. Perhaps the easiest way to discern the truth in all this chaos is to doubt everything the government says.

Join Ron Paul, Tom DiLorenzo, Daniel McAdams, and Ryan McMaken for an event co-hosted by the Mises Institute and Ron Paul Institute. You will not want to miss these truth-tellers exposing the State's lies and ripping the official narrative to shreds.


We'll meet at the beautiful Hidden Oaks, 101 Hidden Oaks Lane, Angelton, Texas. There will be limited tickets available for this event. Registration is required for attendance

Registration will be open soon. Tickets include a catered lunch buffet and all lectures.

Social Hour

There will be an optional social hour on Saturday after the event. Tickets are required for attendance, and will include beer and wine. All event speakers will attend. 

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