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5 Hidden Secrets To Amp-Up Your Company’s Marketing Strategy


You may be wondering why some companies seem leaps and bounds above others when it comes to creating comprehensive marketing strategies that guarantee positive results. Well, they are actually successful for one simple reason, and that is that they have knowledge that their competitors do not have. These secret objectives help them promote their businesses effectively, and, as such, draw in potential customers to consume their products and services. It is much easier than it looks, so let’s take a look at how they do it.

1. Partner With Micro-Influencers

Everyone is familiar with the big-name celebrities that are paid to recommend products and services to their fans and the general public on social media. However, endorsements from Kim Kardashian or Billie Eilish are unlikely for many small business owners with budget constraints. That is where micro-influencers come into play.

These are regular folks that have become social media famous in a given niche, or area, which may directly relate to your business. For example, if you own a small-town sporting goods store, you may want to partner with the local high school football star. Or, if you are running a non-profit, have your local news anchor give your next event a tweet.

2. Keep Track Of All Marketing Efforts

If you are not tracking the progress that you are making with a given marketing campaign, whether it is online or off, then there is no point in going through with it. After all, you may have positive results, but you will have no idea which part of the strategy is working best for your company.

By tracking and analyzing the outcomes of each portion of your campaign, you can find out which is working best, and double down your efforts in that area. You can also take a look at what is not really working and change direction if you need to. You can even eliminate parts of your strategy that are giving you no real return on your investment.

3. Hire The Best Team For The Job

Since you need the best return on your investment possible, it is a good idea to hire the right people to prepare your business’s marketing campaign. This is the easiest way to produce the most optimal results. If you are unsure of where to start when it comes to hiring marketing experts, try partnering with some of the leading marketing headhunters in Minneapolis MN, or your local area. They can aid you in your search for the top marketing personnel available, so you can build the best team for your current needs.

4. Cover All Steps Of The Sales Funnel

Sales funnels begin when your potential customers first begin to become aware of the product or service that you are selling. As the widest portion of the funnel, awareness encompasses the first time a lead may read your blog or social media posts or may become a regular follower. Then, the next step in the process, after awareness, is establishing interest. This is the point where your leads will learn more about your company and what you specifically offer. It is at this time that you may build more credibility and authority with your given audience.

Once the desire for what you offer comes into play, you will find that prospective customers or clients will start to actively seek the solutions that you offer that best meets their needs and budget. Since they are probably choosing between your business and comparable competitors, this stage gives you the unique opportunity to stand out as offering the most appropriate resolution to their problems.

Lastly, there is the action part of the sales funnel. This is where your lead becomes an actual active customer by making their first purchase. When you get to this point, the most important thing that you can do is fulfill the expectations of your new client or customer or exceed them. This is also where you can offer him or her advice on how to use your product, or support, in case there is a technical issue.

Remember, if you want to gain customers through the bottom end of the funnel, you must fill the top of the funnel for the best results.

5. Money For Testing New Marketing Initiatives

You should have a healthy budget cast aside each year for testing new marketing initiatives. Each month, you should take the time to test new platforms and platforms that are new to you and your company. This will allow you to expand your online presence in ways that you probably would not have envisioned when you began your online marketing campaign. These are just a few of the insider secrets of marketing, online and off, that you can use to gain more leads and increase your conversion rate.

This is by far not an exhaustive list. If you need help staffing your marketing department, there are some great resources available to you. It takes time to learn the ins and outs of the marketing world, and its impact on the major online platforms we use. It’s the easiest and most effective to team up with an experienced agency to handle your marketing strategy. However, by doing some research on terms like SEO, mixed-media models, information analytics, and other aspects of marketing, you’ll be well on your way to making better decisions for your business’s marketing efforts.

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