George as Banker and Economist
George Dorgan is the pen name of a Swiss banker and project manager. He is the main editor of the snbchf.com SNB central bank watch.
George is just one out of many that predicted the Jan 15, 2015 financial tsunami – but maybe he provides the most thorough background. The picture is from his CFA Society presentation in September 2014, when he predicted that the “SNB can stop the franc only temporarily”.
Expert in: FX, Central Bank Bal. Sheets & Balance of Payments, Risk Management, TBTF
Faith: Christian, believes in God
Likes: Austrian & Supply Side Economics, Deflation caused by Globalization and Technology, The Euro, Mindful Investing, Leo Tolstoi, Praxeology (based on bal. of payments related axioms)
Dislikes: Excessive Risk Taking, New/Neo Keynesian, Economic Models, Concept called GDP
Speaks: 6 languages fluently and Russian quite well
George as Entrepreneur
Startup idea:
We aggregate content from various high-quality sources, like Youtube or blog posts or other freely available content on the internet. The selection of content is based on keywords that are relevant for the customers. The content is gathered automatically in a WordPress database.
Potential Client Benefits
This keyword-based content in our database can be used in various business models.
Example 1a: All about me as author. Increase my visibility and traffic to my own sales pages. This is the basis from SNBCHF.COM
Example 1b: All about my company. Avoid negative reputation.
Example 2: All news about a certain topic.
Example 3: Continuously generate new backlinks with high-quality about the keywords above from our WordPress database. This will strongly increase the SEO of the customer, because usual backlinks age very quickly.