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From 23 July 2020, people arriving in Switzerland from 42 nations must quarantine for 10 days.
On 23 July 2020, the government added 15 nations to its existing list of nations where there is an increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection. Among them are a further three European countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Luxembourg and Montenegro.
The 15 additional nations are:
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Costa Rica
- Ecuador
- El Salvador
- Eswatini (Swasiland)
- Guatemala
- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Luxembourg
- Maldives
- Mexico
- Montenegro
- Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Surinam
- United Arab Emirates
Two countries were removed from the list: Sweden and Belarus.
If you enter Switzerland and have spent time in a one of these places in the past 14 days you must go to your home or to other suitable accommodation immediately on arrival and stay there for 10 days and not go out. No exception is made for children. The legal requirement to quarantine is set out in Switzerland’s epidemic act. Fines for non-compliance can be as high as CHF 10,000.
There are currently 42 countries on the list of states with an increased risk of infection – click here for the list of compulsory quarantine nations, which is regularly updated.
In addition, you must report your arrival to the relevant cantonal authority and follow any instructions they give you. A government infoline operates from 6am to 11pm: +41 58 464 44 88.
A fact sheet sets out what people must do during quarantine. You must stay at home or in suitable accommodation for 10 days, avoid all contact with other people and observe the rules on hygiene. Even if your PCR test for the virus is negative, you still have to spend 10 days in quarantine.
People in your household who are at high risk should, if possible, stay separate from all others while in quarantine. If you have to leave the house for a doctor’s appointment, wear a face mask and avoid public transport. If you are feeling well enough, drive, cycle, walk or take a taxi, states the instruction sheet.
If you do not have any symptoms after 10 days, check with the cantonal medical service before coming out of quarantine, continue to follow the rules on hygiene and social distancing and continue to monitor your health. First symptoms of the disease may still appear after the end of the quarantine.
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