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Swiss tourism numbers crash as jobless figures rise


The number of overnight stays in Swiss hotels fell by nearly two-thirds in March as the coronavirus pandemic gripped the country. Hotels recorded just 1.26 million overnight stays compared to 3.4 million in the same month last year.

The dramatic downturn was expected due to the government-imposed lockdown and border restrictions. The figures, released on Thursday, show that Swiss residents had also shunned hotels in their own country, having been urged to stay at home during the usually busy Easter weekend.

The number of foreign tourists staying at Swiss hotels during March plummeted 68% while domestic trade fell 56%, according to official statistics. Hotels have been open but have had to apply social distancing measures and close restaurant facilities to non-guests.

Many Swiss hotels fear they will go bankrupt as a result of coronavirus. (© Keystone / Christian Beutler)

Graph showing number of hotel overnight stays

Graph showing number of hotel overnight stays

- Click to enlarge


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