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Video with Michael Strobaek: Discussing economic growth and investment strategies

What shape are the markets in right now? This month, Credit Suisse Global CIO Michael Strobaek discusses growth in the global and Swiss economies and explains the right investment strategies during the growth phase.

Global economic growth. Switzerland is doing well too.

It is encouraging that the global economy is in good shape despite the disparate growth rates in the various regions this year. The Swiss economy is on solid footing as well. Credit Suisse Global CIO Michael Strobaek explains why on camera.

Despite the uncertain markets, Strobaek is optimistic that growth will even accelerate in the second half of the year. This should have an impact on Swiss equities that boast attractive dividends and returns. In the second part of the video, Michael Strobaek explains how investors can share in this growth.

Use the right investment strategies to benefit from growth

Especially commodities – but also Swiss equities – offer opportunities for investors through global growth. Michael Strobaek advises caution when it comes to government bonds, however. Bonds with shorter durations are recommended, such as those from emerging markets. Incorporating various investment strategies into portfolios appears to be the key idea this year.

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Michael Strobaek
Michael Strobaek is a Managing Director of Credit Suisse in the International Wealth Management division. He is the Global Chief Investment Officer (CIO) and Head of Investment Solutions & Products, a unit that integrates the advisory, investment and delivery process.
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