The cliché of Swiss trains always being on time is challenged by data published on the website
Analysis of this data by 20 Minuten, shows the most frequently delayed trains arrive from Italy.
Mendrisio, near the Italian border in the canton of Ticino, was the worst performing station with 30% of trains delayed by 3 minutes or more. Italian delays also affect Swiss trains from Domodossola and Brig.
The next stations on the train tardiness table were Spiez (18% delayed), Giubiasco (16%), Basel (16%) and Yverdon-les-Bains (15%).
The most punctual stations were Wattwil (1.5%), Bülach (2.3%) and Wetzikon (2.4%).
Clear regional patterns are visible. Trains become more punctual the further east one goes. Uster (2.7%), Winterthur (4.5%) and Zurich (6.2%) had relatively few delayed trains when compared to Bern (9.1%), Basel (16%), Lausanne (9.6%), Geneva (8.8%) and Yverdon-les-Bains (15%).
Depending on where you are, Swiss trains are either punktlich or in ritardo.
The data analyzed covers the period from 1 January 2018 to 30 April 2018. Data is approximate – punctuality is calculated by taking data from 53 reference points and interpolating it.
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