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Switzerland Unemployment in July 2017: Remained unchanged at 3.0 percent, seasonally adjusted unchanged at 3.2 percent

Unemployment Rate (not seasonally adjusted)

Registered unemployment in July 2017 – According to the SECO, at the end of July 2017, 133,926 unemployed persons were registered with the regional employment services centers (RAVs), 323 more than in the previous month. The unemployment rate remained at 3.0% in the reporting month. Compared to the previous month, unemployment fell by 5’384 persons (-3.9%).

Switzerland Unemployment Rate n.s.a. July 2017

(see more posts on Switzerland Unemployment Rate, )
Switzerland Unemployment Rate n.s.a. July 2017

Source: - Click to enlarge

Seasonally adjusted Unemployment Rate

The seasonally adjusted unemployment rate remains unchanged at 3.2%.

Switzerland Unemployment Rate s.a. July 2017

(see more posts on Switzerland Unemployment Rate, )
Switzerland Unemployment Rate s.a. July 2017

Source: - Click to enlarge

Number of unemployed and Job seekers

Youth unemployment in July 2017

Youth unemployment (15 to 24 year olds) rose by 1,555 people (+ 11.0%) to 15’663. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to a decrease of 1,444 persons (-8.4%).

Unemployed 50 and more in July 2017

The number of unemployed 50 and more decreased by 467 persons (-1.3%) to 35’755. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to a decrease of 324 persons (-0.9%).

Job search in July 2017

A total of 195,223 job seekers were registered, 1’673 less than in the previous month. Compared to the same period last year, this figure fell by 4’124 persons (-2.1%).

Reported vacancies in July 2017

The number of vacancies reported to RAV decreased by 214 to 12,206.

Calculated work in May 2017

In May 2017, 3,876 people were affected by short-time work, 144 fewer persons (-3.6%) than in the previous month. The number of holdings decreased by 70 units (-15.3%) to 389. The hours worked fell by 913 (+ 0.4%) to 204’779 hours. In the corresponding period of the previous year (May 2016), 335,884 hours of absence had been recorded, which had spread to 6,413 persons in 623 companies.

Controls in May 2017

According to the provisional figures of the unemployment insurance funds, the number of persons who had exhausted their right to unemployment compensation during the month of May 2017 amounted to 3’704 persons.

Switzerland, Number of Employed and Number of Job Seekers, July 2017

Switzerland, Number of Employed and Number of Job Seekers, July 2017

Source: - Click to enlarge


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State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO SECO is the federal government`s centre of excellence for all core issues relating to economic and labour market policy. It is our aim to contribute to sustained economic growth, high employment and fair working conditions, by creating the necessary regulatory, economic and foreign policy framework.
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