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EUR/CHF: A History of Currency Interventions, January, February 2010

A market view history of the EUR/CHF from the website ForexLive

January, February 2010

EUR/CHF Steady As A Rock

EUR/CHF sits at 1.4632, seeing very steady trade.

I guess we should note that the SNB quite likes intervening on a Friday.

By Gerry Davies  || February 26, 2010 at 08:19 GMT

Rumours Of SNB Help EUR/CHF Higher

The EUR/CHF has popped from 1.4630 to 1.4675 on rumours of SNB intervention. No confirmation yet but it looks to be genuine.


By Sean Lee  || February 23, 2010 at 05:28 GMT

Swiss Consumer Sentiment Better Than Expected

Swiss consumer sentiment index -7 in Q1, better than median forecast of -10.

EUR/CHF has traded a little firmer this morning, presently at 1.4730, amid rumour of SNB intervention.

Personally I’d expect the jump in the cross to have been more marked if they were actually in.

By Gerry Davies  || February 2, 2010 at 07:04 GMT

Rumour Of SNB Buying EUR/CHF

Have had no confirmation yet but it certainly looks like they may have been up early.

By Sean Lee  || February 2, 2010 at 05:12 GMT

EUR/USD: Or Maybe Not

The stops are obviously placed above 126.70 in EUR/JPY for a very good reason; there’s excellent selling just ahead of there. The market stalled at 126.53 last night and at 61 today so there’s definitely something happening at this level. EUR/USD has backed off a little along with the cross but I am now a committed dip-buyer in EUR/USD and in all the EUR crosses.

By Sean Lee  || February 2, 2010 at 01:19 GMT

EUR/CHF Steady As A Rock, But………..

UBS feels there could be a little volatility on the way, citing the possibility of comments from Swiss central bankers at the World Economic Forum in Davos.  Here’s hoping.

By Gerry Davies  || January 27, 2010 at 07:18 GMT

Swiss ZEW January Investor Sentiment 56.2, Up From 54.0 In December

EUR/CHF trading at session low 1.4715, the data giving swissy a little support.

Roll the jaws music, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum……..

Guess we’re about to see whether those earlier touted buy orders down at 1.4700/10 do infact contain BIS interest.

By Gerry Davies  || January 21, 2010 at 10:08 GMT

EUR/CHF Steady At Lower Levels; Buy Interest Noted

EUR/CHF trades at 1.4728 presently, effectively unchanged from where North America closed out Wednesday.  Talk of buy orders down at 1.4700/10. Some mumblings that BIS interest in lying there. Take it for what you will. Guess we should be attuned to the possibility of intervention at these lowly levels.

By Gerry Davies  || January 21, 2010 at 06:06 GMT
Category: All, Central Banks, Europe, Mkt Talk, orders, Regions || Tags: EUR/CHF || 3 comments || Add comment

EUR/CHF On The Move

EUR/CHF is heading higher, presently at 1.4805 from an early 1.4785.  Talk yesterday of BIS buy interest (unsubstantiated) and we can expect more talk to emerge any second.

By Gerry Davies  || January 14, 2010 at 07:42 GMT


Well I stand corrected. Talk BIS has entered market buying EUR/CHF, cross presently up at 1.4785 having been as high as 1.4802.

(see, I felt BIS was readying to do something. Just that my radar was a little wonky and it steered me toward EUR/USD. Got a technician adjusting it with a screwdriver as we speak.)

By Gerry Davies  || January 13, 2010 at 08:50 GMT

EUR/CHF Edges Higher

EUR/CHF is trading a little higher, presently at 1.4765 from early 1.4750.  Has the SNB finally turned up? Answers on a postcard.

Naw, would have spiked if they had been seen.  Worth keeping an eye on things though.

By Gerry Davies  || January 13, 2010 at 08:19 GMT

SNB’s Hildebrand: SNB To Continue To Prevent Any Excessive Appreciation Of Franc Vs Euro

  • SNB has no exchange rate target but will monitor forex market developments very closely.

EUR/CHF up at 1.4775 from early 1.4750,  USD/CHF up at 1.0190 from early 1.0160.

By Gerry Davies  || January 11, 2010 at 07:33 GMT
Are you the author?
George Dorgan
George Dorgan (penname) predicted the end of the EUR/CHF peg at the CFA Society and at many occasions on and on this blog. Several Swiss and international financial advisors support the site. These firms aim to deliver independent advice from the often misleading mainstream of banks and asset managers. George is FinTech entrepreneur, financial author and alternative economist. He speak seven languages fluently.
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