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Warren Buffett On The U S National Debt| Charlie munger As Well (2006 Berkshire Hathaway meeting)

Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger talk about the ever increasing U.S National debt and the potential long-term consequence at the annual Berkshire hathaway meeting.

, and given the nature of the current economic situation I thought this would make perfect since as to post because one has to think that some of the actions that are being taken now will increase the U.S national debt at a faster rate.

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Charlie Munger
Charles Thomas Munger (born January 1, 1924) is an American investor, businessman, former real estate attorney, architectural designer, and philanthropist. He is vice chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate controlled by Warren Buffett; Buffett has described Munger as his partner. Munger served as chairman of Wesco Financial Corporation from 1984 through 2011. He is also chairman of the Daily Journal Corporation, based in Los Angeles, California, and a director of Costco Wholesale Corporation.
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