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The Rebel Capitalist and Ronald Stoferle


Once again Ronald Stöferle joins George Gammon on his show “The Rebel Capitalist” to talk about Gold, Bitcoin as well as many other topics.

All roads lead to Gold
With this phrase Ronald goes into detail on his most recent big presentation. It’s a Macro update with multiple main topics. One of these is most definably inflation. On this we are currently also writing a special report which will be published soon. One of the next big topics was where we are currently in the cycle for gold but also bitcoin. The debt crisis will come next and negative interest rates are the new norm.

A very special Year
This was very special year on so many levels. Not only the US election and the pandemic have been special. All taboos in fiscal but also monetary policy have been broken, and we saw the US national debt has risen by as much as it took the government to accumulate in the first 200 years of its existence combined. Also, in Europe the narrative on deficit spending has changed quite a lot. Stability is out and spending is the new occupant of the room. The big step we also saw is also from financial QE to fiscal QE.

Higher inflation
In the past the big mission of central bankers was to try to get lower inflation. By now this has reversed completely. Higher inflation is desperately wanted. While in the past 2% was seen as the ceiling, the maximum you would want inflation to be at, we now see it as the new average that should be achieved. We are currently seeing negative real rates, which won't change for the next few years. This is one of the main drivers of every gold bull market. When the vaccine finally is ready people will start being less hawkish again. Combine this will all the newly created money and you have the perfect storm for inflation and gold.

The Asian free trade zone
One of the big winners this year has undoubtedly been Asia. They got out of the crisis quite well and are now on the up again. Helping this development is a new free trade agreement. This year they are going to sign it and with representing roughly 30% of global GDP it is quite the sight. The US isn’t involved in this at all and it is a great step towards closer cooperation between Asian nations.

The great Reset
You can be sure f one thing; they won’t let a good crisis go to waste. The pandemic has provided the perfect opportunity to go ahead with one of the biggest global plans every. The great Reset. While on the surface it seems to be about improving capitalism, if you dig deeper you find that it’s a central planner wet dream. With MMT, helicopter money and other radical measures, all planned by the government no less we are getting closer to this plan. Only time will tell if nations and people will go with the plan or reject it.

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Thanks a lot to George Gammon from The Rebel Capitalist! For further interesting videos on markets, visit the following link:

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Ronald Stöferle
Ronald-Peter Stöferle is Managing Partner and Fund manager at Incrementum AG, based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The company focusses on asset management and wealth management and is one hundred percent owned by its partners. Ronald manages a fund that invests based on the principles of the Austrian School of Economics.
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