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Ronald Stöferle | The New Global Recession

Signs are growing for a worldwide economic downturn. This time, central banks may be powerless to stop it.

Ronald Stöferle, a partner of the Liechtenstein-based investment firm Incrementum AG, explains how his “In Gold We Trust” report was able to foresee the coming storm. He argues the United States has probably already entered a recession as big players seek refuge in gold and mining stocks.

This week we are also launching the first of a series of sponsored interviews with the Discovery Group. Chris Taylor, CEO of Great Bear Resources, tells us about exciting new discoveries in Red Lake, Ontario.

Show notes: #Crisis #Gold #Invest

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Ronald Stöferle
Ronald-Peter Stöferle is Managing Partner and Fund manager at Incrementum AG, based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The company focusses on asset management and wealth management and is one hundred percent owned by its partners. Ronald manages a fund that invests based on the principles of the Austrian School of Economics.
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