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Are We In a New Bull Market? | 3 Minutes on Markets & Money [Jan. 13, 2021]

- Things you don't see at the beginning of new bull market: Valuations and Risk at record highs
- Forward expectations for growth remain positive, despite increased earnings expectations
- Market capitalized higher than overall economy
- Retail trading growth explosion in 2020
- Call options spiking higher
- Gamma exposure at record highs
- Handful of penny stocks comprise 20% of market
- Lower-priced stocks performing better in early 2021

RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist, Lance Roberts


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Lance Roberts
Finally, financial news that makes sense. Lance Roberts, the host of "StreetTalkLive", has a unique ability to bring the complex world of economics, investing and personal financial wealth building to you in simple, easy and informative ways but also makes it entertaining to listen to at the same time.
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  1. Arnold Ziffel

    For a better perspective overlay the S&P 500 with the Venezuela market.

  2. plast117

    While the new format of 3 Minutes is informative, I can find the same in your printed reports. I miss the daily financial "weather report" you used to give up until a week or so ago. Can you add that as a 4th minute?

    1. Brent Clanton

      Thanks for the feedback; we continually tweak our content to find an optimum balance between content and audience capacity. Appreciate your suggestion!

  3. David Bodart

    What is different this time (I think) is that the developed world, including the U.S., is transitioning to 3rd world monetary mismanagement. A subtle shift within that is building momentum right now: Instead of the monetized debt getting dumped into the reserve banks and ultimately asset and debt markets, it looks like there is a shift to give it directly to selected classes of residents (not necessarily citizens) . I expect universal basic income to follow within a couple of years (don't know what the difference between UBI and welfare is, will have to read up).

    Anyway, the reason I listen to Lance and Co. is my hope that they will navigate this landscape somehow and figure out how to hang on to some wealth even as the cumulative debt and promised obligations exceed any possible future wealth creation. I don't understand how a fiat currency can survive that, but maybe.

    An old worker's aphorism from the Soviet Union: "The pretend to pay us, and we pretend to work."

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