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Welcome to the U.S.S.A. | Three Minutes on Markets & Money [1/12/21]

(1/12/21) The United States has been devolving into socialism for the past 40-years; Transportation, Defense, Education, Healthcare spending by Government are hallmarks of socialism; "From each according to his ability to each according to his need." $85-Trillion in debt against a $19-Trillion economy; Why we can't generate economic growth. Lower interest rates actually destructive to economy;
- RIA Advisors Chief Investment Strategist Lance Roberts
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Lance Roberts
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  1. Arnold Ziffel

    The Xiden Administration will also bring MORE HATE of the middle class.

  2. houmatthew

    If no more oil & gas then we'll go back to the year 1820 where people were lucky to live to be 30 and life was hell.

    Liberal democrats are blind sheep ripe for slaughter by the ultra wealthy. With Socialism you get a year or two of free lollipops and then generations of tyrant dictators just like Cuba and Venezuela.

  3. Mark Yeager

    Good info. Now, what does the average investor do with this info?

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