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Geheimnisse der Stillhalter – So investierst Du sicher und rentabel an der Börse Finanzkongress 2022

Http:// Meine Studenten bekommen mit dem System der Stillhalter Monat für Monat Traumrenditen, bei minimalen Risiken und geringem Zeitaufwand. Wie das geht? Genau das zeige ich im kommenden Online-Event "Geheimnisse der Stillhalter". In mehreren Live Webinaren werde ich Schritt-für-Schritt aufzeigen, wie jeder an der Börse hohe Renditen bekommen kann - ohne sich vor einem Crash zu...

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Max Otte: Tech-Bonanza ist vorbei

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: MAX OTTE ONLINE ▶︎ Privatinvestor TV: ▶︎ Max Ottes Webseite: ▶︎ Max Ottes Buch: "Weltsystemcrash: Krisen, Unruhen und die Geburt einer neuen Weltordnung" Hier bestellen: ▶︎ Max Ottes neues Buch: “Auf der Suche...

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Charlie Munger: You Only Need To Know These 7 Rules

As things continue to fall apart in the financial world, one of the investors that have been sharing indispensable advice is the ninety-eight-year-old businessman and renowned billionaire, Charlie Munger.

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„So verlieren wir den Energie-Krieg“ | Dr. Daniel Stelter | Viertel nach Acht

Ökonom und Autor Dr. Daniel Stelter beobachtet die drohende Deindustrialisierung mit Sorge. Was muss die Politik tun, um sie zu verhindern?

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Andreas Beck: Aktienmarkt ist sehr schlecht gelaunt

▶︎ EINLADUNG ▶︎ „Die größten Gefahren für Ihr Vermögen“ - Online-Info-Veranstaltung ✅ Hier gratis anmelden: ANDREAS BECK ONLINE ▶︎ Andreas Becks Investmentfonds Global Portfolio One (GPO): ▶︎ Andreas Beck auf YouTube: ▶︎ Andreas Beck auf Twitter: #andreasbeck #immobilienblase...

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FOREX QUICK: EURUSD rebounds from new 2022 lows and tilts short term bias back to the upside

The EURUSD moved to a new low going back to 2002 this week, but rebounded into the close for the week and is closing with a short term bullish bias. Could the low be in for the pair? In this video, I outline the levels that would keep the bias more bullish, and the key targets to get to and through to increase that bias.

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FOREX QUICK: A record low for the GBPUSD, but the closing level for the week is short term bullish

The GBPUSD moved to a new all time record low this week. However, by the close, the price had rebounded and is closing the week with a more bullish bias in the short term. What needs to be done to keep the ST bias intact in the new trading week?

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How to Write a Successful Money Script

(9/30/22) Thursday was a rotten-apple day in a tumultuous week for the markets; recapping Hurricane Ian damage. Financial storms for the Dollar & Bond Markets: All gains from the last 10-years have been eliminated. The 60/40 allocation is the most painful ever. Why the Treasury market gets no respect; if you have cash on hand, begin putting together a list of target stocks to buy when the timing is right. Moving from Cali to Texas; when...

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FOREX QUICK: The USDJPY is still dealing with the BOJ intervention extremes.

The USDJPY has the ghost of the verbal and actual intervention extremes to deal with near the 145.00 level and above. The highs this week respected the 145.00 level, but is closing the week near the level. Can the sellers continue to keep the lid on the pair and perhaps push lower in the new trading week?

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FOREX QUICK: USDCHF closes with more of a bullish bias. Can the buyers keep the momentum going?

The USDCHF closed the week with more of a bullish bias in an up and down week. Can the buyers in the new trading week keep the momentum going?

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Are we looking at the end of the American empire? 🇺🇸

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FOREX QUICK: USDCAD closes near highs for the year and highest level since May 2020. What now?

With the USDCAD closing at new highs for the year and highest level since May 2020, the buyers are in firm control. What would weaken the bullish trend for that pair in the new trading week?

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With the RBNZ set to raise rates by 50 BPs, what do the buyers have to do to get the NZDUSD higher?

Like the AUDUSD, the week ending September 30, 2022, the NZDUSD buyers had their shot to take more control. That move failed and the price is closing near the lows for the week. What would have to happen in the new trading week for the NZDUSD to tilt the bias back to the upside?

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Viertel nach Acht – 28. September 2022 | u.a. mit Erich Vad, Daniel Stelter & Carina Konrad

Wir begrüßen heute Abend: - Dr. Daniel Stelter (Makroökonom, Strategieberater und Autor) - Carina Konrad (Stellvertretende Fraktionsvorsitzende der FDP-Bundestagsfraktion) - Prof. Dr. Karl Schlögel (Osteuropahistoriker und Publizist)

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FOREX QUICK: The buyers in the AUDUSD had their shot to move higher. They missed.

In this FOREX QUICK video, I look at the AUDUSD. The buyers this week had their shot but are ending the week with the sellers back in control in the short term and the long term.   The pair is closing below the 100 hour MA and a channel trend line. Going forward, it will take a move back above those areas to tilt the bias back to the upside (that would be the minimum).  Absent that and the sellers are in firm control in the short and long term.

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EILMELDUNG: Silbermünzen verlieren Differenzbesteuerung! #shorts

Die Differenzbesteuerung von Silbermünzen fällt ab sofort weg! ► Mein neues Buch Du möchtest das erfolgreichste Wirtschaftsbuch 2021 "Die größte Chance aller Zeiten" bestellen? Auf Amazon: oder mit Signatur: ► Friedrich & Partner Vermögenssicherung ► Social Media Twitter: Instagram:...

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When I First Learned the Importance of Understanding History

When I first learned the importance of modeling history. @Tony Robbins #raydalio #tonyrobbins #principles

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The Bond Investors’ Primer

(9/30/22) The Bond Market is in the biggest bear mode in history; Lance and Michael discuss the role of Bonds as investors struggle with loss of ability to manage risk. What is a Bond? What is a Coupon? The difference between equities & bonds is in the return of principal. Why Buy Bonds; how is the rate calculated? What is the real yield? The lower risk in bonds: no loss of principal. The Fed is manufacturing recession. 0:17 - Solutions for...

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“Sylt ist schön, aber weit weg vom Schuss” – No Charts, Just Personality mit Philipp Vorndran – Ep.1

Im Videoformat „No Charts, Just Personality“ geht es nicht nur um Zahlen und Kompetenz der Finanzexperten, sondern um deren Persönlichkeit. Den Auftakt macht Philipp Vorndran, Kapitalmarktstratege bei Flossbach von Storch, der Peter Ehlers und Malte Dreher, Gründer und Herausgeber von DAS INVESTMENT, in seinem neuen Heimatort Scharbeutz an der Ostsee empfing. Doch warum zieht es einen Wirtschaftsexperten aus der Bankenhauptstadt Deutschlands in...

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S&P technical analysis: Watch these price levels.

The marker is still bearish and bulls should wait. When can they enter? For those seeling a healthy confirmation, the S&P futures (ES) should close a 4hr candle, or daily candle, above 3750.

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