Blog Archive

Why people love the Locarno Film Festival

A gorgeous location for a film festival: Locarno in southern Switzerland. The international event features about 200 films in 10 days. But what makes the Locarno Film Festival so special? In this episode, SWI culture editor Eduardo Simantob tells podcast host Susan Misicka why he loves it.  Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes...

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Meet the Swiss woman bringing open water swimming to Boston

Swiss architect Renata von Tscharner has devoted over two decades to improving the public spaces along the Charles River in Massachusetts. She even hopes to get people swimming in Boston's so-called "dirty water" on a regular basis. We met her at the Rhine River in her native Basel. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes...

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Are nuclear weapons really banned?

In this episode host Susan Misicka introduces our sister podcast, Inside Geneva. Nuclear weapons were banned by international treaty at the start of 2021. But the treaty doesn’t apply to any of the nuclear powers, since none of them signed it. So are nukes really banned? Inside Geneva host Imogen Foulkes talks to Cordula Droege, Chief Legal Officer of the International Committee of the Red Cross, Beatrice Fihn of the International Campaign to Ban...

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Should kids be sweating for our chocolate cravings?

The success of Swiss chocolate depends on cocoa beans harvested far away, often with the help of minors. In this episode we discuss whether it's OK for children to work, and how to figure out if kids helped make your candy bar. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland...

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What soil sounds like and why it matters

What does soil sound like, and what do those sounds mean? We find out from the world’s first scientist to use acoustics to research the soil and underground biodiversity. Also, we explore some of Zurich's greenspaces with a conservation biologist. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages...

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Are electric cars and planes the way to go?

Switzerland missed its target to reduce its carbon footprint in 2020. But there are still some promising developments when it comes to electric mobility in Switzerland – on the roads and up in the air. In this episode we take a ride in an electric plane and kick the tires on Swiss electric car infrastructure. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern...

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How to clean up the gold trade

In this follow-up to "The Dirt on Digging for Gold" we hear about some measures to make the gold trade more sustainable. Swiss anti-corruption champion Mark Pieth provides insight into the social problems sparked by gold mining. And members of the Swiss Better Gold Association share their experiences in Latin America. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company...

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Strange days: checking in with Swiss people in America

The past year has been a strange time for all of us. It can be even harder if you’re an expat. One in ten Swiss people lives outside of Switzerland. In this episode, we hear from a few Swiss citizens who are living in the United States. They tell us how they’re experiencing the coronavirus pandemic and politics in their adopted homeland. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media...

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What Covid-19 tells us about the pharma industry

Switzerland is the home of some of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies. But when it comes to coronavirus vaccines, the Swiss pharma giants are not part of the discussion. How did they miss out? Or did they? And what does it mean for the next pandemic? Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in...

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How to catch a child sex offender

The case of a Swiss couple abusing Indian children –  and getting away with it –  shows the limits of the international police network. Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland for a global audience.

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Crypto – a spy thriller made in Switzerland

Multiple spy agencies, secret documents, international intrigue, and a Swiss company's encryption machines are at the heart of this episode. But does anybody really know the whole story? Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland for a global audience.

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Why women’s suffrage took so long

Switzerland is celebrating a rather awkward anniversary this year. It was only 50 years ago that women got the right to vote at the federal level. What was the hold-up? And what’s still holding women back today? Please sign up for our Free newsletter on Swiss Democracy.   SWI is a public service media company based in Bern Switzerland. It publishes independent news and information in 10 languages about Switzerland for a global...

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Kachelmann entgleist nach AfD Wahlsieg komplett!

Nach dem AfD Wahlsieg in Pirna rasten logischerweise einige Politiker und öffentliche Personen völlig aus! Doch warum eigentlich wird so aktiv versucht Angst und Panik zu machen? Bildrechte: By René Mettke - Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► * 📊 Tracke deine...

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Gold Technical Analysis

Here's a quick technical analysis on Gold with some fundamental background. For more visit

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Exklusiv: Regierung bezahlt Stiftungen um AfD zu bekämpfen!

Via dem Projekt "Demokratie leben" bezahlt das grün geführte Familienministerium Stiftungen wie z.B. die Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, um aktiven Wahlkampf gegen die politische Opposition zu machen. Ich finde das völlig inakzeptabel! Warum wird dafür Steuergeld verwendet! Das hat nichts mit "zivilgesellschaftlichem Engagement" zu tun, sondern ist eindeutige politische Einflussnahme. Bildrechte: By Olaf Kosinsky - Own work, CC BY-SA...

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Te animo a suscribirte a mi canal y te invito a seguirme en mis redes sociales: ☑ Twitter - ☑ Instagram - ☑ Facebook - ☑ Página web - ☑ Mis libros en Amazon - ¡Un saludo!

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Was macht Thorsten Wittmann?

Faszination-Freiheit heute aus : Wenn du jetzt verstanden hast, hey, der Turbo ist, in meine finanzielle Intelligenz Zeit und Geld zu investieren, dann bist du natürlich herzlich willkommen bei uns im internen Bereich, wo ich dir jetzt auch einfach mal zusammenfassen werde, wie das Ganze aussieht. Wir sind ja weltweit einmalig die Einzigen, die alle sieben Bereiche der finanziellen Freiheit unterrichten und weitergeben. Weil ich eben auf meiner...

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Der Umverteilungs-Schock der Ampel!

61,85 Milliarden Euro fließen in 8.095 Projekte in 109 Länder! Gleichzeitig treiben Steuern die Abgaben und Steuern in die Höhe und verteilen den Wohlstand der arbeitenden Bevölkerung um: zum Staat, zum Leistungsbezieher und ins Ausland! Die Ampel muss gestoppt werden! Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD * 👉🏽5 Euro Startbonus bei Bondora ►► * 📊...

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Aktien auf Höchstniveau! Aber Vorsicht!

Das Jahresende hat Investoren schöne Renditen gebracht. Doch ist der Markt jetzt schon wieder heißgelaufen? In diesem Video zeige ich Dir, wie Du die aktuellen Bewertungsniveaus einschätzen solltest. ▬ Kontakt ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Vereinbare jetzt Dein kostenloses Beratungsgespräch🤝🏽: ► kostenloses Webinar ansehen👨🏽‍🏫: ► Aktienanalyse auf Knopfdruck📈: ►...

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Eklat in Wernigerode! Bürger geigen Habeck die Meinung!

Das hat gesessen! Die Bürger von Wernigerode im Harz haben die Nase gehörig voll von ihrem Bürgermeister und der Bundespolitik. In einer Stadtrat-Sitzung kommt es zum Eklat, da der Bürgermeister (SPD) sich weigert, Fragen zu beantworten Zur Weihnachtsaktion von Freedom24 4,2 % Zinsen und 6,12% für Einlagen in USD * Bildrechte: By Kasa Fue - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,...

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