Blog Archive

Three Minutes with Jan Skoyles

The Economic Research Council caught up with Jan Skoyles briefly after her talk on the 29th April 2014, “Gold, Bitcoin and the Future of Money”. Mentioned in the video: Willem Middelkoop, “The Big Reset”: Jane Austen, Complete Collection: Mervyn Peake, “The Gormenghast Trilogy”: Leo Tolstoy, “War and Peace”:

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[111] Marc Chandler on TX Hold’em with Currency & Space’s Fiscal Future w/Meghan Lopez

Our lead story: The number of Twitter users increased by 25% last quarter, picking up 14 million new active monthly users. Sounds good right? Well, apparently it wasn’t good enough for investors. What’s going on? Erin takes a look. Erin invites currency expert and author Marc Chandler onto the show to talk about currencies, trading …

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Marc Faber: Stock market could crash this year- CNBC Interview April 2014

US has outperformed Emerging Markets and it is too late to buy the US Stocks and why the stock market could crash later this year 2014.

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Bob Murphy Explains “Rio 2” to Stefan Molyneux

Economist Robert P. Murphy has to explain animated kids’ movies to world-famous libertarian philosopher Stefan Molyneux. Molyneux’s scathing review of “Rio 2” is at: (Note: At the 0:18 mark Murphy erroneously refers to the film as a Disney production, but it is 20th Century FOX.)

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New Questions about Monkey Business in Gold and Silver

Welcome to this week's Market Wrap Podcast, I'm Mike Gleason.

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US Dollars To Be Swept Out Of Russia

Good article from RT to put this idea from a young politician (Mikhail Degtyarev, 32) in perspective:

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“Critical Thinking is the Cornerstone of Freedom” – Jayant Bhandari, Libertopia 2013

“Critical Thinking is the Cornerstone of Freedom” Jayant Bhandari As American society degenerates, its politics degenerate in direct proportion. Improvement in culture must precede any improvement in the quality of our politics. In a relatively capitalist country such as America, rational people can see what causes what effects. The more socialist a society becomes, the …

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Altyn becomes new currency for the Eurasian customs union

Altyn becomes new currency for the Eurasian customs union. New Eurasia currency may appear in the next five years. Read more on In Gold We Trust

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Altyn becomes new currency for the Eurasian customs union

Altyn becomes new currency for the Eurasian customs union. New Eurasia currency may appear in the next five years. Read more on In Gold We Trust

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Marcel Fratzscher: Risiko gegen Risiko getauscht

War die Politik der Geldschwemme die richtige Antwort auf die Finanzkrise? Marcel Fratzscher, Präsident des Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung, meint dazu: Ja, aber … Wenn die Krise zum Alltag wird, birgt das neue Risiken. Weitere Videos zum Thema: Joseph Huber: Giralgeld ist außer Kontrolle Martin Hellwig: Verdrängte Risiken der Finanzkrise Moritz Schularick: Gefährliche Vereinfachungen in …

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Jan Skoyles–Clear Skies For Gold And Bitcoin In 2014 10.Apr.14

Jan Skoyles is one of those rare people, a young person who has read history and understands the value of sound money. She is Head of Research at The Real Asset Company, a platform for secure and efficient gold investment. Jan first became interested in precious metals and sound money when she met Ned Naylor-Leyland …

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(FIRST VID)TNT Run W/BLOCK HUNT! ft. bill bonner

THIS IS MY FIRST VIDEO! Now i was using bills computer for this video so if you like my videos go check out bills! Just search Bill Bonner Minecraft! Anyways please leave a like and a comment below telling me what to do next after i get a computer. Please subscribe and help me to … Continue reading »

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The Secret of the Seven Sisters 4of4, A Time for Lies

Al Jazeera documentary about the history of oil cartels and how geo-political relations are dominated by oil.

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The Secret of the Seven Sisters 3of4, The Dancing Bear

Al Jazeera documentary about the history of oil cartels and how geo-political relations are dominated by oil.

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The Secret of the Seven Sisters 2of4, The Black El Dorado

Al Jazeera documentary about the history of oil cartels and how geo-political relations are dominated by oil.

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The Secret of the Seven Sisters 1of4, Desert Storms

Al Jazeera documentary about the history of oil cartels and how geo-political relations are dominated by oil.

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How the Government Wrecks the Economy | Robert P. Murphy

Enroll now: Interviewed by Merlin Rothfeld and John O’Donnell, Bob Murphy illustrates how government interference with the market economy leads to human misery.

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Closed Border Keeps You IN

Economist Robert P. Murphy discusses the odd support for “closing the border” among people who otherwise have a very cynical view of the government’s motives.

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[100] Making $$ in the Money Market w/ Marc Chandler and Asian Econ with Daniel Alpert

Our lead story: Should you be worried about Mr. Taxman? Turns out that your chances of being audited this year are much lower than past years. This year the IRS will have fewer agents auditing the returns than at any time since the 1980s. What does that mean for you? Erin takes a look. Author …

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Edward Snowden Testimony At PACE, April 4, 2014

Edward Snowden Testimony At The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) – April 4, 2014.

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