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Dr. Frank Shostak, MMG on the coming US recession

A contrarian view on the US economy. Livewire met with well renowned Austrian School Economist, Dr. Frank Shostak of MMG in Sydney yesterday. Dr. Shostak is surprisingly positive on China due to the process of cleansing being undertaken, but has grave concerns regarding the economic health of the US. Dr. Shostak predicts that continued low-growth …

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Dr. Doom Marc Faber Chooses- Bitcoin or Gold? Squawkonomics

Follow us on Twitter @squawkonomics Keith Hilden of Squawkonomics asks Marc Faber if he would pick Bitcoin or Gold- with surprising insight. Marc Faber is a legendary investor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom, and Doom report. Marc Faber: Squawkonomics:

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经济机器是怎样运行的 (时长30分钟) Ray Dalio

经济这台机器是怎样运行的 作者·:瑞·达利奥 (Ray Dalio) | 经济就像一台简单的机器那样运作。 但很多人不懂经济 – 或是对经济的运作方式持有不同意见 – 于是导致很多不必要的经济痛楚. 我深感有责任与大家分享我的简单但是实用的经济分析模式。这个模式虽然不符合常规,但已帮助我预测和避免了全球金融危机,30年来对我一直很有用。 想要了解更多经济学原理,请访问:...

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30分で判る 経済の仕組み Ray Dalio

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Gold Price Manipulation Goes Mainstream On German TV

Short documentary about gold price manipulation on public TV channel 3sat, a cooperation between Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Broadcasted May 9, 2014.

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Interview mit Jayant Bhandari zur erfolgreichen Anlage im Junior Mining Sektor

Miningscout Chefredakteur Erwin Matula sprach im Rahmen des European Gold Forums 2014 in Zürich mit dem Rohstoffexperten Jayant Bhandari zur aktuellen politischen Lage in Indien und sein in Kürze erscheinendes Buch “How to invest in the Junior Sector”. Jayant Bhandari gibt Einblicke zu Investmentkriterien bei Explorationsunternehmen, erklärt die wichtigsten Faktoren für eine erfolgreiche Anlage in …

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Doug French: The Injustice System, Darrow’s Resist Not Evil

Kyle Platt speaks with Doug French, Executive Editor or Agora Financial and former President of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, about Clarence Darrow’s almost forgotten book, Resist Not Evil, and the the implications of this scathing critique of the American justice system. Resist Not Evil will be available for download in the library of …

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Marc Faber Calls Bitcoin “A Brilliant Invention.”

Check out the entire exclusive in depth interview here You can check out and subscribe to Marc Faber’s newsletter at

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An Exclusive In Depth Interview With Dr. Marc Faber

We Talk About The Markets, Economy, Bitcoin And More! Dr. Marc Faber is a Swiss investor. Faber is publisher of the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter and is the director of Marc Faber Ltd which acts as an investment advisor and fund manager. Faber also serves as director, advisor and shareholder of a number …

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Ronald Stöferle: Gold wird von vielen gehasst – ist für Sparer aber unverzichtbar

Wohin mit meinem Geld? Auf diese Frage finden immer mehr Deutsche keine Antwort. Die Investment-Lieblingsprodukte wie Sparbücher oder Festgeld sind wegen der Nullzinsen unattraktiv geworden, die Aktienmärkte haben ihre Hochzeiten möglicherweise längst gesehen und in vielen Immobilienmärkten sind erste Anzeichen einer Blasenbildung zu beobachten. Goldexperte Ronald Stöferle und der Vermögensverwalter Martin Mack suchen in der …

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Marc Faber May 2014 Economic Crisis

Dr Marc Faber talks on why the economy is not recovering. More Marc Faber News at

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Grußworte Marcel Fratzscher zu 100 Jahren IfW

Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Präsident Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung/DIW Berlin, gratuliert dem Institut für Weltwirtschaft anlässlich seines 100. Jubiläums im Februar 2014. Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW):

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Marc Faber: Cash, Inflation and more – May 2014 Cnbc interview

Mrs Yellen is a money printer like all the others and she will make sure the dollar continues to depreciate in real terms.

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DIW-Präsident Marcel Fratzscher zur Deflationsgefahr im Euroraum

Nachgeforscht – bei DIW-Präsident Marcel Fratzscher zur Deflationsgefahr im Euroraum

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Ukraine Another CIA Coup

“We need to understand that the CIA has overthrown dozens of governments around the world since World War II and that’s what happened in Ukraine. It was another CIA coup,” said Kevin Barrett

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Marc Chandler looks at HFT from FX trading perspective

After the publication of Michael Lewis’ Flash Boys, everyone is talking about speed. Marc Chandler, a currency expert, gives his view on speed in the market Also check us out on Facebook — and feel free to ask us questions: Follow us @ Tweets by ErinaDe

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Dimitri Speck talks to James Turk

Subscribe to our newsletter at . Dimitri Speck, Author of Geheime Goldpolitik, and James Turk, Director of the GoldMoney Foundation, talk about Dimitri’s book “Secret Gold Policy”. They talk about the 400$/oz gold price cap in the 1990s. They talk about more recent central bank gold buying, especially in Asia, and how European central banks …

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Ronald Stöferle and Alasdair Macleod on German gold, Europe and precious metals price action

Subscribe to our newsletter at . In this video podcast, Ronald-Peter Stöferle — gold analyst at Erste Bank and writer of the gold report “In GOLD we TRUST” — and Alasdair Macleod of the GoldMoney Foundation talk about the current bearish sentiment towards gold, economic problems and political developments in the eurozone and much more. …

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Ronald Stöferle: ‘gold is a soft metal, but a hard currency’

Subscribe to our newsletter at . Episode 81: GoldMoney’s Alasdair Macleod interviews Ronald Stöferle, who was a gold expert at Erste Group Bank and now works as a fund manager at Incrementum. They discuss the situation in Europe, central bank money printing, and the positive outlook for gold and silver prices. Stöferle talks about his …

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Dr. Marc Faber: The Market is Long Overdue for a Significant Correction

Please visit the main Wall St for Main St website here: Wall St for Main St interviewed the editor of The Gloom Boom Doom report, Dr. Marc Faber. In this podcast, we asked Dr. Faber about his background as an investor and how he climbed the rank as one of the great investors of …

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